Dev Discussion Cross Faction Feedback

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Loche, Nov 4, 2015.

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  1. Wellens Well-Known Player

    Thanks man
  2. Heero Blaze Well-Known Player

    Queued up for Throne of Hades earlier. We had a mix of heroes and villains in our group; I was one hero and the instance was from the villain's perspective (fighting with Circe). Things went well until the final fight with Hades when we teleported us to different parts of the map. We all went out of sync. I was placed in a separate instance with Wonder Woman. Obviously could not complete the instance.

    Others are reporting the same problem here.
  3. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    I just had over 1800 market place cash and now it's showing I have 641 I was trying to buy power token and part of my money vanished I need this fixed fast please. I wrote ticket and told them on twitter please fix this fast, character Sheba35 USPS hero
  4. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Only weird thing I've seen is I randomly get put in combat stance while flying when I'm in hero missions. I'm a villain.
  5. Loche Developer

    I fixed that earlier today. Hope to get that out soon.
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  6. Sbel Devoted Player

    It doesn't work for Operations yet, and 4 of the 5 T5 "alerts" are ops.
  7. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Yeah, at least it works for Trigon. It was the first alert where I q with 2 villains and 2 heroes in an instance. I knew the villain, the heroes where low cr players who where getting marks and gear. Was a fast Q though.
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  8. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    I queued for ruined cathedral duo on my villain and got teamed up with a hero during the hero version of the duo but got no loot drops. When I logged in to another character (also a villain) the loot box appeared while I was in my base. When I checked out the loot box it was completely blank and could not get rid of it. I had to re-launch the game to straighten it out. I'm on usps4.
  9. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Please look into this soon.
    Those instances were available on test for cross faction, but there was no word in the update, when it went live, that they will be excluded for now.
    I think it's even more important to get the low free content for cross faction first than OPs, because it's the leveling content, which is absolutely dead on EUPC villain-side and hindering new villains to gear up and catch up with those in endgame-content, while the endgame-content is a little more played from the active players, who are left.

    An issue, that I came across to in a cross-faction-instance:
    I was not able to /voteinivte a villain into HHn T7-raid. It said "player X is not allowed to join this instance". It was normal, not Elite, so no PP needed. The char was CR140+. And it's a raid, no OP, which has the Task Force Symbol in the on-duty-menu.
  10. Loche Developer

    The exact same pieces of content are flagged now that were flagged on PCTest. We didnt change anything since it went to the Test server. That said, I do want to get the free content flagged as soon as possible. Each piece of content we flag means we have to adjust Trigger Volumes that zone you, abilities that teleport you, all feats, and loot. So it takes time.

    As for the other issue, I think this is the same thing other people have found. Engineering is working with me on a fix for it.
  11. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I was able to cross-faction queue into and run the T4-duos on test. They are free content.
    They are not available on live now.
    That's how I found out, that the T4 WT- and HoD-duo count as one for cross faction and could be queued in cross faction while being totally different maps, while the T3 Nightclub and PD-duo did not and can't be cross-faction-queued.
    I absolutelly believe, that this is a lot of work, and I as someone who plays on both factions really appreciate this great new feature! :)
    Just wanted to point out, that though I very much wish for OPs to be included at some point, I wish even more for the free content to be added first for the reasons I named above. :)
    Thank you, good to hear. :)
  12. Mystere Well-Known Player

    Yes I love the cross faction PVE - thank you! I dusted off three villains and have gotten them from cr 112 to cr 140 already; mostly through using duty finder and playing with a mix of heroes and villains.

    I do have a few suggestions:

    1. Provide some type of incentive for people to use duty finder (people are so used to LFG that many won't use the duty finder)
    2. Improve duty finder - allow an option to pick the roles u want matched and cr requirements but grant a higher reward for more random matches etc.
    3. Continue rolling out cross faction to Ops etc.

    Thanks again for a great feature.
  13. Princess Zero Well-Known Player

    I haven't come across any problems yet. I like some of the styles I'm getting from the villain side. My compliments.
  14. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    Cross faction is nice helps speed the ques up and is greatly appreciated but there is one major concern.

    Been in many cross faction mission with Hero and Villain teaming up and we are getting very vulgar nasty players who are taking the game to a new level of being very rude towards other players asking them are you a hero if so you can just F OFF leave my group I refuse to play with you.

    Player coming in as tanks refusing to tank , healers refusing to heal , trolls refusing to give power just because we are villains or heroes the argument I am bringing is the kick system in place is nice but we need to improve it even more.

    1. Player joins Gates votes to kick a rogue player said player is voted out person who set the vote is on a no kick timer for 3 hours

    2 Player joins prime finds another rogue player to be present , * example * all players can't kick due to 3 hours timer < this does occur once in a while or one player just refuses to put up a vote do to they might need to kick later in the day.

    First Fix
    3. Player votes to kick rouge player from gates hit with 3 hour penalty timer, this same penalty should be restricted to the raid the vote was used in allowing another kick to be used in another raid. You join prime find another rouge player you should be able to cast a new vote to kick again

    Second Fix
    4. Player votes to kick rouge player from gates hit with 15 minute penalty timer is activated , same player enters prime votes to kick a player timer is zeroed out do to the player didn't cast the vote in this raid.

    Kick System Penalty system
    5.Player votes to kick rouge player from gates hit with no penalty timer in good faith this player won't kick any one again in say the time it should be to complete the raid speed feat timer 30 mins or less grace time. player leaves raid enters new raid votes to kick a player penalty timer is activated 15 mins they can't kick a player from that raid. Player now enters another raid votes to kick another player penalty timer is now increased by another 15 mins or greater treated like a deserter penalty if the system feels the player is being a rouge vote requester the time is added up to penalize the person to point they can lose the right to request the kick for an entire day or greater if found to be excessive abuse.

    Players who are nasty towards other players forming a mutiny against player do to faction forcing another player to carry them in a raid should be penalized for the actions.

    1. Player enters raid and the other player start to fight and the other player is just standing there any player standing in a raid for more then 5 mins with ZERO damage or a hidden value you set should be AUTO kick from said raid. if the other player fights a boss and the other player still by this point puts out ZERO damage they should be revoked from getting marks & any loot from said raid. DUO is an example you can't kick a player from a duo and many are just rude and leave or just won't play there part.

    Keep up the work Developers
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  15. GunnerWolf New Player

    I love this feature. Please continue to expand it. One of the best additions yet.
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  16. JokerKnight New Player

    So far i haven't met very many players in CF and those that i have met are not rude players who knows maybe players on USPS are more mature than those on pc,But i can say this my que times are the same nothing has changed at all for me. Though be it i am still low CR so i am not up there with probably 90% of the other players but i would think it would be a bit better.

    I for one would say this put some sort of incentive for players to do more not just highest content and bug out,Like add a box piece and once completed you get something out of it completely random. That i think would provide incentive for older players to go back to older content and this way would give faster que's for newer players.
  17. megamanzero Loyal Player

    the incentive is that you don't have to worry about building the group yourself...the game will do it for you
  18. megamanzero Loyal Player

    i think this is a cool feature for those who want to cross over to the other side and play with others on the otherside but what about those who want to just random queue inside our own faction? please reconsider expanding this feature to allow players to not only prevent themselves from being on the opposite side, but also prevent players on the opposite side from being in their group. if that's how they really want to play then they should be allowed to do so. it wouldn't be hurting anybody.
  19. Absolix Loyal Player

    In Throne of the Dead after the first gate goes up, people of the opposite faction of the instance can't get the warp to get into the center area.
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  20. Veritech Loyal Player

    My villain went linkdead in the hero version of Demons Pit duo, in the halls leading up to the final boss, and when I returned the instance was over but I had received no loot or marks from the final boss.

    Apart from that the only other issue I've had was a 117 hero walking out on my 113 villain alt in Resource Recovery duo, most likely because he needed a carry.

    The rest of the opposing faction people I've run with have been pleasant.
    I am really enjoying this feature, thanks for speeding up my queue times :)
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