Celestial needs to heal back the damage dealt faster.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Amanda Bailey, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Dibrie Committed Player

    remoresly recovery gives healing back dealt through precions attacks that are mostly by weapons.

    Severse punishment is the base mechanic wich you allow's to migate damage you have received.
    essentaily those are 2 different mechanics within the same powerset.

    In my opinion amanda hasn's that kind of strange question tho

    And were is Deathmike when you need him

    Greets Dibrie
  2. megamanexe Committed Player

    i know how the rage powers work. thanks lol
    and severe punishment isn't the only power that allows you to mitigate damage. relentless anger does it also.
  3. Ghostof91 New Player

    Nature? It never helps me trying to heal damage in PvP either, lol I'm guessing you came accross a better Nature healer than myself eh.:p
  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    This is an easy topic to answer. Simply because you cannot assume for each and every weapon attack that a heal is returned. It would make the power simply too OP considering the power cost.

    Remember there are heals from the damage your celestial combos do as well.

    Exc. Cast McB, Cas AcB, DLcP. In that particular instance with about 8 seconds remaining on McB cooldown I have 2 dots from my celestial combos not including the weapon attack damage. In that particular instance many heals are going out not just from those 2 combos but the damage that those 2 combos make up. McB works more efficiently from celestial combos rather than weapon attacks. That is just by design.

    I tested this in a combat log in celestial early stages, you get heals more from combo damage than actual WM and weapon attacks.
    Also HB FTW
  5. Dibrie Committed Player

    So you telling me? i sad you had no knowledge about rage, or did i just say that Amanda hasnt a silly question.
    With some solid points?

    No need to be offended man, relaxed and dont be such a nazigrammar this is the internet and no job interview.

    Greetz Dibrie
  6. Tilz Loyal Player

    Derio and Shadoe Reaper (not writing it with all the numbers and stuff :p) are right.
    If you wanna use McB you shouldn't focus too much on the damage.
    Whenever I use McB in raids (not often, but sometimes I use it). You should setup 1 or 2 DoTs + McB and just let the DoTs and McB tick in the background while you heal with some burst heals (if needed). Most of the time 1 or 2 Dots + McB +Weapon/Combodamage is more than enough.
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  7. Pults Loyal Player

    Nature gets powerback since it doesn't use WM, electricity, sorcery, celestial need to WM in order to decrease powercost and pulling off a WM in melee combat is hard. On top of that electricity is burst healing which in pvp is reduced meaning it's even less efficient. Celestial needs a few combos here and there and executing them in melee combat is impossible.
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  8. Simon Phoenix Active Player

    I agree with Amanda,McB heals way too slow.I find that BcM Is even slower with weaker heals.i would definitely be in favor of this being increased a lil.
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  9. megamanexe Committed Player

    you should speak correctly even if you're not in an interview. i'm not offended nor does Amanda have any solid points. she's comparing apples to staplers.
  10. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    If you don't know what we're talking about you should really stop commenting. Everyone else understands what I'm talking about but you, what does that say, hmm? Stop being a problem to the solution :)
  11. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I agree. From time to time I heal DC reg with my Nature Healer without Insectoid Form and I do have to say it's harder. Impossible to Heal end content with Nature with Hand Blasters without Insectoid form simply because of that power back mechanic. Not to mention, Natures Insectoid form grants two forms of damage out. Savage Growth does an AOE Damage over Time which can be used at a mid range position and Harvest does one tick of damage to one enemy. I don't really think it's fair for Nature to do the knock back and stuns either whereas other healers can't. I understand the purpose for diversity but if one has a knock back and stun the others should too.
  12. megamanexe Committed Player

    i know what you're talking about and the thing you are talking about doesn't make any sense. why not take a step back and try to see why your request doesn't make sense instead of trying to use petty insults to win an argument.
  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Not sure if you are refering to pvp or pve or both. For pvp McB was nerfed a long time ago and most likely wont be updated. For PVE McB is practically almost OP right now. McB is not used for a standard healing loadout, but is mainly for a battle healing loadout meaning your heals from McB come mainly from the damage of other celestial combos, not HB.

    If heals primarily came from weapon attacks, all celestial healers would just cast McB and then spam pulse beam. McB is fine and needs no further adjustments. It is the most power conservative healing power in the game and is perfectly fine.
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