Anyone agree that style unlock should not apply to materials or BB auras?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Reinheld, Apr 22, 2018.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    That's a distinct possibility as well
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Get outta here lol :p
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  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Please don't even joke about that, lol. :eek:
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  4. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Imo no game should have anything that would be a 1time thing they would rip them self's money that could be a hugh money increase.
    They could have stuff come 1st in special boxes then come out ether on market place or as a drop or something like that.
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  5. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    MattSup..... I mean Reinheld xD
    Style unlocks just equal more sales for all individual sale items. The people that still have plasmic, smoke & nimbus auras from before 2015-16 will probably be able to sell their just in case stockpile now without having a second thought. Now we should get an influx of older single auras into the game that people have refused to sell or use because they only had one left. :D Thank goodness :D. This should also help with the ridiculous inflation on auras and other styles within the broker.

    Now the broker players have another player at the table. LOL good times. Now that I think about it. This should help with dupes & exploiting styles that sell on the broker too. Gold bot spammers & the likes will not be able to make as much money because of this. SWEET!!!!!!! this should also help get rid of the spambots......for the most part.
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  6. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Magneto has jokes xD
    RIP Charlie Murphy.
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  7. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    I sold 5 OG Plasmics for over 900m and I got them for 20m each when they were new. I have 4 consumed and I don't have any issue with the style unlocks making it possible for those who purchased at least one of the auras to obtain account wide. In fact, this could mean that the auras would be even more desirable for those who don't even have one of them to finally obtain one. The point is, they aren't making it possible for people who have never obtained these auras at least once to finally get them. I do not support your opinion.

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  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Matertials would be neat, but I don't believe it. As for OG Auras, I really don't mind. Those who already have them can unlock them on other toons. Those who don't have them, still have to buy them if they are afailable. These Auras would still be exclusive.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Matertials :eek:
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  10. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Shut yo mouth...knowing our devs they would do something like this XD
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  11. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Yay to typing on a phone! :cool:
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  12. The Nightwing New Player

    No sorry, I also have to spend a lot of effort to share aura and material styles among chars, but that was just a workaround for something that should have been implemented already...

    Go for it dev team.
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  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Style unlocking...awesome, thank you!

    This conversation about pixel hoarding:

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  14. stärnbock Devoted Player

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  15. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Well I have bough all of the BB auras multiple times but I would love to be able to unlock them simply because I will have them on all my toons and all future toons I'll be making. So the question is: would I like to spend a few more billions again or simply unlock them? Yeah, I'll go with unlocking :)
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  16. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    Material's are not included:

    Also, it is not like they are giving away BB aura's etc. You would still have had to obtain them through normal means. So now you'll be able to enjoy that time and money spent on your alternate characters too. If you chose to obtain BB Aura's on alternate characters previously then that was your decision. It shouldn't impact everyone else because you feel selfish.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, happens to me too ;)
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Funny, but no. As I've conversed openly in chat with Matt and even been in a few raids with him, he's not me...or I'm not him...or whatever.

    Besides, I'm not crazy enough to believe a solar aura is worth 1 billion. 200 mil maybe?

  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I do have some of the older auras, but I'd have a lot more had I not applied them to get some of my alts the same styles. That's all I was saying, and as I already said, I was wondering what the general feeling was and I've already gotten that answer and said 'ok'. I'm fine with majority rule...was just wondering if I was in the minority....I guess I am. No worries...won't be the first time...won't be the last.

    Follow up question though....does anyone know if they are going to eliminate the ability to just buy the style feat straight up like we can do today? Honestly for the most part I don't really care to have any of these extra styles on most of my alts, and would just prefer to spend the 5 replays getting the style feat vs the 30-40 needed to unlock the full set 1 piece at a time.

  20. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I have no problem with BB auras being included. But I realize that unlocking these premium, rare items is going to be costly. Like very costly.

    I'm even hoping that materials become included in the future. And I'm fine with that being even more costly.
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