Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GhostRyder3000, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. iLazy Well-Known Player

    A video about the Booster Scam? So you'll buy em?
    I like your content and yadda yadda but for this...

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  2. Wzlinnkk54 Well-Known Player

    They already announced it, it's the booster bundle
  3. Multiverse Creator League

    I make videos about DCUO content..... of course I'll buy some.

    I usually buy 10 BBs and make a video about it.
    Then make videos about the various styles from the BB.

    In this case I will make a video comparing the Metallic material with the new materials in the BB. ;)
  4. WhiteLanternNC Active Player

    I don't think they've trained the AI to do a livestream yet .
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  5. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    In theory the bonus week will just be the St. Patrick’s seasonal and the new Booster Bundle. That said there’s some confusion that those could be pushed to NEXT week instead so yeah go figure? I guess we’ll see if MiguelDaybreak does any thread on it in a few hours or not but we might not get that till tomorrow either. This game’s most interesting aspect right now is what Daybreak does or more likely doesn’t do. I think a lot of us here log in to the forums more than the actual game and yeah that’s where it’s going I know players are mostly on Discord or scouring YouTube, Twitter etc than actually in the game itself. It’s like no one rides trains in our society anymore we just watch trainwrecks this sums up DCUO basically.
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  6. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Yeah I think everyone who did livestreams were laid off so I doubt that’s happening any time soon.
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  7. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Honestly the bonus would actually be the game shutting down so most of us could move on to better games or at least ones that don’t take our money and time but treat us like crap. I know some of us on here think my writing that is heresy but I honestly don’t care at this point. It’s 3 in the afternoon on a Wednesday and Dimensional Ink can’t be arsed to give us a heads up anymore so why bother? Really why?
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  8. iLazy Well-Known Player

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  9. Multiverse Creator League

    Sadly...... my viewers expect new content.

    Neither rain.... nor snow.... nor poor communication..... nor radio silence shall keep the Multiverse from his appointed videos. ;) ;)
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  10. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Yup they didn’t let ol Miguel to come here and announce St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow it’s now past 6 PM in California so we gotta see how things are in EU tonight I suppose? Yay
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  11. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    DCUO communication is worse then watching ice cream melt in the winter. Here its Wednesday and still no word or news on anything, lol what a joke!
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  12. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Hey, hey! We had Miguel telling us he was moving a thread, and....oh wait that's it this week.
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  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Can’t wait for the new community manager (the entire eu community) to tell us what’s going on tomorrow .. if anything …
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Is it bonus source marks in Deluge content?
  15. Multiverse Creator League

    Are we there yet??? ;)
  16. Raizen Reaper Active Player

    the only certainty is: no double xp
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  17. kallader Committed Player

    WB closing game on steam all the game from Adult swim and they close rooster teeth not long ago Dcuo still count as a WB Games?
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  18. LexxCorp Well-Known Player

    Same. I avoid it like the plague
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  19. iLazy Well-Known Player

    It's truly disappointing to see someone willing to continue purchasing in-game items for real money, just for a few thousand clicks, despite the overall sentiment in the community. The majority have decided to refrain from making purchases until clear communication is received from the developers. Many are canceling subscriptions, holding off on purchases, and waiting to have their concerns addressed. The lack of response from the developers is frustrating. Instead of respecting the general sentiment, you are endorsing the game's questionable practices and contributing to the continued spending on literal garbage.

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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You are gonna bag on a guy for spending $100 to create content to help keep his channel going?

    I'm no Tuber/streamer, but If I were, and the game I'm mainly covering (or solo covering) were teetering on the edge this bad, I'd drop a few bucks toward keeping it alive too....mixed in with the doom and gloom videos as well.

    I'd guess the prospect of the game shutting down is at least as distressing to someone covering it, as it is to those of us just playing the game, if not moreso.
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