Can you Remember All the Leagues you were in ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dark Horus, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. Cataclyzm New Player

    Justice Assassins (for a LONG time)
    Aristocrats (very short period of time)
    The Replacements (for a good while now)
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  2. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I was originally in Iron Bound Syndicate.

    Then I joined the only league that matters, The Offenders.
  3. D0SE New Player

    War Godz
    One Pieced
  4. Xenoblade New Player

    Umbrella Corp
    Crucial FX
  5. Captain Just New Player

    I never sport my NML emblem, can't say that it is one of my favorites. Wish it would have been something more epic.
  6. BadJade New Player

    For my villains.

    crimeDOESpay - launch to megaservers ish.
    Public Enemies - current with some stints in Bed Intruders and Pwnostars

    Squad 11 briefly as I wasn't really playing my hero full time then.

    Famigliadiythrl - current

    Don't really like league hoping. I'm loyal to the bitter end. Win or lose :)
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  7. BigAl Devoted Player

    Was in a few leagues before the hack, one being The Capes. Got tired of whiny girls running leagues and no one on to run stuff with so I formed my own called The Cleaners and it grew quite large. After the hack, we lost over 75% of the league. Kept Cleaners open but ran with Crit for a brief stint (the guy in charge was a total tool). A couple of villains playing on heroside joined forces and we remade The Cleaners into Kryptons Legacy. After the megaservers hit, the villains went back to their own side and the league became barren. After a short deliberation, I shut down KL and moved any that wanted to come over to Freedom Reborn. Left FR briefly when the leader decided he was funny and booted me from the league (I still owe him for that). Back with FR and its only a matter of time before he gets that funny bone again and boots me for kicks. :D
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  8. bareheiny 10000 Post Club


    Some random league who spams invites - left once I figured out I'd accidentally joined
    Tabula rasa

    Malicious Replacements

    That's league hopping for me.
  9. Delta795 New Player

    Last Knighmares: when I first started , met a few guys I still game with. Leader self imploded the group.
    Obliteration: for better part of a year. Great guys & gal that really helped me, still have most on my friends list.
    War Party: current, couldn't see myself switching unless they no longer played.
  10. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    I got in a league with my celestial healer once. I really liked the league, the name was something related to celestial.
    And then, by accident, I left the league. DAMN, I felt really stupid!!! Didn't remember the name or the guy who added me.
  11. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Hmm, I can only remember the ones I asked to be in. Except the ninja invite to Last Kryptonians back when the only way I knew to leave a league was to scroll down to the bottom of the league list :mad:

    Wreckless Abandon
    PS3 Reapers
    Tomorrows Hope
    Fatal Beauties
    Nocturnal Maidens
    xPlanet Express
    Perfect Legends
  12. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

    I used to be a league hopper so like all the above lol.
  13. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Themysciran Amazons
    (Turkish League); was actually pretty nice.
    Legion Legends
    Sacred Heroes
    The Valorians
    JSA Academy
    Divine Monarchy; current league

    I wasn't league hopping btw, I left all to either have all my toons in the same league, it became very inactive & quiet, or because of immaturity.
  14. Delyxe New Player

    I've only been in a few leagues that are no longer around so they're not worth mentioning.

    The thing that they all had in common was that they started out well but ended so poorly. Drama being the usual reason. The in league BS made me never want to be in one again because it felt too much like grammar school. So now when People ask me join their league, I tell them "No but add me to your friends list if you ever need a (insert roll here)".
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  15. BlackWingBeyond Committed Player

    • Is Harmless - Got a ninja invite.
    • Batmans Warriors - Met a couple friends who eventually left and merged with- FA
    • Free Agents - Great & fun, eventually went on to merge w/ Play, I didn't follow, ended up leagueless for awhile
    • Grave - Ninja invited me. Was a member for 3 seconds.
    • Divine Monarchy - Was a member for 2 days.
    • Free Agents - Some original members of FA left Play and reformed Free Agents
  16. Seni New Player

    Future Fantastic: Feb 2011 - Dec 2011
    Odyssey: Dec 2011 - Present.
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  17. Fyre Active Player

    My first ever league was Club Special then switched over to villain side.
    Was in a league called IWannaKillThemAll
    Then SheedasDenMafia
    Made own league with a friend, Rally Me
    switched to hero side again, co founded a league World Nobles, still in it today
  18. ZomBite New Player

    GETinTHEvanWEgotCANDY only league I've been in. Currently lead it actually :/
  19. Yefged Active Player

  20. LazarusFX Level 30

    I only recall the name of my very first league and the one I'm in now (Thanx to Grey Goose and Patron)...anyway...

    My first, Wreckless Abandon I believe, was run by this dude Bezz who really took me under his wing and taught me so much, especially how to pvp...I was so overwhelmed after hitting level 30. I'm forever grateful.

    I've been with Perfect Legends since January and I haven't looked back. Great bunch of guys.