Battle Tanking

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nebraxis, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    2% of 30K is 600. Or 48% of dom which can be as high as 5-7K which would be between 2.5-3.5K. It is why I recommend going with both dom and might, boosting your health won't really make it much higher than 600 per a hit. But more damage out never hurts. Having higher dom that is more valuable for those extra heals.
  2. Delta796th Loyal Player

    That's why I said they were both right...
    The big heals come from the Dominance side & the little heals just happen form attacking. Might as well put out some damage while doing it and if you have the SP then go for Might.

    Wasn't arguing, just explaining what was what. Cause someone will come in here thinking the more damage I do the more healing I get!!!!! While it's really the DOM that gets the big heals, it just happens they are attacks that trigger it.
  3. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I'm not the one Your thinking of about discussing atomic, I never said anything other than stats and role for gear.

    AND if I do login 1 day I won't be trying to do anything that involves wearing both roles at the same time period.