Complex crime scene riddle

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jay Smeezy, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    So...haven’t seen this collection on broker for about 4-5 days now! Are you guys hording them? Or is the drop rate truly that abissmal? It supposedly drops from ROTB...I also think it was the insanely over-priced one that has everyone upset.
  2. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Is that the 175mil^ collection? If so, I had it drop on the 1st boss of a duo.
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  3. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    You lucky
  4. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    5 day is a really long time when pc/ps and hero/villains share same broker
  5. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    This was before the Halloween event
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  6. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    look in bug tracking part. there in no hurry to fix this.

    if they ever fix it that is...
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Seems to be a bit of both. With the drop rates so low, some are just opting to collect it so they can get the OP hands. Then there are some waiting on someone to put one up at the usual insane price so they can undercut them (this has been the ongoing broker meta as of late).
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  8. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    It won’t matter by the time they get to it. I totally agree with you.
  9. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I would expect to see more of them show up over this weekend given it's likely that more people will be playing that content (thus increasing the chances of drops). If they're still absent from broker after a day or two of double mark weekend, then I would think something is wrong.
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  10. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    well, counting today. this will be A WEEK. 5 toons. ZERO GOLD DROPS! good job devs.

    but hey. I know a lot of people that spend the big bucks. there all good with the drops. cr214. the rest of us...get this.
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  11. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    well, you called it. there is one in there now. 7 days. 6 toons. zero drops. and now, after a reset I get a gold drop. at long last.

    go ahead and ban me from the boards yet again mepps. I DONT CARE ANYMORE!!!!! it will just help me stop playing this rigged game anyway!!!

    after 4 plus years paying to play this game. and a total of 3 op drops. BEFOR YOU HAD TO PAY FOR YOUR FEATS. 2 hands and 1 belt. now, you have to pay for your feats. and yes, it is rigged to the players that spend the money!!!!!

    4 plus years and I just have had bad luck...??? for for years?????????????????? yeah right.

    people in my league that spend the money have drops all day long!!!! got the op hands. me. ill never have them. the hands I don't care about. its the (you must buy it if you want it) feat I want. the feat I cant get with skill. or grinding. just money.

    go ahead mepps and ban me again. this is BS. and you know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    replay weekend, and they start dropping again...hum...nothing funny about that. right...
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  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Your claim is that the game is secretly rigged to favor people who spend lots of money on the marketplace?

    The only reason DCUO would want to have a policy of favoring people who spend a lot of money would be to convince more players to spend more money. To reward that behavior secretly would be absolutely 100% pointless.

    If getting better drops were a perk of spending more money on the marketplace, DCUO would be shouting this policy to everyone as a selling point, not keeping it secret so it can't serve as an incentive. Something can be an incentive or it can be secret, but it can't be both.

    So it's pretty hard to believe DCUO would have such a secret policy. What would they have to gain by it?
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  13. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    to say that is what there doing would not work. as I'm sure you know...and your the only one saying...secretly. if you don't see it for what it is. you either spend the money. or work for DBG. either way. it is what it is.
  14. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    One will pop up every week-to a week and a half. 160 Mil a pop........
  15. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    I put it on the broker last Sunday (5 days ago) after getting it on the first boss of Rise of the Bat. No one undercut me, nor have I seen one on there since.
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  16. Rigel Cygni Well-Known Player

    I got one yesterday after doing that alert with 7 toons everyday, since this episode came out. Hell, in the past I've had op gear drop more frequent than some of this collection :rolleyes:
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  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    I have run 6 toons through every piece of ep29 content since the day it went live and i havent had this OP collection drop. Episode has been live 37 days. 5 weeks and 2 days. We get 40 chances at the collections per week. 5 chances daily. That is 210 chances since ep29 went live. Now times that by 6 for my toons. 1,260 chances ive had and that collection hasnt popped up. Yet somehow some way a few players on these forums have claimed the drop rates for these OP collections are fine :confused:

    Edit: that 1,260 number is actually higher because ep29 went live on a wed and we got an extra set of weekly missions. Which would be 5 extra weekly chances. Times 6 equals 30. So the number is actually 1,290. Almost 1300 drops and no crime scene riddle collection. Imagine how long it would take running 1 toon to get to 1300 drops. In fact running 1 toon to get to 1,290 drops would take 8 months.

    Ive also noticed since the double marked bills weekend started ive barely gotten any of the halloween collections or candies from ep29 content. But before this bonus weekend started those things popped up with every boss i defeated or any box i opened.
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  18. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The collection is selling for 150-200 mil. That should be proof enough the drops are a serious problem.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm just pleased I got the incognito mustache this year ;)

    Next year I'm hoping for the wax lips.
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  20. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Bought mine for 143 mil lol
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