Available Now: Time Capsules + Game Update 63!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. bringmoresorrows New Player

    Also am trying to reinstall DC and see what happens
  2. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I canĀ“t log in via Steam Mepps
    Error 0x0010 Authentication issue
  3. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    I did Suicide Squad Training on one of my toons, and am loot locked for Stabilizers on ALL my toons.
    Can we get Stabilizers in other instances too?
  4. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Replay Badges.
  5. Pher Active Player

    I'm getting error code 0x0010 as well. I do play through Steam
    • Like x 1
  6. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Take out all the R&D stuff that drops in the game out of these boxes.
  7. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    wait. You spent 793 Replay badges? :eek:
    EDIT: Oops, forgot about the new structure related to membership status.
  8. Kryptux New Player

    The same Problem -.- (EU PC Steam)
  9. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    No I ran it 5 times, so I replayed it 4 times. 348 Replays.
  10. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    This just happens when i renewed my subscription for 6 months...
  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We have identified an issue related to the steam logins and are working to resolve it.
  12. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    yeah, forgot about the revised rewards depending on membership status. Still, a lot of doe.
  13. bringmoresorrows New Player

    Okay thank you so much, how long do you think its going to take?
  14. Sara Webb New Player

    thanks for the update Mepps do you know around how long it will take?
  15. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Replays are from Legendary membership ;)

    What else am I to do with them lol
  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I do not have an estimate yet, but we'll keep you updated as we can.
  17. bringmoresorrows New Player

    Thank you Mepps
  18. Vrseven New Player

    I verified the game files on steam and now its downloading 6.3 gigs lol
    • Like x 1
  19. Dakotareyne New Player

    For those launching the game from steam: apparently you can launch the game directly from the steam files (instead of from steam) and it will work.

    My gaming partner and I were both getting the error message when we launched from steam, but when we launched directly from the program files, we were able to log in and access our characters.

    Program Files (x86) --> Steam --> steamapps --> common --> DC Universeonline --> LaunchPad
    • Like x 2
  20. Wither Paradox New Player

    So, glad to see it's not just me.
    Authentication Issue: 0x0010
    I tried to verify files and all that jazz but that screwed things up even worse....