Carrying and Walk ins

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ShadowCyborg92, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Yet not a single person kicked him. They didn't need to. They had the 131 in there if things went wrong.

    Guy didn't learn his lesson and the group carried a lazy player one step further towards the top tiers of the game (assuming he got the rewards).

    If stat clamping was imposed and the players outside of relevancy were clamped to CR56, I'm pretty sure they'd have been quick to react and got rid of the lazy player. But no. They kept him in and carried him.
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i want stat clamped instances to reward a few extra marks
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  3. Sbel Devoted Player

    Maybe over the long run, but I'm not sure the game would survive long enough for the long run to matter. I honestly believe that the game would be dead in a month if stat-clamping were put in.

    Maybe, but I was 'clipping' as a healer way before I learned what 'clipping' was. Side note: I've been playing since Nov 2011, and I didn't officially learn clipping until T5.

    You wouldn't hear the "no proof" line from me. But I think the 150+ guys who don't know AM or WM or PoT would be better examples. Clipping is much less relevant, and much easier to do without learning the word for it.

    ...and that's my cue to exit. If you can't handle disagreement without throwing in snide little insults, I'm just going to let you get back to your little echo chamber.
  4. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    I really don't have any problem to enter in any duo or alert to "carry". If the guy it's doing what his power uses and with the CR to enter, I don't think this is a problem, even carry, because with the CR permition, isn't a carry. Will be just a more long, just this.

    Carry for me it's when you enter in a duo or alert and one of the players doesn't do what is right in his role, like yesterday in DPR a 151cr Atomic DPS was using Rifles combos and Heat Vision.... THAT IS A CARRY! I was with a 149cr DPS and I triple his damage entered at the second boss.... Dammmmmmmmmmm!

    Stats Camping? NO, GOD PLEASE NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! If you wann Stats Clamping put in On Duty the option to get Stats Clamping ang go be happy!

    Sorry for what I will say, but if the player has CR for enter, isn't a carry, it's just normal and people need to understand the not all players in this game have time to play to get the maximum CR in one day of game.

    And this is game's falt. Because a new episode launch today for legendary, and a week after to the rest, when this people will start, they will suffer with elitism, just because a lot of players are spending Replay Badges in the new content. Sad but is true.

    Do you wanna less problems with the "carry" it's simple, end with replay badges, launch episodes for everyone and make more feats for complete per episodes, that will make a player to still play the content. Even with this, what you are calling as carry will not end.
  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    The sad part is, new players depend on high CR players to carry them to the top. This is a known fact. So much so that new players dont learn their support role until they are already in T7 or T6.
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  6. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I guarantee you it wouldn't be dead within a month. Then again, we do have a community full of unreasonable people, some posting in this thread alone, flat out opposing stat clamping suggestions even though they included a fair method for people who don't want to be stat clamped to play the instances without any restrictions. So maybe you are right.

    Perhaps that was the case and perhaps it was a bad example. Just covering my back as I know what this forum is like. There are people 150+ who don't know how to use their power's AM, WM or POT and they are in the same category as the person who didn't know what clipping was. It's not always their fault. Most of the time they just haven't had the opportunity to practice, because their opportunities to practice were marred by high CR players.

    Also, I wasn't attempting to insult you, so I apologise if you took it that way. I was merely emphasising the point that you tried to raise about how clipping is irrelevant because AMs don't use it any more, like it's the only aspect of DCUO.
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  7. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Which if there was stat clamping would force them to learn with others of thier cr.
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  8. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    In their defence and speaking from personal experience, most new players don't have the opportunity to learn support roles until then. How can someone heal a group or tank for a group when 1 or 2 high CR players are wiping everything in sight?
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  9. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    I recently ran Strike cr150.

    Even as a controller, I wiped the floor with all enemies. Can't have been much fun for my group-mates :(

    Just let me walk / teleport into anything I want please and thanks!

    As for the clamping, eh....maybe it's a necessary evil. I'm ok with it as long as it comes with walk-in / teleport options.
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  10. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Excuse me sir?...sir!! Would you be kind enough to point me in the direction of Desecrated Cathedral teleporter? or Demon's Plan? or...huh?...yeah i'll hold.... *hold music plays*
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  11. Veritech Loyal Player

    Put a all-instance teleporter mod on the marketplace please devs.

    Anyone that cares will buy it, and buy the teleporter to go with it if they don't have it already.

    Have it cr locked just like the on duty menu, and let us be able to invite people once inside.
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  12. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Why would you be clamped in something of ur own tier
  13. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

  14. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    The whole point is that with the suggested idea, introducing stat clamping would also introduce teleporters that allowed you to walk into any instance you wanted with your party up to the maximum number of allowed players and not have to worry about being stat clamped.

    Therefore, when these instances fell out of relevancy, you'd be able to enter them again at CR180 or whatever, via a teleporter, and you'd be able to one shot everything. But if you chose to randomly queue into those instances at CR180 and were put with random players, all players outside of the relevancy window would be forced to run the content at whatever CR the NPCs are set to.
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  15. Veritech Loyal Player

    As much sense as this makes, it would most definitely be a bad business decision unfortunately. The general community liken any clamping to an oppressive (edit can't say that word for ww2 germany hey?) regime.
  16. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Sounds reasonable, BUT we would be back to where we were when stat scaling happened, people would complain that no experienced people are helping them with tough content.

    EDIT: On second thought, now that the merge occured, it may be easier for lower lvls to find a team, I still wouldn't personally like it, since it is not rare that i get ninja'd to some places just to help when they get stuck, so this would really make things painful for people that help and maybe even discourage some from doing it anymore.
  17. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Ultimately though, are you really helping a player by obliterating the instance for them? Because I don't believe you are. You're carrying them. It's the equivalent of painting a picture for them and allowing them to call it their own. It's not their work and their effort didn't produce it. You can't possibly learn to draw if someone else is doing the drawing for you. The same applies to advancing your character through DCUO.

    I also think that there's an issue with players instantly assuming that just because someone has a low CR, it's impossible for them to beat the content. It's a player driven myth and it simply isn't true. There isn't a single point in the game where you need to beat a specific instance in order to advance.

    If a player can't beat an instance, then that player can either keep trying, learn what to do and beat it. Or they can do something else and progress a different way. People assume that someone struggling to complete an instance means they'll quit the game. It's bollocks. If anything it'll motivate them to learn more and get better.
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  18. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    You could have help back and let your group-mates contribute??? no???

    I usually try to hold back just enough so the rest of the group does not feel useless.

    Of course there is often the idiot who will call you a scrub because you did not wipe the floor with all enemies with your 130CR toon.
    You can't win them all I guess. ;)
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  19. ScarletShepherd24MSS Active Player

    already used my kick on a prior mission, the high cr might have also already used thiers. Though I'm unsure if that was the case. Elsewise yeah, really ticks me off when I meet players like this. The kick timer is a bit too long IMHO, but I know the kick vote would be abused if it was allowed all the time. So I suppose shorten it a little if we don't get that stat clamp anytime soon.
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  20. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I don't think it'd be a bad business decision. You're not really taking anything away. If people don't want to run content stat clamped, then they could take liberties to run content out of their relevancy window without stat clamping in play. If it was a white wash "everything is stat clamped, **** everyone" and there was absolutely no way around it, then it'd be a bad business decision.

    I think if it was marketed correctly, then people would get it instantly. The way they'd do it is by overhyping teleporter access into every instance then subtly include that all irrelevant On Duty content is stat clamped, before jumping back to how the teleporter enables people to skip it all together.

    I should probably add as well that my vision of the idea would mean that ANY player entering an instance (minimum CR requirements apply) via the teleporter wouldn't be subject to stat clamping. Which means that if you're helping a friend or raising an alt and you want to power level them, then you can do so via the teleporter. Just not at the expense of complete strangers.