Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by StillCheckmate, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Spidersting Committed Player

    It doesn't work that way though, the debuffs only last 6sec using movement mode debuffs. They do crap dmg and require a ton of power to keep it on a healer 24/7. In a 1v1 fight unless you are timing the debuffs you will not win vs a healer as a dps. I did a bit of testing with a very good healer on test using ice and if I didn't conserve power I wouldn't have the power to finish the job and even then it was very close calls and could of been anyones game if HT was involved. I hardly felt like a controller even with a heal debuff in dps role.

    6sec is easy to wait out if you know what you are doing as a healer. And in a team fight where you have support this crap is hardly going to be a problem. These new debuffs were designed to help out in the 1v1 and 2v2 situations where you don't have all roles present so that everyone has equal chances to win.
  2. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    Using ice, tell your very good healer I said good job beating somebody you have extra damage on.
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  3. Karasawa Loyal Player

    This is very true though there's more. A troller role debuff removes a healer's 65% healing bonus and removes a flat 400 resto last I checked. The role debuff does nothing to a dps. So if you expect to be debuffed an entire match you actually will heal a bit more as a dps in healer gear.

    If we're going to have MORE debuffs around in pvp they should be LESS devastating to compensate. The troller role debuff used to only reduce resto by half which is much more forgiving.
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  4. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    Exactly what I'm saying and said in the thread before u28 was released, but no Devs never listen. u27, u28 both hurt healers.
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  5. CommonSense New Player

    All this video shows is that electric needs to be brought in line with nature and sorcery. Good job showing the devs that elec needs to be toned down some. I as a nature healer could not do that, and neither could a sorcery healer. Thanks for showing everyone the blatant imbalance, saved many of us the time.

    I would also like to say as a nature healer I am not having much trouble with these new changes.
  6. razor Red New Player

    let the electric nerf begin!!!!! seriously i can't dps and heal with nature i just look stupid tryng.
  7. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    I can do that as nat. I've been nat before. If you're calling elec OP I think the problem is you, since we all know nature is the best healer.
  8. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    dps: place dots, harvest. easy.
    healing: place pheromones, cancel if necessary then recast. easy, that's why I switched.
  9. Poetic Play Committed Player

    I'm a Healer and I know this GU pretty much killed being a Healer in 1v1 or 2v2, actually killed being any role in 1v1 or 2v2. The thing is though.. I don't understand your video. You barely used any heals in the video as a DPS role, so no you didn't heal more. You just lost your damage when switching to Healer.

    Btw, the guy you faced was obviously much lower geared than you were, if you notice that his counters barely hurt you, even though he got more counters than you did. This indicates that he was low geared, but a better PvPer than you were.
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  10. CommonSense New Player

    As SpiderSting said, show us a video of you doing the same thing as nature. You won't be able to heal as good. Also please fight a good Controller. The one you fought was not that good.

    What I find funny is no other power set performs that well in any other role.

    Nature loses its HoTs and healing PIs in DPS role, along with Sorc.
    Tanks lose their healing and damage absorption in DPS role.
    Controllers lose their PoT and debuffs in DPS role.

    Yet you just showed an elec dps can still heal fine in DPS role. Don't be surprised if the set is bloodied with the nerf bat.
  11. razor Red New Player

    i think nature is the best healer class but in dps stance electric can heal far better. either way i beat hybrid healers easily.
  12. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    Soon as you give me $10 I will, unless you want to wait until8/14 so I can get loyalty points.
  13. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    I don't know why you guys point out irrelevant facts, such as "oh he's a controller not a dps" and "oh he's undergeared." The point of the video is to show that healing out is better in dps stance than in healer stance. Not that I beat a controller, not that I barely healed, but the fact that I healed better in dps.

    ^ Exactly what I'm saying, except healer debuff applied to healer role is no 65% increased healing out AND -400 resto.
  14. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    He still has something, the only difference in the debuffs are the amount of time they last. He may not have done this right but he has brought one of the great imbalances this update have cause to light.
  15. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Electric and nature are both capable healers in dps role. Electric loses electro burst but still gets biosurge, biocap and galvanize. Nature gets metabolism, blossom, and cross poll. Pretty even, except nature can go gorilla for 35% and get all the other healing stuff back + do damage.
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  16. Flash New Player

    Debuffed heals aren't as good as nondebuffed heals?? Say it isn't so!! The biggest thing this update did was push people to 1v1 in DPS role. As it should be.
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  17. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    The problem is that I can outheal myself in dps role. Does this not sound wrong to you? What role do you play, that makes you so happy that 1v1 healing is broken?
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  18. CommonSense New Player

    A good player will utterly destroy a healer in DPS role. The heals are so minimal that it is almost a waste. You only beat that Controller because you out geared him. Go fight a equally geared Controller, I'll bet you go down pretty quick. Especially with how extremely predictable you are in combat.

    It seems to me you are just upset about the balance this update brought to PvP. It seems like you are having trouble because you relied so heavily on the older imbalances. Welcome to balanced PvP. It is not going anywhere.
  19. Yallander Loyal Player

    While I know what you are taking about (heck I am one of the first to bring up the issue during test), your video doesn't help your point in the slightest because you are facing a role that SHOULD and DOES debuff you in dps or healer stance. You basically played a hybrid against a troller and won. Now if you played against a tank or DPS in that video it would have more merit.

    The problem was bad when the debuff lasted 12 seconds. Now that it is 6 seconds it isn't as bad, however I still don't think it was the right way to go to speed up matches. I've posted enough on the topic that I am just tired of it at this point and wish those carrying on the conversation success in communicating clearly to the devs that this change isn't wanted by the community at large (or that it is...)

    If you want to help your stance get some videos up of classes that "shouldn't" theoretically have an advantage against you OR you facing the same player in dps using the heal debuff and then troller and your final healing numbers as a healer stance and as a dps stance. I offer that as advise because the devs will be looking something tangible.
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  20. Flash New Player

    You can heal more in dps stance when you're DEBUFFED in healer role. Not without the debuff, and it's a controller debuff. You're being debuffed by a controller (your opposite role) and think this is broken??

    I play Healer/Troller/Dps/Tank (3 characters above 110 sp all punchline modded) I don't see anything we didn't have before these debuffs were put in.
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