Can I survive Nexus now?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Will Power, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Will Power Loyal Player

    No I call that cheating like opening up a players guide before I have even beat it on my terms. Like I bought Final Fantasy 7 and I played through on my own beat it before I went out and bought the players guide to find all those awesome Ultimate Weapons.
  2. Will Power Loyal Player

    Maybe I need to make my self Clear I'm not going to be using Explosive Block in that room just the last.
  3. colonelbondo Well-Known Player

    i have a 97 fire tank and i survived my first complete nexus not too long ago. but i have been tanking since before DLC 3 dropped, when you had to work your way through the tiers. anyway, i had to learn quick and watch my timing when i activated my powers (not when my health was low or i would wipe because thats when you take damage). anyway if you know how to fire tank it should be no problem
  4. colonelbondo Well-Known Player

    i would like to know what kind of tank you are
  5. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    Is this another "Don't tell me how to play"?
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  6. kav Committed Player

    To be quite honest pugging as a fire tank is like playing Russian Roulette. It doesn't matter if you're OP, a superb player or made a name for yourself, most people will kick you out on first sign of failure, whether that is actually your fault or not. This is the sad part about being a fire tank, the community usually does not seem to accept them in general. I remember when I had mine and got kicked out in T3 content because "I'm stealing health and powers from others." What I recommend you is to search a capable and friendly league and do this content with them.

    They'll most likely be friendly and accept that you want to be a fire tank and if hell goes south, then they'll try again and/or teach you the ropes. That's how I got it done too.

    Even with my ice tank when I was 95 I had extreme problems in the last room in Nexus — not because I was under- or overgeared, just because I didn't know the mechanics too well of the bosses and what to do if xyz happens, how the debuff on them work and what the shield does.

    As I said prior, either search a league or relax and just get yourself into as many groups as you can for Nexus and just trial and error. Not all PUG groups will kick you out straight, just the general ******. And please, work on your loadout and you need sodas as a tank, really. It may happen that let's say you're timing your powers wrongly once or twice or even using powers here or there wrongly, that's where you can pop a soda to ensure you can get back to your general rhythm or in case a healer is overloaded or died. This is not a recommendation, it's a must. If you're ever going to do Assault and Battery (you really should, you are correctly geared for ANY T5 content) it may happen that popping one or two sodas may be the reason for failure or succeed.
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  7. Captain Planeteer New Player

    I can see youre fire tank. Hopefully the PUG solo healer can keep up or doesnt die from a stray AOE.

    Youre definitely geared for any T5 raid, but pugging is a mixed bag of trick sometimes.
  8. EPICQ New Player

    :eek: Dude really? I was clearly jokingo_O
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  9. Dragonfyre New Player

    This is an MMO..

    Reading a guide is no different than asking a group how to do a boss fight.
  10. Korvyne Committed Player

    You shouldn't be using it at as a tank at all. That mod is for the other roles. You say in an earlier post that tanking in its essence is gaining aggro and keeping attention, that mod actively defies that statement, I'm not telling you how to play but just think about that one thing for a moment. Could you have made a mistake using it? , I'd say yes and if you tried tanking with a different mod I'm sure you would see you do a great deal better.

    I don't agree with your style of tanking either, however that's up to you. You will not change, and are getting kicked and seen as not capable, so why should that change either......

    Sometimes a compromise is needed to get what we want, to get the feats and styles you desire you may have to adapt your style of play, try it, you may like it.
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  11. ItsHard New Player

    You heard here first folks, Learning how to play the game is cheating.
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  12. Ogat New Player

    Damn :( No wonder everyone cries for easier content.
  13. ItsHard New Player

    Can't blame them, no one wants to be a cheater!;)
    Im fine tho, I cheat in this game everyday by reading guides about powers and stuff.
    I'm a Rebel!!
  14. Captain Planeteer New Player

    If youre ever on EUPS, ill be happy to help run and support you through Nexus. It only takes patience and practice and confidence. My group have run it with cr89 fire tanks man. Or we could get a 2 nd experienced tank to help run it with you as a mentor.

    I do admit tanking with pugs is tough. I switched from fire tank to ice tank, just so id stop getting kicked. Now that pugs only have 1 healer, its tough to pug as fire tank (reflect is handly when the solo healer dies).
  15. ThePhantomTerror New Player

    I'm not sure what the OP is trying to accomplish here.
  16. Korlick Loyal Player

    Mob tank. Boss Tank. Explosive block. Reading a guide = Cheating.
    This thread is amazing lol

    I wonder if he uses the defense white mod on his neck...

    Now this is a clear example of people who ask for nerfing Nexus and Paradox and yet cant beat them. Lately ive been running with guys like this, who think that now that they have the better gear they can do everything.
    This week ive pugging Dox (not for need, just because i was bored) in groups who were shouting for 102+ roles for Speed feat or Oddisey feat.
    Everyone with new shiny gear, still no clue of what to do. Ravager/Oppresor came out and im trying to get them to the south pillar and the rest of the people spread out across the room, making them charge anywhere but the pillar. A few times i managed to get them on the pillar, but some people didnt know how to position themselves, making the boss charge to the middle of the room. Facepalm.
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  17. Harlequin Devoted Player

    It would be useless, he never blocks. I'm guessing Escalating Might.
  18. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Lol naw he uses the precision one :)
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  19. Jax Prime New Player

    No, Your CR is too low. Sorry.
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  20. Will Power Loyal Player

    This is My Tanking style