Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by StillCheckmate, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    One of two dps I ran into today. Look at healing out while debuffed vs. healing out as a dps. The fact that dps outheals a healer is what worries me, since healers are debuffed 100% of the time with the exception of 3-second intervals created by a trinket and times when the dps isn't debuffing the healer.
  2. thelostczarnian New Player

    wrong... they made sure we can debuff any dps. but you have to use the right debuff as in tank debuf for ice fire earth and healer debuff for elctric sorc and nature ect
  3. thelostczarnian New Player

    yes and that was broken. people with troll powerset have to swap role like mad and always have. welcome to balanced gameplay!
  4. thelostczarnian New Player

    that the thing. tanks and healers are all qqing about losing their godlike status in 1v1. that is all this is about. get over it. it was a good run in godmode while it lasted but now all i can say is gg
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  5. thelostczarnian New Player

    your wrong. when a dps has a shield they have a green defense symbol. no shield = no symbol. debuffing them gives a red shield which mean a defense debuff. make a dps much more squishy with red shield.
  6. Spidersting Committed Player

    This right here is what is going to seperate the good from the bad. Any non controller attempting to keep a healer perma debuffed will run out of power rather quickly.
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  7. BadJade New Player

    Pretty much stingoes, I have already seen it and read it in matches via /v and /g from a troller telling a dps to stop debuffing the healer. 1. Its inferior and last 6 seconds, 2 the dps wasted his whole power bar trying to debuff/damage whilst stressing out his troller friend.
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  8. Spidersting Committed Player

    Yep basicly the baddies want to spam powers without thinking and come here to cry about it when they fail. Using the new debuffs will work but timing is everything.
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  9. Karasawa Loyal Player

    I don't know, I'm gadgets and whenever I fight a healer I keep them debuffed the whole time. It's not a hard thing to do and it's basically better for the other guy to have healed in dps in that case.
  10. Ionthas Well-Known Player

    This is not a true debuff. All it does is strip their shield. The only way to debuff a dps is to successfully counter them.
  11. CommonSense New Player

    Exactly what BadJade and SpiderSting said. Stop all the QQ about DPS being the best. It simply is not true and you are not doing yourself or your team any favors by healing in DPS role. Timing is everything in this game, this just evened out the playing field a bit between the roles but RPS is still there and still extremely useful. Stop commenting already stillcheckmate, if you spent half the time in game mastery your power set instead of posting videos of you beating lower geared players and trying to prove something that is completely also, maybe you would be as good as the rest of us Healers who have no problem with this update. Lets not forget us real Healers have been fighting debuffed all these years, now we get to debuff our counter role as well, it's icing on the cake.
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  12. KingpinDizzy New Player

    nah you don't know what you're talking about the RPS is gone and i can easily prove it to you... this update was unnecessary and things to go back and don't get me started with the horrid and distracting icons... Heals are paper, tanks really got booted out the RPS system as they are pretty useless and teams who even pvp, no1 probably even pvping as competitive leagues go..
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  13. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    tf you mean posting videos of beating people with worse gear than me? All these people are have at least full punchline, some modded. I have logistics. You just make the assumption that I have better gear because I win? Secondly, I'm a real healer. You actually said you were a dps earlier so you can go ahead and shut the **** up trying to pretend you know what it's like to heal, let alone heal debuffed. Thirdly, a debuffed controller has reduced vitalization but does 165% damage against a healer if I'm not mistaken, so it's basically a better dps that can keep debuffs on longer with some power coming back, so I honestly don't know why the hell you think it matters that a controller can be debuffed by a healer in 1v1 when the controller 99% of the time train wrecks the healer. Fourthly, if you're on usps3 and would like to join those in the videos, feel free to add me (Czeckmate X) and send a 1v1 scrimmage invite soon as you're ready and have specced into the appropriate debuffs so your scrub *** can actually have a chance at beating somebody. Thank you, have a good night. Stop commenting your bs on my thread.
  14. CommonSense New Player

    Show me where I said I was a DPS anywhere. If you read anything, I told you how to counter a DPS since you are having trouble with that. Look through all my posts. Think you not only need work on your in game skills, but your reading as well. Second, I play on USPC, sorry no budget computers here. If you are having problems right now, you weren't a real Healer, us real Healers were always debuffed, thus making this just another day in the office. All the other experienced Healers are siding against you, and that is because you can't play a role properly and you are just here in these forums QQing. Anyone with common sense can you see are fighting under geared players, when they counter you it barely hurts you. Less QQ, more adapting, k?

    Use core strength and you won't have a DPS issue and you too will do 165% damage against a Tank. Please, no more QQ from you sir lol. L2P. This game is more balanced now than it ever was. This update separates the boys from the men in PvP, who knew their were so many boys! LOL
  15. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    I use core strength. Any experienced player can tell that from my numbers. I'd look for where you said "loljk im a dps" but you're not worth the time. You so obviously have no real PvP experience outside 1v1 it's funny. I've no problem with being debuffed by a controller, but being debuffed by somebody in damage dealing gear with a damage dealing loadout who's wearing mods (white and exobit) meant to destroy anything in the way is something I'm against. Lastly, like I said before, I'm the undergeared one. If you'd care to come to usps3 and inspect the both of us you'd see that but until then your speculations and incorrect and unwarranted beliefs mean nothing.
  16. CommonSense New Player

    LOL you crack me up...

    You say you use core strength, which brings our DPS in Healer role on par with a Controllers damage, yet you feel weak LOL. You say you can survive a Controller, yet are having trouble with DPS... Now I really know it it is a learn to "play issue" on your end. How is it you can survive a 12 second debuff but can't survive a 6 second debuff? How is it any different from fighting a team who has a Controller and a DPS on it going after you? It doesn't. You are just having a hard time adapting to this even playing field and instead of getting better at the game you are spending most of your time here QQing. Stoping the QQing and just get better already. I love watching bad players suffer.

    News flash, if you can hold your own in 1's you can definitely hold your own with any number of team mates. L2P.
  17. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    I never said I can survive a controller ... I said I have no problem with being debuffed by a controller. Any other meaning was mistakenly implied by you. Most controllers will beat me 1v1, I admit that. Some dps could beat me 1v1 previous to u28, but that number grew exponentially when the Devs gave them debuffs. See, the problem was the way a controller kept a healer in check was through debuffs and doing damage with the 0% damage reduction. Now, a dps can do that except they have more damage because of gear tehy wear and modifiers given with every power they use, including the debuffs. Do some competitive PvP doe a change instead of running around in 1v1, do a 4v4 deathmatch, even 5v5 against a premade and see how often somebody other than you is targeted. Know why the healer is targeted so much more now? Because it can be debuffed 100% of the time now. Learn to play outside 1v1.
  18. CommonSense New Player

    What part of I run all types of PvP is so hard for you to understand? I have no problems surviving a DPS, I run them out of power so quick it is not funny. I'm sorry you aren't good enough to understand how to fight DPS, but if DPS ever beat you in Healer role, you failed somewhere at being a Healer. Seriously man stop the QQ already, my stomach is starting to hurt from all the laughing. You are mad right now because you are getting owned by people who are more skilled than you LOL. You just admitted it. If I am having no trouble fighting DPS in Healer role, then you sir should not be having a problem either. L2P, stop the QQ LOL.

    Why do you think I said earlier "I am used to fighting debuffed" and that it felt "like another day at the office"? It's because before this update I was debuffed and now I am still getting debuffed only now I can debuff everyone else back. Learn to play already. If you spent half the time in game getting better as you do here in these forums QQing, then you might not have the problems you are having.
  19. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    0 evidence. Nothing other that the horribly typical "lol l2p trololol" that comes from everybody who supports u28. Come to think of it, you sound a lot like an old member of the forum named Giggles, who I believe got banned.
  20. CommonSense New Player

    Are you on something?

    Giggles is a Controller from what I understand, I am a Nature Healer.

    Just because you are upset that others are better than you, does not mean this is a bad update. I don't need to prove anything to anyone, I love this update and I and many others have tried explaining to players like you how this is not effecting PvP as much as you seem to think. Just because you don't like it or a vocal minority in these forums do not like it, does not mean people in game do not like it. PvP is popping much faster after this update than it did before this update. That can only mean one thing... It was a good decision and you need to step up your skills and tone down the QQ. LOL