Celestial in PvP

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by The Enquirer, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    So as of right now, PcDL hits noncrits of 3200-3600 and the ticks hit 300-800. I'm pretty sure it was hitting harder than that a few days ago. Might be wrong. Also, divine light in healer role hits a max noncrit of 2100, with 1400 on the low end. I feel like that wasn't so weak in the past either.
  2. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    DLcP even in Healer Role never had a crit ceiling nor a limit on damage potential.
    Was this is in PvP or PvE?
  3. LastMight Active Player

    You'll have to wait for any further power changes until maybe GU45 nice you made a forum though but the devs are tied rebalancing Hard Light quantum and ice sorry Broskis
  4. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    I was healing in pvp when my divine light healed for that number. I really wish I had paid attention to the numbers before the update because this could just be a placebo situation where I've been told my numbers are lower, so I tell myself they are.
  5. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    This is weird.
    They were chopped screwed and bolted. I lie to you not. I dont cry nerf at all but damn...
    Some people were experiencing it. Hell mainframe boost 3, league buffs, and generator mods active.
    I would never lie about something like this.. why would others be suffering it?
    everyone seems to be seeing less damage.
    Oh well.
    Seems it's just in vain to keep on :/
  6. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    Well I haven't been paying attention to specific numbers in the past, but I'm not doubting you. I'll try to at least compare admonish c blight since it is the only power on my current load out I used in the only match I've recorded before the update. I'll see about it tomorrow.
  7. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    It's ok.
    You don't have to anymore.
    Remander just said it's fine.
    Welp, I will be stepping away from this.
    you think you can run the thread?
  8. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    Well considering you started this as a positive thread before the red scare happened, I'd say this could get back on point for we celestial pvpers to talk shop.
  9. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Good luck to you.
    I've done too much harm already.
  10. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Well I've played with one of my alts in PVP with Celestial and... it's AWESOME. Very fun to use. Although the moment in between combo's seem to take up a little time, died a few times because of it. But I've managed to hit 200k in group fights, and my alt was only cr96. (Yes, I'm aware of the lower armor buffs. :p )
  11. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    I just got 465k in a 2v2 Arena.
  12. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    I don't know what you're talking about. This thread got me to switch powers and use Celestial for once. It's a great power. For now, stuns are my best friend. And it's quite power efficient. At least for my PVP loadout.

    Today's results. Won about 75% of my matches. Pugs fyi. Usually got about 200k-400k in 2v2-4v4/5v5. Even ran into a celestial pvp healer. Told him to keep it alive.
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  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Over how long of a time span, what power and role was your partner and did the other team have support roles?
  14. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Well I got online twice today, the second time I played for about an hour. It was about halfway in that hour that I joined up with a partner. My partner was a celestial healer. Some pugs we had, they had one HL troll, who would sometimes go dps. We also had a tank in one of them.

    I remember two of the groups I faced in Ace had a healer and a troll.

    One group in 2v2 batcave had a dps and a healer.
  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    The match where you got that 465k, how ling did that last? And were you healing or a dps?
  16. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    DPS, lasted about 10 minutes. Ace Chem.
  17. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    I'll be sure to better record my damage and how long I played the next time I play to give you more accurate responses. I wasn't expecting these questions. Now I know.
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  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea, the reason I ask is because if they had a healer you might have dealt more damage, the time frame in which the damage is dealt will have a drastic effect, and if they had a controller on their team he could have lowered your damage output. There obviously plenty of other things that can effect this stuff.
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  19. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Future Guidelines:

    How long?
    Who did you play with? (Roles, potentially actual players)
    Who did the opponent play with? (Roles, players)
    How much Damage?
    Kills & Deaths?
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  20. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yup. Also what power too everyone was using if you can figure that out.
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