Black Waters: An Atlantis DLC Trilogy (Complete)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Harlequin_Nox, May 17, 2014.

  1. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Lots of very cool ideas!!

    unfortunately many of them have 0 chance of happening in our game due to several factors. I don't have time to look for the quotes but feel free to do so yourself if you don't trust me on the next few things.

    1. Mepps once said that every single dlc was going to be designed for endgame. This came after some people asked him why they didn't do like in Battle for earth and had dlc's with several different tiers. He just said the game was at a different stage and they wouldn't go back to anything other than endgame because, well, it's what pays the bills.

    2. I used to beg and beg fo more open world ccontent, for a new city, or at the very least raids that aren't in friggin tunnels! Again, mepps came to squash my dreams and said that is almost impossible because of the amount of memory it takes. Ps3 doesn't have to much, and the engine they built the game on isn't optimized for ps3. So we're stuck in caves for the foreseable future :(

    3. The new monthly format, makes it infinitely more difficult for them to make a big expansion because they are constantly putting out small bits and pieces of content. Even things like Gotham under siege or Metro Battlezone are not likely to have any future equivalents according to Spytle because they don't have time or resources for that.

    4. Water, water is coming already ;)

    5. Whips are unlikely to happen as well :( Mepps said it's probably the most requested new weapon, but they have severe technical limitations. The whip and lasso we see wonderwoman and cat woman use are done by special visual effects which is completely different to how other weapons work. They simply don't have the tech for whips. In fact Jens said it's unlikely we'll see another new weapon ever because it's one of the most memory intensive things in the game and yes, Ps3 again.

    i could go on, but I don't want to further squash so much creatiity and coolness in your thread. I'm sure devs appreciate cool ideas like this even if they can't do them.
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  2. The 14th Doctor Dedicated Player

    It's nice to see some of these ideas start to come to light in the game. I would still love to see at least the Legends that you suggested. Especially Lobo! Or just put in some of these missions as Episodes!

    As for the whole 'end game' thing, I can see this sort of tying in. For example, with a few modifications, it could tie into the story already in the game of Black Adam trying to raise Isis from the dead the first time in the Temple of Isis, as well as the attack in Khan. (correct me if this is already present on the villains' side, please, because I hardly play as a villain. I just find it boring)

    It could also tie into Circe taking on the form of Queen Mera in the Atlantean mission (same thing here, correct me if this is already present).

    If it were to add how the Brainiac invasion or the dead rising affected the Star City or Atlantis, I could certainly see this adding depth to the game.
    I personally could see many of these ideas working, if not in the way intended, then in another way. It also fits in a different way. Each DLC has basically had a character or two it revolved around. Ex.
    Fight for the Light: Green Lantern
    Lightning Strikes: The Flash
    Battle for Earth: Batman/Brainiac
    Last Laugh: Joker (not on the Episodes page, for some reason)
    Hand of Fate: Doctor Fate/Felix Faust
    Home Turf: Steel/T.O. Morrow
    Origin Crisis: Future Batman/Future Lex Luthor
    Sons of Trigon: Wonder Woman/Circe
    War of the Light: The entire Emotional Spectrum because why not?
    Amazon Fury: Wonder Woman/ A whole bunch of bloody gods
    Halls of Power: Even more bloody gods (Mister Miracle/Darkseid)
    Bombshell Paradox: League of Assassins, apparently
    This could fit as Shazam!/Black Adam themed, or Aquaman/someone else mentioned.
    (Also, correct me if any of my information is wrong because it is two in the morning, it's been a long day, and I might not know what I'm talking about)
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  3. Kreachure Committed Player

    This is an amazing idea for a type of expansion/DLC
  4. Harlequin_Nox Committed Player

    I've been gone for over 2 years now. I've just reinstated my membership, at least for the time being.

    I'm curious, with the new releases coming up, how many similarities there are to this thread with the content that has come out (or is upcoming) since my departure (I'm not expecting much, but I think it may be a fun little comparison to see what the devs have done differently)
  5. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    I remember this thread! Soo many years ago!

    Anyways, the episode takes inspiration off DC Rebirth's The Deluge/Underworld/The Crown Comes Down. Basically the rise of Corum Rath and his plans to rule Atlantis. Of course it isn't exactly like the comics since we the players have to be incorporated into the storyline but they did a fine job staying true to the source material while keeping it "DCUO" style. Sadly no actual Trench Appearance and the cast ensemble seems limited. That's my small gripe about it.

    Your ideas were great but rather too grand for DCUO, perhaps in another game...
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