Casual Players No Longer Welcome?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jedierick, Jul 28, 2017.

  1. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    This is kind of true also. Not really seeing the balancing, unless balancing means going electric, or earth. Fury is extremely upset with crystal hitting so hard still, very upset.

    Seriously though, my 198 earth alt with less than 100sp better not do better than my main. This whole play how yhou want isn't really so. I really hope some hot fixes drop before I log in. I really don't want to see Fing gorillas all night.
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  2. DemiGodRick Active Player

    not really u can experiment with both precision n might and dabble with a hybrid l/o
  3. DemiGodRick Active Player

    lol saying water power and so soon in the same sentenceas a problem comical
  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Then you didn't read the entire sentence and just gleaned what you wanted from what I said. No need to explain further because it's obvious I'd be wasting my tine.
  5. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Crystal isn't hitting hard not to mention she maxes out her power every time she strikes. The only thing she does well is draw aggro.
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  6. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    First of all, you need to understand that there is two main factions when it comes to "casual players". First of all, there is the company position of Daybreak. And despite a lot of misinformation:

    This post by Mepps is not just hot air. I tested real bad loadouts in some at relevancy scenarios (like points put in Vit but not trolling, using iconics and powers from movement trees in the loadouts etc.) and content can still be done, IMO some of it even easier than before the revamp when trying to beat it without using AM/knowing about AM. From that POV, the revamp is a direct hit and sunk someones' battleships.

    Which brings us to the other faction: vets, top-dogs, self-proclaimed elite - the sad bunch that was waiting for things to get harder, to get them into a position allowing them to point at their SP again going "that is why I can do it and you are dirt!" etc. - you know the drill, the not-casual players. In case you haven't noticed, these folks NEVER welcomed casual players to their game. They give advises like "go find a league" (so your style of playing gets changed until you fit in somewhere/with the rest) and "you don't need to be at endgame" etc. so they don't have to deal with you in their precious time at their precious endgame.

    Nothing's changed about that, just: a) some of them realized by now that the casual players are needed to pay for all this and so they learned/try to tolerate them and b) they cannot oneshot-blast-through in lower content any longer like they could with AMs and so they stopped visiting that content to farm their feats in easy mode totally overgeared (the same easy mode they soooooooooooooooooooooooooo despise when it comes to forum's discussions BTW :D). Well, those folks now face an environment where their SP do not matter as much as they liked, making them the "someones" in "and sunk someones' battleships" - there even were some "booohoohooo I still get outdamaged by folks with less SP"-threads around. They should have looked at the description of the revamp instead of blindly following and reposting its hashtag - "#statsmatter" - because what Mepps posted was an announced goal from very early stages on (IIRC it was posted in the second or third thread of the devs explaining their "work in progress" in exactly that section of the forums).

    Advice? Ignore that toxic parts of the community, keep your way of playing up, try to get as much progression out of solo-content as possible. And watch LFG for feat groups because there will be some again. Group content in DCUO is highly overrated - the main challenge is the community, not the actual content/its game mechanisms or the general challenge level. And have fun with water powers!
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  7. papaburd666 New Player

    keep open power tree and sp placement and thats all the rest of revamp is trash!!! 5 yr. vet mad asf!!!
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  8. Max Dragonard Well-Known Player

    Casual player. Sixteen toons--all but one, level 30, from 55 or so CR to 198. Played about 3 years. Sub. Usually spend another $20-$30 a month because I like being able to be a Super Hero and annihilate lower level content on a regular basis.

    In other words, worked to get higher CR and more SP so I could utterly obliterate anything lower than myself.

    That was MY favorite part of DCUO. Well, that and socializing with my friends online. So, you've taken one of my favorite things about the game away.
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  9. Lakhesis Active Player

    When have casual players been welcome though? You're going to need a ton of SP from now on, so if you're a casual chances are unless you get a really helpful league things are going to go downhill for you. Fast.
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  10. RogerBlack Committed Player

    He didn't have to (literally) say the word 'reward'... But that's exactly what it is.

    You can argue over 'semantics' until you are blue in the face.... but if DCUO gives 'a bit of leeway'... or 'does something' to change the 'balance'... for players who have high CR + low skill points... in order to ensure that they BENEFIT somehow from not ever bothering to achieve feats... then that IS a reward. Point. Blank. Period.

    NEWSFLASH >> People leave the game all the time. For various reasons. That's their problem.
    The game is still here after 7 years, which means that OTHER people have also replaced the ones who left.

    Btw, how many skill points do you have? Did you have to WORK for them? Was it easy as hell? Do tell.

    Ok. let's say I just STARTED playing 5 days ago.... and I got carried through every raid (several times in a row) for almost a week straight... and managed to get my CR above 160+... with about 25 skill points, under my belt....

    Do you think I should be allowed to 'skate past' all the same milestones that you may have spent hours (or weeks, or maybe months) trying to get... and be JUST AS powerful as you are?

    After a single week of gameplay.... Should the two of us be 'on a level playing field'? Hmm?

    If you think we should.... then why are you even bothering to achieve ANY feats whatsoever?
    Just sit back & wait until the Devs nerf the whole game... in your favor.
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  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    if Im doing PFTT the hell do I need prec or any other stat for except might and crits? Again raising those will give ppl more of a reason to keep playing, atm in-game and on this forum ppl feel SP and everything else is a waste of their time.

    that and/or buff the stats that come from SP' because 804 might (or w/e it was) for 175sp is just sad.
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  12. Mussurana Level 30

    The guys on test have stated that they did fine with 100sp characters so that doesn't seem accurate.

    Lots of SP are going to be an advantage yes, but locking out anyone without that isn't actually going to benefit the game. Games with tiny numbers of players don't make money, and games that don't make money die.

    Obviously this is an opinion from a filthy casual scumbag who didn't turn up 'til the AM era and scrapes by on 180 odd SP.
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  13. DemiGodRick Active Player

    but there has to be a cap at some point. simply raising it because you got more sp than others? all im saying is theres another spec option right there precision and pftt ehhh u can add a tap of a weapon right ? no specialy bonus between pfft and hybrid besides power regen
  14. Goddesssilver Well-Known Player

    Fury hits harder then crystal now but not by much they almost equal
  15. Catnip New Player

    I think the biggest mistake development ever made in DCUO was to cap level at 30. But at least CR felt like a natural progression -- even though it progressed much faster than skill points, unless a player consciously stopped their progression to chase feats, collections, etc. There is nothing natural about the feel of DC's skill point system. It's grindy to an extreme.

    I hope whatever you decide to do can be done quickly. I just finished downloading another game and got to play a bit tonight. It was certainly nice to have, well, fun playing a game. Haven't gotten that from here lately.
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  16. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Post-Revamp, finding a more active league can make a bigger difference. All those League Hall buffs help make a nice bump in your performance, be it in DPS or support role.
  17. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    If you are a casual player (I am) why on earth would you expect to be as successful as a hardcore player?

    Why do you expect to put in less time and be close to or just as successful?

    Just accept that you won't have as much as players that play and do more than you.

    I take long breaks from DC and when I come back I know that other players will be much farther ahead of me.
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  18. Xibo Loyal Player

    Some numbers...

    Players with level 30: 2,734,647
    Players over 50 SP: 750,885
    Players over 100 SP: 194,300
    Players over 200 SP: 40,498
    Players over 300 SP: 4,270

    From DCUO Census

    Take a look at the big discrepancy between 0 and 50 SP? More than 1.500.000 of players! So, if the people is struggling in T1-T2 content with 200 SP with much more reason they will struggle with 50 SP so anything must be done to get more people with 50 SP.
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  19. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    People have no patience because most of them has gotten used to get carried by doing nothing or by just spamming the, thank god they removed them, AMs. So now... they have to put a little effort into finishing instances. I'm enyoying this so much.
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  20. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Give this man a Feat: Nailed it.
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