Best names you've seen in game

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Terribly Shocking, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. Kobolt Level 30

    ummmm I'm with Lynx (well ok to a point I do like ridiculous ones) here are mine...

    Time Guard
    Mister Strangefate
    Seven Fires
    Honey Thief
  2. Fourth New Player

    Ellen Page.

    Are these all my characters? Yes.

    Any name with "derp" in it is horrible, I instantly ignore people with those names, I think they make up 94% of my ignore list. Same goes for..."umad"...Ugh, it's disgusting.
  3. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    Even Lights Derp/ DerpsPowerBattery? :eek:
  4. Cold New Player

    Heard yall were talking about my bada** name
  5. Fourth New Player

    Specially those two. Those have been there for a while.
  6. iSmashly New Player

    Heady Budz
    Stinky Napkin
    Userr Error
    Stifflers Mom

    Unfortunately none of these people play any longer.
  7. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    People who know Silver will be mad I said this but...I always loved his one name{{Changed now}} it was like GetWreckedScrub

    Also someone who used to run around named Attack Dog and only used Canine form.

    My friend's name also... Sir DitzyDerpington
  8. Sword Song New Player

    thanks, you have a nice name also...
  9. Shadow Vlad New Player

    Frost Brood (of course its one of mine)
  10. Meta Flare New Player

    My favorite that isn't mine is... Raven Bloodbow. They were a mental troll with a bow. She was pretty BA.

    But my over all fav is mine obviously. I am pretty good at coming up with names usually.
  11. Tikkun Loyal Player

    My favorite is my ex-main, Protogeneia...means The Firstborn.

    A couple others I made that I like are Demiurge, Shiver Siren, Prazosin, and Erdgeist.

    Wasn't there a villain on USPC named The Exwife? There were a couple of heroes a long time ago who always ran together named Agony Ann and Andy dressed like sadist versions of the dolls. That was always funny to see.
  12. MattTheViolator New Player

    BigFootsDik...when I asked why he replied so you can go tell everyone you got to play with BigFootsDik
  13. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Quantum Edge.
  14. Brother Cimorelli New Player

  15. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Oh gawd
    That is one of the worst names I've seen
  16. Brother Cimorelli New Player

    Another really good name belong to an alt long gone now, but her name was Tara McKlayRosenberg
  17. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    It's better than my alt Generalissimo Zodero
  18. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    I think that's better.
  19. Remander Steadfast Player

    My first toon in DCUO was Nature and I colored him in shades of purple just for kicks. Named him Amaranthinal.
  20. Meta Flare New Player

    Remander just reminded me of my old nature toons name.

    It was blawsome. A mix of awesome and blossom. I always thought it was clever.
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