Controller Role Truth(To The Devs): I'm Not Sure Why This Is So Hard To Understand....

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by TrueOlympus, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    That IS the problem lol

    There is nothing for us to CC really ever meaning our power goes directly to the DPS, who over time have adapted to using it as frequently as it comes in...As fast as we can power dump, they consume it, leading to the whole Battery mentality

    By giving us content that necessitates we do something else, that battery mentality goes away
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  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Yeah I totally agree. In my take on Passive Buffs, one of my suggestions is that when running 8 player content with exactly 2 controllers, both controllers debuffs do 150% what they currently do now. So your 7% reduction would become a 10.5% reduction. When suggesting that I didn't realise it was only 7% though, so maybe a 200% increase would be more worthwhile, taking it up to a 14% reduction. Making it even more viable to ensure debuffs are being utilised.

    Likewise, in 4 player content, a balanced group of 1-1-1-1 grants the same buffs to the debuffs.

    My concern with weapon mastery is I've read people commenting on testing it on the test server have suggested that people are already avoiding it because it "slows them down". I hope this doesn't become the mentality of the community. To me it seems like a cool feature, but I also think running 2-2-2-2 raids is brilliant, too and those sentiments don't echo the community consensus.
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  3. Gwalir Loyal Player

    Something I'd like to see them do is make it so certain enemies NEED to be debuffed. Make it so if certain ones don't have their damage debuffed, they start hitting for four times the amount, or if some don't have their defense debuffed they only take one damage from each attack. Instead of just providing the flat debuff amount most enemies take from our powers, make it so those enemies get alot stronger if not debuffed.
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  4. warpax New Player

    yes also dont make healers need to heal green bars...healers wanna have fun too. i'm JK.

    i really dont see the power issue with the new dlc and gu comming out. if you cant do pot and recharge every now and then, and do controler stuff wich you enjoy...maybe you should switch ur roles and start dpsin or idk what.

    what do you picture yourself doing as a controller? there is a huge diference in a skilled controller and one less skilled. how you manage your own power, controll the adds and debufs, and still power the group.
    the only time you will have problems is if you are solo trolling a raid.

    you saying that trolling should be fun. you can have fun now. with the Weapon Mastery out, im sure youll have more fun.
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  5. warpax New Player

    there has been anounced, that they working on making adds more controlable. what can be noticed in the last dlc we had (smaller adds all around, ANB metro-lastboss etc). controlling the adds is getting even more emphasis in the future.
    just because something doesnt pose a wipe threath, doesnt mean you cant controll it, and prevent some dmg that way. WM will leave room for trolls to do combos, and not have to worry about dpss power that much.

    when i play lower raids, i can go melee range, take less debufs, and emphasise on my wepon attacks, cliped with a pot/recharge, and still have power to use dmg power, or run a sidekick etc.
    even on t5 raids you are able to melee most of the time, and that is fun, cuz you do alot of cc with ur combos+ more dmg + you gotta shield urslef alot ...i think the "ranged era" is slowly passing by....and with it, super power hungry dps.
  6. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    best thing they should do is bluff weapon power recharge about 1000%. make it so roles can build back power by using weapons. great time to add it with wm. use the weapon masters combo to build power and have some good damage.

    right now controllers or really any role cannot build an amount of power from weapon attacks to do anything. seem like this has not scale well.
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  7. kav Committed Player

    You may have been lucky, but the majority of controllers — who are not overgeared or have extreme amounts of Vitalization — have heavy issues to keep a power-balanced team to their needs more often than not. I actually had a lot of raids lately where I pugged a lot to see what the community is up to and to see how bad or good it is. Sure there are power-eating-for-no-reason-DPS' around, but having a look at the scoreboard tells the actual truth—the power, even if intermediate or good, may still be not enough for a power balanced team, so there's that. Sure there are trolls who are exceptions and can keep with both, giving out an extreme amount of power and controll adds, throw buffs and what not, but that's the 1%-er's.

    There has to be other ways to give power back, like a passive plus active way. Weapon attack combo's , speed movements, using power combos, [...] there is so many possibilities to uphold a Controller's fun but I only see the opposite.

    Here are some examples for passive powers (these are subjective, maybe poor or stupid, so beware):
    • Doing a specific combo, e.g. a "niner weapon combo", would buff the Vitalization by 15% for at least 5 seconds and not longer than 8
    • Power that works like RA from Rage
      • Instead of getting health back, it would be an additional burst of power out to the team on a given %-age of the damage caused while the skill is activated
    • A range bonus — if the Controllers is in range of the whole team then there's a small chance of additional crits for power out
    • [...]
    If we really have to run raids with three trolls to keep up power then I think the game is finally broken to its core. This is not progression, this is a stab in the face of every controller who actually likes the roundabouts from their role. Give them progression and some light at the end of the tunnel. I don't wanna play with Batteries, I want to play with Controllers :(
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  8. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I really don't think they know how trollers work or should work you remember in the video about weapons mastery when the question about support roles was asked and the answer was " they like to do damage too " that told me all I ever needed to know .
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  9. junglejim New Player

    Thing about all this troll fuss I find is too many dont fully understand what we can be capable of . A good troll to the general population is someone who avoids letting power dry up. Had a troll tell me , not asking about vit, that he would pot . Fast forward to the end of the raid and he was rock bottom on damage . 100k more power out than me and I had 500k damage Out dpsing a dps in the process . Pot troll had 89k damage. This seems to be the case with most trolls I come across. I personally find no issues power wise in pve with another controller. Soloing presents more of a challenge since t5 but I do appreciate im among the 1% if you want to call it that but it took time and effort to get there.

    Theres obviously a big problem for lots of other controllers though. I dont know the answer to it. Need some brainstorming about it. The power orbs from trash mobs being present in raids would 100% help out most trolls but my issue with that is the 1% would be so freaking op we would solo most content. I know about a dozen equally capable trolls that would feel the same but if its for the greater good then so be it. Something has to give all these troll threads prove it
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  10. Alexonic Committed Player

    i approve to help controller role, but...

    i don't like this point
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  11. junglejim New Player

    Jens is on record as saying trolls were named wrongly if he knew then how the role would go we'd be called e energisers or something similar . If powers the issue then there has to be more ways to deliver it. As it stands its pot instant power and s.c . A soul well type move could definitely help out. The biggest power burst I can give is the double tic s.c defib . Something like gravity well for quantum could give power tics back based off damage done to adds. Not a stellar idea I know but just an example off the top of my head. Or maybe just smsll power tics in troll stance instead of damage tics . This could stop dps being overwritten. I dont know how tough something like that could be to implement but its a thought
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  12. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    I'm not having a go at you lot, just gonna state my disagreement,

    I'm sorry but trolling even with CC'ing and debuffs is pretty easy atm, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Some might see it as one dimensional but the truth is the more power there is for the team, the more efficient and faster you'll get stuff done.

    I practically soloed Para last night and the team didn't look like being dry, its not a brag its just the people I happen to run with know how to use their power so it doesn't go to waste.

    Its not the game mechanics its the players. Solar flare - Insta might seem boring but if you do it right your team will have a lot of power and you can rack up some real good damage.

    You can't troll effectivley with a group that doesn't know what to do with power, I'm sensing that is a common thing lately given all the "buff the troll threads".

    If you make power orbs drop from adds in the raids you'll be forcing 5 dps set up cause it be too easy to keep everyone juiced up, same thing if PoT doesn't overwrite.

    What is the biggest issue you guys face in your opinion? just curious
  13. Ny Batteri Well-Known Player

    I support what both True Olympus & Greenman X originally posted in this thread. While I don't think a full revamp is needed, what both posts suggest are minor changes that would benefit the role and the game.
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  14. Captain Neos Committed Player

    Simple long term solution switch to dps lol let the beast guys who never let power bars drop and get 2nd in damage take over.
  15. La Shark Dedicated Player

    vit 2083 on test sever and only p0t for 215.
    on live im 1655 pot at 253 wth and crit 314-560~
    They really did do a numbers game on us, lol
  16. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    You can't PoT 253 with 1655 lol

    215 wtih 2083 makes sense
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  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I'll have to double check but I think your numbers are a bit skewed there...
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  18. junglejim New Player

    Not exactly helpful but ill play along. If that happens there will be few pug trolls . All the ones at said level are in high demand in leagues and pug rarely . Seriously im all for trying to help out the community but its douchey responses like that that have me read a hell of a lot more than post. These forums arent held in high regard within my league. For every good post there's 5 terrible ones.

    Edit : in response to cpt neos
  19. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Who you talking to btw?

    Edit: Ah noted my bad didn't see the edit. Yep agreed

    To be honest I think the root of the problem is that new players are gearing up easy and get carried all the way up to T5. With a high Vit troll they can spam all they want & have full power pretty much the whole instance.

    When they hit T5 and suddenly have the same power consumption as others thats when they start being a burden. If seen it happen quite often if someone asks me to jump in an instance etc. Some damage to power ratios are just unbelievable (in a bad way).
  20. La Shark Dedicated Player

    lol, ur right my bad. 2655 p0t 253 my bad