Best DPS trinket?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Revenger, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. HolyCrusader Active Player

    Utility belt with fos/cc and whatever else

    however if you can only choose 1 trinket, I would take the fos1 trinket: quick cool down, clips attacks, no weird combos that can accidentally go off and mess you up.... and a quite good stat boost.
  2. Bishop New Player

    Are people forgetting that whilst in CC suit, you can activate a really powerful, non-splitting AoE channel? Seriously, it is pretty potent if you jump into the middle of trash and activate it.

  3. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    The CC trinket is fun and all but your forgetting the Omac Trinket as the most powerful ;) But in reference to the OP the CC trinket is the most readily available as its the only dps trinket you can actually purchase, the rest you need to farm instances for.
  4. iLove Frannyyy New Player

    What's the omac trinket?
  5. Remander Steadfast Player

    It's a rare vault drop. Transformation trinket that gives you pretty substantial DPS buffs.
  6. iLove Frannyyy New Player

    Oh okay. This is out of topic, but with this new update, it's even harder to get the fos 1 trinket :(
  7. Remander Steadfast Player

    To clarify, the trinket lists health and toughness boosts, but it also boosts your crit chance. Can't remember by how much. I have it on my troller, but don't DPS with him.
  8. iLove Frannyyy New Player

    If only trinkets were tradable
  9. H.. Committed Player

    I put that CC Trinket on two years ago and have NEVER taken it off :)
    The length of the Cool Down period along with the lack of a visible Cool down Counter Clock, are it's biggest draw backs.

    Tempted to pick up one of those Trinkets in the Waste-Lands but, it seems you can only boost one stat depending on which one you pick - either Precision or, Might per Trinket at a time -

    The one CC Trinket boost both stats at the same time!

    Speculation - I wonder if, that in the future, will Trinkets ever be able to accept mods of some kind?
  10. ScifiToilet New Player

    wow revived a 7 month old thread, impressive.

    t5 trinket is the best. As a mental dps at 35%hp on the boss im popping trinkets and spamming my finisher, i dont even use weapon attacks at this point, the big boost in one stat is preferred over an overall boost. Sure most classes use both might and prec, but everyone has a special go-to move to kill things and that 1 skill is either prec or might, not both.