Best Mental DPS & Troller Loadouts

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by jaiden, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. Gerbal New Player

    So now your bringing crits into play. If thats the case I slaughter your 5k on 3 targets with my rotation. My hb numbers were non crit bottom end values. If I throw in crits on 3 adds then were talking 1200-2400 per add for both ticks. Say I can do this 3 times in 3.5 sec which I can then im doing roughly 1000 more dmg then u in your 3.5 seconds or 500 if you do it in 3. Now u get interrupted im way ahead. You dont get the big crit im way ahead. Plus thats only the first 3 seconds. Do you kill every add in necus hallway in one tk bolt cast?
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  2. The Hornet New Player

  3. The Hornet New Player


    So many issues here, I'm beginning to think we've got a serious language barrier. That or you've licked some bad windows. You consistently assume I'm saying things that I'm not. You confuse the issue, that and you assume things about numbers that are fantasy.

    You've been trolling this thread this whole time just to get Youtube hits, haven't you. Suddenly it's all so clear ...

    **** all y'all, I'm out.
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  4. Dianna WD New Player

    I'm not trolling xD... I think you are, and I'm not looking for youtube hits and yes... You said mental can do more aoe dmg than Gadgets.

    You know, your aoe loadout with tkb isn't strong for single... Because you are trying to make a mix of aoe and single, but you will lost a single dmg and gain aoe dmg, okay... I can agree, but when you do it, you still doing less dmg than gadget for aoe but your single will be less and will be almost the same as gadget. Results: gadgets will do more aoe and same single.

    With my loadout the results are: gadgets will doing more aoe but less single. Now, i have a good performance for something in the raid, now I'm the best in something.

    But when you still with your loadout, is better for the group just kick you and invite a nice gadget... because he will do more aoe and same single.
  5. H.. Committed Player

    Wow, this is an amazing and highly entertaining thread - It's like a Presidential debate or, a Soap opera or, maybe both?:)

    All kidding aside, the overall information is good food for thought - encouraging all to try things and experiment on their own and, then come to their own conclusions on what is best - for them!!
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  6. Gerbal New Player

    Smartest thing ive heard on the forums. Never take what one person says and believe it to be true. Find out whats best and go with it. Guides and stuff are only to get you to see things differently then you make it work for you. No statement should ever be set in stone. Thats the reason I argued the point of tk bolt being our only way to keep up in aoe.
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  7. ChibiSilver New Player

    It's true you should never listen to what people say "works best" you should always test yourself to see what truly does what. Yes a loadout someone gives can be a start. But in the end you should always test yourself what does what. If you just listen too someone else you'll never know what you would if you tested yourself. But if HL and gadgets are known to be so good because of the non stop damage they put out, Then shouldn't all powers be focused on speed?
  8. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    I can do more damage than that in one cast of mass det sense we're bragging about damage.

    Not always, but I can.

    Anyway like someone else was trying to say. Their best load out and rotation might not be YOUR best load out rotation. Try all of them and use whatever you can execute the best.
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  9. Gerbal New Player

    Since the op was asking for loadouts heres my current loadout which is doing great dmg in nexus and paradox.

    Mt,menace,pyro,ps, phase dodge, and thought bubble.

    Ive been using hb. Rotation goes like this

    Mt/menace/pd>hold range atk tap range atk/pyro/pd switch targets as you hold range atk tap range atk/pyro/pd hold tap wep combo/mt/pd hold tap/ps for aoes.

    now I have great trollers as this rotation uses power if you dont have great controllers dont use pd let animations play out.
    For single target I use
    hold tap mt/men/pd hold tap/pyro/pd hold tap/tb/pd hold tap/mt/pd hold tap/ps/pd hold tap electrostatic grenade hold tap repeat. Its a very active loadout but it will put out amazing dmg.

    Try it yourself maybe youll like it maybe youll hate it.
    P.s. dont fully charge the hold range atk just get it started and release
  10. KingMidNightMoon New Player

    LMFAO, go **** yourslf. ******** a bit m8?:p
  11. janedoe New Player

    Well ive used dianna's loadout for almost 2 days now and i have to admit its fun as hell and is perfect for a high movement battles, used it in prime did one run with 13igtyme loadout another with Dianna's loadout and Dianna's loadout won even tho both times i was lacking on power because we only had 1 troll. Have yet to run nexus with it but the damage is there the fun factor of the loadout is there and terrorize is grt even when boss is over 35%. But ima keep experimenting ill keep u guys posted.
  12. Dianna WD New Player

    Ei janedoe, I did a new video. I back to mental yesterday =)
    I love Terrorize.

  13. janedoe New Player

    Lol funny thing is today i played around using neo venom boost on my sparring target lol.
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  14. janedoe New Player

    Ohh and btw found a way to use the loadout a crazy fast way that also gives u a precision and might small buff but is extremely power heavy. Maybe all of you knew this but i didnt so excuse my ignorance but try this out; tap range for grenade - use any power - clip to psichic empowerment - then repeat with another power in the middle lol. Seemed like the fastest way to use mental dps.

    WARNING Practice it with a troll if not ur power will banish after half ur rotation.
  15. Dianna WD New Player

    Don't work with my rotation. You will lost the 45-50% dmg buff to replace with 35% buff by PsychicEmpowerment and will use too much power... Really can't work.
  16. janedoe New Player

    Ahhh forgot about 35% good call
  17. janedoe New Player

    Dammit as soon as i get the hang of the rotation with rifle i get 86 blasters lol
  18. Onslaught New Player

    My dps loadout: Mass terror, menace, pyro/phantom flames (I switch it on the fly depending on if I'm burning a boss or fighting adds), mass lev, tk bolt, terrorize. No supercharge

    I start with mass terror, clip with menace, weapon combo, phantom flames, mass terror again, while I have two dots going I cast mass lev then tk bolt, clean up mess with terrorize and weapon combos. Works great with enduring mod that keeps your 60% dmg modifier up.
  19. The Hornet New Player

    What are you talking about? According to Richard Gere over here, handblasters are the deadliest thing in the DC Universe.
  20. janedoe New Player

    Idk im using my rifle and atm im top dps in wave vs a quantum and nature