Buying renown with source marks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Engendro Nefasto, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    Yeah like out of relevancy renown coud be made account bound. My speedmetal toon basically collects anything Batman-centric flash-centric and cyborg-centric inspired so I am trying to get the enhanced owl-suit and enhanced bionic style. Owl-suit is easy just shout PanoE cape run and you will get tells so fast you haven't even hit post yet. But Machine E Hive E etc. Are a bit more harder to set up especially as not everyone has those old cybernetic augments still so not everyone is willing to run it.
  2. theAverageGuy Well-Known Player

    In LFG, tanks is often the most sought after role in elite. My observation, in the most recent episode is finding one is a tad more difficult. I'd like to ask players who do or have tanked elite, is tanking MoMe or FIe fun?
  3. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    The comment I made to whitecell applies with this post. It will be easy if all the people you play with have 3 170+ artifacts on top of 420+ SP. What you and others dont realize is that not everyone is setup like that with the friends, artifacts and SP. So smaller group content is better for those players simply because it would be easier to get into than a raid.
  4. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Oh I dont care about running elites anymore theres no point for me. I have enough SP and stats from reg gear, SP, artifacts and augments that I dont need the measly 200-400 resto from having elite gear.
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  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Eh u dont need any resto comes down to skill. Hell ppl can 4 man elites.
  6. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Ik I'm just saying why people would go after elite, it's for extra stats. That arent even needed these days.

    As far as player skill goes, I think I'm good in that department lol
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Since E3, the Elite gear style carries a feat and feat points....that's the main motivation for many like myself. I don't really care about getting it done 'right away' but I do want it done eventually just to close out the feat. So yeah....that stats on the gear don't matter in most cases as much of the gear I'm buying is put on once then given to the prestige donation box as it's already out of scope. I'll normally get 2 or 4 pieces during the DLC, but the other 4 normally don't get done till after.

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  8. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Almost everytime I see somebody making this type of outrageous request, it comes down to this.

    I don't know if you are new to the game or have been playing for a while, but if you've been around it's common knowledge by now that just Q'ing for stuff will usually make it harder on you, especially if the Que includes the latest pieces of content and ELITE content.

    Elite content wasn't made for you to just Que up and get through, it's quite the opposite and designed to be as such as officially stated by Developers themselves time and time again. So no, we don't need to be able to buy renown for source marks, real cash or any of the sort, YOU need to switch up your approach if you are looking to get Elite renown, because it won't just fall into your lap by Q'ing.

    As for good leagues being very hard to come by... If it comes down to running the latest and hardest content, any proven good player won't really have a very hard time finding a league. Of course "a good league" can consist of many other things above getting through Elite-content, but that's another discussion.
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  9. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I do the same meaning run old elites to get the feat. But I never run elites anymore simply because I basically play for sake of friends who still play.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yep. Was talking to a buddy who just got back saying I'd be happy to run some older Elite runs like GOME and OLYE. Those runs can be quite enjoyable and still a challenge depending on your group, and personally I'd get nothing out of it other than maybe a decent collection to sell. Not sure I'll ever say that about ThroneE, SGE or MOME to name a few.

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  11. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Even if you do get into a 'decent' league, chances if you getting in their elite runs is slim because how leagues operate 99% of the time. By that I mean run elite with people who they see ir deem fit to run elite. I'm sorry but if I'm in a league and cant run whatever with that league, then it's time to look for a league that will actually help.
  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    If you join a league and they deem you not fit to run Elite with them, there might be a reason for it. Or it may not, either way joining a league and instantly feel entitled to run it all may cause entirely different problems.

    But I digress. Back to the topic of everything else my actual comment touched upon.
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  13. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I'm just saying leagues should run content with everyone not just those at the tip top of the spectrum.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Most leagues do. They might not do it 1st week, but if it's this far into the DLC and they still won't let you in, it's either you (no offense)...or you are in a crappy league. Even if it is you, either they should tell you why so you can improve or they should give you the boot. Otherwise it sounds like they just added you to skim the prestige you bring in. Personally I'd ask what the deal is.

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  15. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    I'm full renown cept jld and I've been back now 4 months which it's been about 3yrs gone. I only had the Olympus renown done. Since I been back they're all done from pug groups because the 2 leagues I been in either didn't run elite or not enough people in it. Basically did all the renown in 4 months while working a full time job for 3 of them and I did it as a dps mostly.

    Look up the mechanics and learn wut u have to do and do it. I also was 304 sp and I'm 476 now also.

    When there was elite alerts it was like free renown n people were done running the content very quickly. Adding no op collections means once done you'll really have 0 reason to run it.. People speed thru content that way.

    The system is great now for people that really know how to play and shouldn't change unless u wnna add a weekly alert that's hard and not a gimme gimme.
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  16. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Me personally I own my own league, so I dont have that problem anymore. But theres decent leagues out there that alienate their own members until their full prestige, and then they dont wanna run anyone else through so ppl can get renowned. It has happened to me in several leagues now, and I'm a 8yr healer with 446sp so its definitely not me lol
  17. Zneeak Devoted Player

    That's easier said than done, it sounds good but doesn't always work in practice. Elite content is not for everyone, by design, but everyone wants the best gear whether they are qualified or not. That poses entitlement-issues as evidenced several times on this Forum regarding this topic.

    You also don't get to decide how other leagues or groups decide their own requirements, but again, any proven good player won't have such a hard time finding himself with likeminded folks whether it's a league or group as what some players are claiming.
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  18. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Well leagues should want to help and teach other members that are wanting to do elites. Not ignore them or say tomorrow
  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Nobody said anything about that either, this is getting very off-topic.
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  20. Sexy_Shell Active Player

    No this idea is horrible. I don't think this should be implemented it would be too easy for ppl to get elite gear. Ev1 should have to earn it imo. Besides it is more rewarding to earn it js
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