By the time you read this post, I've already left the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player


    Is actually a pretty good scenario.
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  2. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Well, it's always sad to see a player go away, we'll miss your 15000+ posts, i hope you come back sometime in the future.

    Jafin, lord jareth, you cannot hide from the old players decadence, soon, you will all be making "i quit" threads, AHAHAHAHAHAH, joking.
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  3. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Well my personal thoughts are, I completely agree with you 100%, but I'm waiting for January to see whats changed. I'll then make my decision.

    I hope you find something good out there and hope you take care. You'll always be known as Master of the Celestial Battle Healers :D
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  4. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    If your reading that ^ its to late
  5. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    You cant leave bro, I love all of your post
  6. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    This is basically what I mentioned in point 8 of my post. The community is what fragments this perceived misunderstanding. The silent are generally the ones content with the game while the vocal (typically minority) are the ones upset about the game. However in the same that silence is not consent in the eyes of many laws silence is also not acceptance or contentedness. Of course DGC can't go by feedback that is not expressed thus they follow the feedback that is. It just so happens that doing so means shifting the game from one of the spectrum to the other. Which is why listening to your community is not always a good idea for stability since as I've mentioned those that are vocal are the ones that are upset and tend to be the minority (or a minority).

    I mentioened FFXIV in that same point. Since their launch they've maintained that drop gear (raid) is always the best gear available (slightly) and vendor gear is second (not in all cases the stat system there is in a word clunky - for the pure sake of "options") followed by the later "upgraded vendor gear" which typically requires raids but is still not on par with drops. However they also lay a clear path of catchup in their system over time. They've changed minor things but kept the same system in place. For example instead of attuned drops in raids they instead drop various types of tokens that allow to buy specific pieces of gear. This is basically a version of unattuned gear in DCUO but a bit more clunkier since you have to go through the hassle of collecting X tokens and then going to a vendor instead of simply clicking on the unattuned gear and pressing X/left mouse click.

    To Derio's point though even if players don't like the fundamental progression in FFXIV it never fundamentally changes. Players either go along with (those that stay obviously do or they tolerate it) or they don't play. They are pretty rigid in this regard but in doing so there is also a sense of direction in their progress system. That is every so often a new "tier" is added that brings more vendor gear and more raids. During that tier roughly 1/3 of the way through a large raid is released that is relatively easy and allows for easy catch up (though limiting to once a week at the time of release). This continues for whatever amount of time each time adding some snippet of main and side story. It ends when they see fit and a new era of storytelling is required. Around this time they may do a transitional period that loops back to the beginning ushering in a time of "leveling like content" where the cycle continues again.

    It works and is reliable but at the same time it "locks in" story elements in that system. For example you my not have the same variety of content that DCUO strives for since the system is very rigid. DCUO has been able to deliver progression in the way their story allows. For example Harley's shenanigans in small content while a big bad like Brainiac is in a raid.

    I believe Derio also players FFXIV so he may agree with the following. DCUO has a lot of variety, character creation, role play, PvP, flexible content (Solos have a real meaning while also providing Duos which is not a factor at all in FFXIV), etc. but FFXIV also has a bunch of desirable aspects. I wouldn't pick FFXIV or DCUO exclusively over each other but if at any point either game took the strong points and advantages of the other I wouldn't take a break from either like I currently rotate around.

    Anyways if you read though that rather long tangent hopefully you learned something about how a reliable progression system is beneficial and what Derio may have been alluding to. :D
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    That's ok There's a time machine in the alert, if I use that to go back in time, can I then have your stuff?
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  8. bjr338 Well-Known Player

    Stop replying here. He's gone. He's not going to reply.
  9. Unida Dedicated Player

    sad to see you leave, Derio.

    the game has lost so many of the longterm players, it's always disappointing to see one leave - and this isn't any different.

    Hopefully TPTB can get a handle on what needs to happen in the game and can address some of the very valid points you've raised, and for the record I agree with pretty much all you've said.

    I wouldn't hold my breath tho.
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  10. light FX Steadfast Player

    I agree with everything derio said. We are told 2017 is going be great. But everything supposedly happening in 2017 was supposed to happen in 2016 with the exception of 3 month dlcs. And we really have no idea when any of that stuff will even happen. We know a very vague date. And dont even have details on quite a few things. I am still playing dcuo but not subbing. Once open episodes stops i will be moving on too. Already started playing some other games and am amazed with some of them and what they have to offer. AF3 has to be by far the most epic dlc this game has done to get me back as a sub. It needs to surpass AF2. But if we get reused mechanics and 1 shots with 5 dps runs when that dlc goes live it will tell me right away things havent changed at all. Gear progression also needs to be changed. Same with SP. Time/effort needs to be rewarded. Not blind luck.
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  11. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Sorry to see you go D and I pretty much agree with most of your reasons.

    I'm on the fence with whether to stay subbed or not. Each quarter I look at it and say "I'll let it roll once more" and this one takes me up to mid October.Though I've gotten to the point where I'm really, really unsure that I'll last out to AF3.

    The game right now is flat, very flat. Do your instances if you can be bothered, go back into older content if your ego needs to one-shot or you are after an annoying feat or missing style. The fun is slowly and surely leeching out of it and has been for quite a while. There is nothing quirky or ad-hoc, there is no "yeah, that really just did happen" moments or anything that mixes it up. Content difficulty has been nerfed to ridiculous degrees and the biggest challenge is to herd cats the other group members through an instance.

    hmmmm I think I'm talking myself out of the game :(
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  12. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

  13. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    See ya Derio. It sucks watching the people leave after being around so long. Good luck to you!
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  14. Falco Committed Player

    We've been on a 5 year plane ride. People are ready to get off.

    I see where you're coming from though. Some of Derio's problems with the game look to have incoming solutions. Still, the constant going back to fix things that were changed for the worse while new problems continue to add up takes its toll on even the most committed fans here.

    Good luck Derio.
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  15. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    These are also the reasons I left.

    Especially number one.
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  16. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

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  17. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i made a i quit thread, two or more times i'm still here. lol, but then again in my last thread i said i would come back if they share news which they did.

  18. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Can you customize your powers in FFXIV? Not like, specific powers from a specific tree, but like CO, choose from all powers depending on how you level?
  19. BigAl Devoted Player

    Oh, for the love of mine eyes.....
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  20. C0de Well-Known Player

    Lets be real, the real reason most of us have stuck around this long is, A) There hasn't been another mmo that gives this freedom of customization for your toons B) Most people can't let go of the toons they've sunk years of dedication into. I suffer from this as well, as I have taken long extended breaks assuming I was done but out of curiousity would come back. It's always the same though. It's like buyers remorse, as soon as your out the door you and back at home you tell yourself "why did I buy this?" That's happened to me one too many times after resubbing after being away for months.

    I too will be done after this free month is up. I been here since the start I can clearly see from the direction this game has gone in, it's not worth it sticking around anymore. Maybe if this game was truly free-to-play I would but as a paying customer? Nah, i take my money elsewhere. They had 5 years of my cash to make this game become something extrodianary but all i've seen is disappointment after disappointment. Derio has the right idea as of many that have left before us. All I hope from this is the dev's realize that the empty long proclaimed promises have dug this games own grave.
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