Up-Votes Needed Cosmic choker and Got the Worlds on a string feats not granted

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by wisetoons, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    With my toon, i got rank40 Cosmic Shaper's Necklace but the feats didn't granted, now i cant unlock the feats for price reduction on my alt toons.
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  2. Subway87 New Player

    I know a few other people who are also missing feats since artifacts exploit.
  3. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    Currently, i have a maximum rank cosmic shaper's necklace on my toon, but didnt get the feat for rank 30 and rank 40, so i contacted support, they didnt help, and my other toons are waiting to unlock those feats for price reduction. Basically i am stuck.
  4. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    Created a ticket about that issue, they told me they can not help and asked me to write here, but still no progress about this. Upgraded my cosmic necklace on my main to max level on main toon and my other 5 toons are waiting the feat to be granted and unlocked. Need to be fixed and urgently please.
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    A fix is still in progress.