Courtesy and Appreciation

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Twilight Avenged, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I always say thank you when we complete a paradox bounty in open world since usually im the one picked up in the group... or in duos i say thank you as well

    Last night when i ran one of the new alerts it was tank troll healer and dps... couldnt believe it ..everyone ran their roles... and at the end the dps said "great team work guys" he got an add to my friends list
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  2. Hamurabi Jones Committed Player

    In my experience, displays of gratitude are definitely good for overall morale. Every once in a while, someone on a mic would say "good job guys" or " pat yourselves on the back because that was a tough one", which feels pretty cool.

    I've had the pleasure of getting a few personalized gems like, " Jeez, controller, you're a POT and debuffing machine!" or my personal favorite, " This ( racial epithet used as a term of endearment) is like a battle EMT, he just fightin' and pickin' up all over, ( expletive for excrement drawn out)". It's funny how something like that can make your friends list grow.

    I try to give the team a thumbs up when successful and/ or they put in the effort to succeed. If they're goofing around, letting the rest of the group do all the work, or off on walkabout, I'm less inclined to give out any praise.
  3. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Even with something as simple/quick to run as the Stabilizer duo, I always try and deliver a /salute emote before I leave a group instance. Problem is, even trying to type in something that simple can be a race in two ways: It's a race against the other player leaving before I can type it in (especially in the Stabilizer duo) and it's a race to finish typing it before the scoreboard pops up and makes me start typing all over again. :confused:
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  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Those are the worst...I just got annoyed reading

    Benefits from being around quite a while...seeing mostly vets who sub who actually care about in game manners and courtesy. I chalk it up to the free to play model. I sound like such a geezer...:)
  5. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Lol yes!!

    I go for a wave (down down right right) just cause it's on the top, or blow a kiss if "I'm not into that whole brevity thing."
  6. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    What I always hear at the end of the Saving Justice alert is "VOTE!!!!"

    I think they're still upset about turn out during the presidential election last year.
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  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Sadly.. He was gone to fast. And I couldn't recall exactly how to spell his screen name. So while normally that would have been exactly where he would have wound up.. In that case it didn't happen :(
  8. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Eh, league runs are different, but I see PUG runs more of a gloryhole situation. You get in, you get the business done, you get out, everyone gets something out of it. No thanks are given or required, because I'm not doing any favors, and neither are you. We're both getting loot out of it.
  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I'm not exactly where you are going with your post.... I never got to SAY a word to that guy. GOOD or BAD As i said .. mission ended.. he threw up his smart ***** remark and went POOF. IT was a DUO so there was no one else to privately send a tell to thanking them for the team. I WAS the only other member of the team. He was one of those typical score board chasers.. Always racing ahead to the next room so he could get in a few more shots before i even caught up... Which was the exact reason i had to use my supply drop to keep him alive three times because he raced into mobs and was about to die.

    It all happened around the same time that a pile of players were walking out on any one that even considered doing a duo in support status. The same time where aside for a healer you were considered totally useless on an alert if you were not in DPS mode. That guy's remarks were designed to do one thing... Make it very clear that in his eyes HE was the only one that contributed anything of value to that duo and i was just along for the ride.

    And keep in mind... I was the proper CR to be on that raid. High enough to stay alive and do decent damage and get MARKS and ARMOR I could actually use. Unless some how he still had some other feat to finish off he was there only because he was after a poster he didn't have yet. Now I could easily have been just as effective and the end result could have been exactly the same if I'd been teamed with another player with the exact same CR as me... Only thing he did was make the time lower. In other words he was an Elitist PITA.
  10. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Not doing any favor.... but when someone does a good job...... it doesn't hurt to throw in a little "thank you".

    There are more then enough players who do a poor job in certain missions...... when someone actually does a good job and everything runs smooth..... how hard is it to add a little "thank you"??

    It does not cost anything..... and encourages the person to keep on doing a good job. ;) ;)
  11. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Respect is something that I fear will be lost on future generations. I have to type with a ps4 controller so it is often more simplified then I like, but I typically throw out a "ty" or "gg" unless I truly do not feel that way. Sometimes I wish that I had the keyboard just so I could school people. I have my share of horror stories as I am sure many of you do.
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  12. High Troller Loyal Player

    I've becomes accustomed to not really anybody giving thanks. Players just want their marks these days.
  13. Controller Devoted Player


    Fallout Boy approves of this thread.
  14. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I remember after every duel everyone added the "GF". It might have been added with "lag", but everyone said it.
  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I rod ppls ***es when I saw them do mental exploit, even days before revamp. I told em enjoy the easy mod b/c next few days they lose their crutch and have to get good lol
  16. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I'll be honest. I have never seen this in DCUO unless its in a league run and we are going for a feat or first time completion or SM.

    When you pug most/all the time you will not get a "hello" or "good group/ good work everyone" at the beginning/ending of an alert/raid.