Character Cloning...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 25, 2013.

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  1. SoylentBob New Player

    It does affect my game. Everything affects the game. If you don't login tonight, that affects your groups, how they play, and who they play with. If you Replayed to T4 in the 1st week, you are running around in full T4 for an additional 6 months and skewing the results of all those missions. If you door-glitched Raids, you made them easier, people got gear, and, likely, more players learned the glitch.
  2. M15TER ROBOT0 New Player

    Here is REALLY my issue. It breaks he game story. I am a story based gamer. If they can continue to clone champions, why extract anyone new? Superman, and Luthor coming for the assist is a great way to get in the game. As a big fan of RPGs, table top and video, and a HUGE fan of DC Comics for over 25 years, this is EXCELLENTLY done.

    This may not be your thing. But it is more viable to the story that a character is able to experience power transfusion, instead of just be cloned. It sort of sucks that people can use real money to influence the game, but that is the way it has been since tabletop. Tell me the DM didn't give better loot if you brought better food, or a pack of smokes, or slipped him a five.

    Butreally money has given greatest advantage since Magic the Gathering, where people could throw money into a major deck and others who could afford very few cards were almost always just treating like punching bags. I actually think thekr treatment of money is fairly responsible.
  3. Lelouch New Player

    DPS perspective,u get around 230 might from SP, at full t4 u have around roughly 706 might (8 gear pieces with no mods). so u think that getting a 33% increase in stats is not a make or break and because one toon earned it all ur toons should be entitled to a 33% increase in main stats because u feel it "dont make or break you [sic]"

    i dont know, 33% increase in stats is pretty significant

    u think all toons u create should automatically get this ?!?
    so all ur toons from a DPS perspective, even newly created ones are entitled to an might increase equal to 33% of t4 gear's base stat might..

    By doing this, u are singling out the NEW PLAYERS since ALTs wont have to rerun things, it will greatly decrease the available players playing Low Tier Content


    my info might from t4 gear:
    116 chest
    116 legs
    106 head
    87 shoulders
    68 feet
    68 hands
    68 waist
    77 back
    equals 706

    230 SP= second column
  4. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    i feel the same way about respec tokens. Hmmm flavor of the month is this power ill switch my main to this and then realize i have no idea how to play a troller with this toon that was a tank.
    If you want to learn a new power and you roll an alt you should learn that power there are certain feats you only get from certain mentors and in certain roles, and movement types. Paying to clone my main toon and then trying to gear it after a respec to make it a different toon thats 40 bucks according to your model. Thats 4 months of a sub then we will hear its to expensive to be legendary...raise the cash cap.
    Alts are toons different from your main i agree with others that have said if you only have time for one toon then by all means work on that toon max it out...then roll an alt and work on your alt youll benefit more from the game that way then buying your way through.
  5. Vashta Well-Known Player

    We'll I've recently started playing on the PC side (EU) as a change from my PS3 as I wanted to see how big of a difference there is regarding performance, but that's a story for another time.

    I have, in the space of 4-5 days managed to get a character level'd up and geared to CR 71 with 60 SP. I aim to be between 80 and 90 within the next week.

    N.B. This a a brand new account with no other characters so I don't have any spare lockbox items that I can trade over, nor do I have any money. Max I've had at any point so far is 50k.

    So my point is alts are more than viable, the only trade-off is that you will only get what you put in. If you want to put in a lot of effort and time then you will have your alt to a decent level in no time. If you're not willing to put the effort in then why do you even play the game?

    I would have no objections to the implementation of some account bound feats in the future or making some current feats account bound i.e. seasonal feats. However I cannot agree with character cloning or making all feats account bound.

    Edit; Just an afterthought, I'd also like to point out that getting to the current point I'm at on the PC side is without help from uber leaguemates or friends, as I don't have any there yet.
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  6. Devilman New Player

    I would pay $30 bucks for it. I have 4 alts that I try to play plus a main. I would gladly pay for this for just the fact that you can skip the level up processes and all the Single player missions and get right to it.
  7. YodaDog New Player

    There's your two main assumptions behind your argument, highlighted in green.
    Ok. A. Why is it so easy for me to pug around and progress and so tough for you? My villian just joined a league last night. And I have run exactly zero instances with them. Why? Because I dont need their help right now. Im doing just fine pugging solo and I dont like being carried through anything ever in this game. B. If it is so aggravating, why should that justify an option to pay for things you dont feel like earning?

    Which brings me to your second highlighted point. "I'll pay you and hand me a copy of everything I already worked for." Ummm.. but you didnt work for it. You didnt earn anything but the money (I assume, or did you talk your employer into giving you a paycheck this week because you worked really hard last year??) you're trying to pay out for a shortcut. Actually it is a "pay to hand me everything" idea. You worked it out in your mind that its not... But just cuz you feel it, brother, doesnt mean its there.

    Dude, if you want an alt.. grind an alt. /thread
  8. Physique Dedicated Player

    So, let's take this a little further, shall we?

    What say that the devs say "yes" and provide this cloning token. Then, let's say, in another year, a movement is started to be able to sell or transfer characters to other accounts. What's to say that someone couldn't simply clone their uber guy, feats and all, and then sell him for a ballooned price on the transfer market?
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  9. SoylentBob New Player

    Selling toons is a time-honored MMORPG tradition.
  10. Comixfan Committed Player

    I've been asking for that fdor a while now, already. There's characters on my kids account that I want moved to my account and they've got toons on my account I want moved to theirs. I'd pay money to have this happen, and seeing as both accounts have been paid for by the same credit card since launch there shouldn't be a problem verifying the fact I own both. But, apparently, Customer Support says this isn't technically possible :/
  11. Sylo Committed Player

    I didn't say it was impossible to pug alts I said it was a nightmare( a nightmare to pug in general really ). Random friends in game will only get you so far, you can sit here and grasp at straws about my comment but the fact is alts are easier for people who are leagues or in your case have hundreds of friends who are willing to drop what they are doing to help you get feats.

    Reading comprehension much? Maybe you should try paying attention, SOE are not going to include any feature remotely like this unless it "financially" benefits them. So when someone like me suggest an idea like this "we" have to include the "money" aspect otherwise they would probably ignore it. So whether you pay the total cost upfront( $50 like the TC suggested ) or in payments( buying clone token and respec tokens like I suggested) you still pay "money", which is good for SOE. Understand?

    So it would be no different than it is in game now. Its still %100 harmless. You get a person like that in your group, you kick them, you join a person like that group, you leave.....harmless %100.

    I've built my toons the hard way and know how to play the game. Seeing as I put in the work on three toons I see no problem with a clone feature and I certainly see no reason to get butt hurt by it's mere suggestion. OPTIONS are what makes a game more appealing, more options = more appealing. Bad players will always be here a feature like this isn't going to make it any worse, except now instead of them being a crappy healer, they are a crappy troller or tank.

    Ok the little information I can divulge from your reply, yes technically all things can affect your game. Someone learning a glitch in game then teaching it to you doesn't affect your game....however it does affect your game if you lack the willpower to not use said glitch, in which case you are affecting your game. Waking up tomorrow w/o the use of your arms will affect your game, your power going out will affect your game, the end of the world will affect your game. But someone cloning their main toon that they either worked hard on or someone was nice enough to grind them to infinity and beyond in no way affects your game anymore than replay badges, deeds, costumes, consumables, etc, etc.
  12. Wilder Midnight New Player

    do these clones get the same gear?
  13. Sylo Committed Player

    Its not an assumption, its a fact. No one can say with a straight face that pugging and only pugging is always easy nor is it always hard, especially if you are the kind of person that always thinks their right and never does anything wrong, knows how everything should be run, knows how everyone else should play, etc, etc. Again I never said pugging was impossible, I pugged my main toon since launch for about a year and a half before joining a league, so in my experience I know how hard it can be for someone who isn't in a league or isn't the kind of person that has 100 generous friends. Let me be clear I'm not talking about leveling to 30 or doing solo instances, anyone with the mind of a cat can do that by themselves. I'm talking about being able to attain the feats that require groups that are organized, being able to get those feats that are a nightmare to try and get with a pug. The duo feats, the PVP feats, etc. Being able to go on a run to attain marks because you meet the CR for the instance that "SOE" put into place. A. Because its different for everyone based on what role they are playing, if you happen to be the role that everyone is needing well then there is your answer. CR requirements by pugs are pretty astronomical, if you are off by 2 digits you don't get invited to the group 9 times out of 10. B. Because I've already earned them once, twice, etc, etc. How does me being able to make a clone affect you personally? It doesn't.

    There is the reply I was waiting for. When do games and real life stay separate? Here is why your obvious reply is false. SOE doesn't pay me ****, I pay them for the pleasure of enjoying their game. Now I'm sure if I paid my employer for the pleasure of working for them and then suggested that I would pay a little more to get a day off I think they would allow it...being as I'm paying them and they are not paying me. I'm sure it was a good reply when you were thinking it to yourself but its completely irrelevant here for a few reasons one of which I just outlined. It is a shortcut, I believe I stated that. Its a pay to "hand me everything I already worked for on one or more toons". Thats the point "we" pay them, not the other way around unless I didn't get the memo and I'm owed a lot of back pay from SOE....maybe I should put in a support ticket? People wanted full T4 the week it was released....know what they did? They paid SOE to "allow" them to fulfill that dream. People want more lairs...know what they did.....well you see where this is going.

    I did, three( actually 4 ) times. Thats like saying if you want to replay missions and instance and get the loot and marks WAIT for the rest. /enitre DCUO playerbase. Replay badges don't affect my game, neither does someone having 20 lairs, just as cloning will not affect you or anyone elses game.

    Being in a league is not about being or getting carried, its about being with a group who are organized to get things done, you still have to know you role and pull your weight. It means you don't have to stand around the WT or HOD watching shout or LFG looking for your role to be required, only to be either be not invited because you numerical badge is not precise with what the group is looking for, or you are invited and told exactly how to play your role to the comfort zone of others. I mention this because a few of you seem to think that league = carried.
  14. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    I can level an alt and have atleast 40 skillpoints by the time i hit level 30. Pass over some green gear from shared bank the get league mates to get me in a fos 3 have a full t1 and some t2 . It takes nothing to level and gear an alt. I have 18 toons i play four of the 8 mainly. I use them when they are needed and i rotate and work on sp each week. Its a pain for plans and collections but i send all plans to my main the collections i split up till i have them completed on each toon.
    I play mabey 3 hrs or so a day during the week maybe 12 hrs total on the weekend. I have a job and a family i live with my wife not my parents and i dont play 24-7. AN ALT IS NOT ANOTHER MAIN I use mine to fill roles in raids other than that i dont grind dailies with them that oftenmaybe once a week the same with challenges.
    I have not added furniture to my alt lairs i have activated up to t2 on all modz
  15. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    Well, the purpose of this post is for people like myself... Who work 50 hrs a week... Have 3 kids, a wife and pets... I play at nite for bout 2 hrs or so a day... Hard to get on during the weekends cuz family... Alts are impossible for me (unless I'm looking for a divorce)... I have more money than time...

    On the other hand I wouldn't buy this anyway because I'm not really an alt person... But I would like this option if I decided to go another route...

    Before I get the hate votes... But I haven't been playin since the beginning... I started a month after game release... So I've been through most everything wit this game... I just don't have the luxury of grinding as much...
  16. YodaDog New Player

    Wow. Im not gonna write you a book, buddy. There's just too much fail here to go around. Sylo-logic is clearly an oxymoron. It would affect the game, smart guy. Replay badges affected the game. Go ahead scream from the rooftops. This aint happenin and Im done "debating" with you about it.
  17. PKMN12 New Player

    DCUO was marketed as a MMO that casual players can play, and that s why you think you are entitled to have an easier time playing alts then with your main. here is the thing, compared to many MMOs, this game IS FOR CASUAL PLAYERS compared to most mmos. Most mmos have a far larger level cap that takes far more then a week to level to, most mmo's do not have a way to repeat weekly/dailys in the same week/day like this game does and in most mmos it takes far longer to get gear. If you want to play an alt and you say you do not have the time, then you should probably never play an mmo ever, because this game is much easier then most to get to the top.
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  18. Sylo Committed Player

    LOL, sure kid. Learn what oxymoron means and when to properly use it smart guy.
  19. YodaDog New Player

    Im not a kid. I know what it means and how to use it. Wow, try not being such a jerk.
  20. Sylo Committed Player

    For my idea on the suggestion? No. The clone token would simply allow you to clone your character as is( body type, etc ), whether you pay the total cost upfront( change movement, power, name, etc ) or pay in a payment fashion, you still have to pay and when its all done you simply have a fresh toon with all the feats and SP, styles etc but you have to earn the gear you need all over again for whatever new role you have chosen.
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