Cleanse Rifle for Outbreak - Ace Mission

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Richard Raul, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Richard Raul New Player

    Once the server came up today, I logged on and grabbed an Ace Chemical daily mission since I was nearby. I recieved "Outbreak", the mission where you speak to HAZMAT Daniels who tells you to grab a cleanse rifle and clear out some mutant growths. First two things I noticed were that my sonic flight wasn't working and the cleanse rifle had a 6th ability, which looked like the flame of a flamethrower and which could not be used. So I shrug and limp across the parking lot at normal flight speed to swoop down next a mutant growth, planning to spray it for a few seconds with the cleanse rifle's ranged attack and move on to the next. However, I was stopped short when pressing Triangle did absolutely nothing at all. I actually couldn't damage it at all til I hit it with an ability first.

    I managed to make it through that part and returned to HAZMAT Daniels to continue the mission. Now I had to cleanse infected civilians and defeat mutants. The mutants were no problem but the civilians pulled me up short again. Since I couldn't spray them off with my ranged attack, I had to get up close to them and use the 3rd ability of the cleanse rifle, which is a foam spray attack to freeze them in place. While it worked, I also noticed that some of the civilians and dogs I "sprayed off" still had red names and be fought. The last problem I had was the cleanse rifle wearing off too soon and not being able to grab another after spraying down the required number of civilians.

    While not a game-breaking bug, I felt i should both report it in-game for the devs and here on the forums for the other players. Hope this was helpful. Have a good day.

    -Richard Raul-
    Leader of the Avenging Legends
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  2. Netstalker New Player

    I just had the exact same thing happen to me.
    My super speed movement was locked at regular speed also.

  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    This just happened to me too, sort of. I was on an alt and got the mission to clear the mutant birds off the pipes. I grabbed the cleanse rifle and it gave me the one you get for the outbreak mission, which I'm pretty sure is different to what I'm supposed to get. Anywho, the mission was still doable, but I had to push the birds off with my rifle combos instead of being able to splash them off with water.
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  4. Zernam New Player

    Thank you 100x - I thought I was stuck but the freeze spray worked like a charm. :)
  5. Il Gatto New Player

  6. DoctorP2 Well-Known Player

    Just ran the Toxic Trouble Ace mission, but encountered a weird bug and change in the loadout after collecting the second cleanse rifle (for the mutant birds). Right clicking no longer sends out a stream of water; there's no effect at all. Hitting the "2" key (PC) heals me and sends out a short burst of water, but it doesn't affect the birds. There's a new image in the loadout for the "6" key that looks something like a flamethrower, but pressing the 6 does nothing.

    The only way to fight the birds (and get credit for doing so) is to use the cleanse rifle as a melee weapon, a looooong and frustrating process, especially when you're trying not to fall off the pipes and into the toxic sludge pit below.

    I logged out and relogged, hoping that would solve the problem, but no go.
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  7. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

  8. Yakka New Player

    I got the same issue
  9. Yakka New Player

    I got the same issue
  10. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    The cleansing rifle on this mission is broken. The triangle attack to cleanse civilians doesnt work at all so im stuck with this mission unable to complete it until you guys fix it. Another monkey wrench in the progression cog.....dcuo at its finest.
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  11. AztecRasta New Player

    I agree, please GM try to get this fixed.

    Also to the OP, just use first magic power to cleanse people and/or dogs

    Me out!
  12. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    • Like x 1
  13. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I thought there was something wrong with my rocket gliding when I had the cleanse rifle, I could even glide or use my rockets. I relogged to check my abilities out, they worked but as soon as I got the gun, they stopped working. The gun didn't spray at all and had to use the freeze ability to cleanse the civilians. For the birds was very difficult, I had to freeze them then try to use the only 2 moves you can use with the left click button on my mouse and try to knock them off. That is the other issue, only 2 moves with the left click button on a mouse, not sure what it is on a controller.
  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are investigating this. Thank you for the reports.
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  15. Ice Clown New Player

    I was doing a home turf mission today in the ace chemical. My mission called Toxic trouble requires me shooting birds off the big pipes with a cleanse rifle. When i got the cleanes rifle, the water blast (hold triangle) doesn't seem to work. I couldn't shoot the birds off the pipes, so I couldn't complete my mission. Please fix this ASAP, I need to play my home turf mission for marks and I basically lost one of my home turf missions because I can't get a new one, unless I finish this bugged one.
  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This is fixed internally and will move live in an upcoming update.
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  17. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Thank goodness. I'm having the same issue as well. I can't complete this mission -_-
  18. Zernam New Player

  19. Pumped New Player

    Cant kill the birds in the toxic trouble mission. Bird count isn't registering. Spray isn't working either.

    Best regards!
  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You're not supposed to kill them, you're supposed to knock them off the pipes and it's still very doable. You just tap melee, hold melee and it will knock them back. You can also use the number 1 attack (L2+Square) and it will knock them back also. You just need some imagination (admittedly not very much imagination) to still be able to do it.

    Best regards!
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