Livestream Anniversary Event and New Time Capsule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 3, 2017.

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  1. Proxystar #Perception

    What did you get out of opening your stabilizers that was of any meaningful value? What if anything did you get handed for free?

    My point here is that you're either errantly or purposefully putting the community crook here by implying they can get a corrupted and orange mist aura for less than 26million, it's just a flat out lie.

    Here are some screenshots taken from the broker right now from one of my alt toons.


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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    I'll tell you one thing it's not doing;

    putting the styles behing multiple RNG walls within a time limited capsule that is only around for 8 weeks with no definitive plans on how,when if or in what manner it will return.

    DLC's aren't going anywhere.

    Everything negative about the time capsules just compiles upon itself

    short available time frame
    expensive keys
    poor drop rates
    no bad luck redundancy system (such as a break down duplicate system and vendor)
    no truly free trade system due to a broken economy.
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  3. Gamer_Liko Well-Known Player

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  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Bro, it's the same with the pvp feats. Did I get anything for winning 200 more moon or Australia arena wins that most? No! Those were long hard fought feats. Not easy Lpve feats, most no where near close to the difficulty of the original feats.

    Sorry, you keep saying one thing, but want something for doing nothing really.
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  5. Roocck Committed Player

    This is why I said put everything in the marketplace Feats, Auras, Collections, Styles etc.... I mean it is a P2W MMO make ie completely legit so that way we are sure to get what we need instead of gambling with our wallets...
  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Never mind. I edited the post because after reading through this i see proxy has said pretty much exactly what i said ;) I will say 1 thing, i found the people want things for free comment and its wrong to support the game by simply playing it to be insulting. Ive spent thousands on dcuo over 4 years. I pay my sub to play. And i dont expect anything for free. I expect to have access to the game im paying to play and to not be charged more and more for items that are linked to progression. And the items can be obtained ingame argument is over with. When its taking hundreds of millions of ingame cash to finish this stuff then common sense says only a small % of players will be getting the items in the TCs.The feats should be removed. There are a lot of unhappy players atm. Angering your loyal long time customers is not the best idea imo. Just saying.

    I also dont believe the i finished the 2 auras for 26 million. Ive been a hound at the broker the last 2 days. Ive seen the prices. Unless u got the rare collections for those auras from opening TCs then its simply not possible to finish those for the price u stated.
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  7. Gimpy Loyal Player

    From the moment a person has to purchase a piece of content to "progress" beyond the "original" F2P "portion" of this game,,,,,

    it's ALL P2W.

    The TCs are morphing this game into a Digital Casino where a person is paying to play to pay to take a chance on gambling to get a chance to gamble to get a chance to play at getting a chance to pay to play to gamble,,,,,,

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  8. Coldzoom Well-Known Player

    I am confused can't find purge mission this morning.
  9. Johnny DCUO Well-Known Player

    Thank you 4 the event raid. I know again what rage quitting is. :(
  10. Korvyne Committed Player

    That's the weekly, im guessing you completed it yesterday? It'll be back around on Thursday again.
  11. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    This what you doing daybreak. Look at all the posts. Look inside the video game. You`re turning all the players against each other and against you. While other mmos are solidarity with a good player base, developpers who understand how a mmo work and to keep their players happy with a good game core.

    I wish ffxiv and dcuo could look alike... I never had all issues from here in ffxiv. All the other mmos i played(ffxiv, eso, diablo 3...) are so fun, so organized, so balanced. I never got a problem with support roles, never people insulting each other, never had damn unbalanced contents and a weird progression with no real rewards.
    God, wake up daybreak, you are doing everything wrong, everything! and destroying a great game and the same time, destroying your company because people won't want to play your games with what youre doing with this one.

    This is the kind of game you keep wanting to run? This is the kind of game all the players want to continue playing?

    I really hope dcuo change for the good. Right now, it is not.
  12. DrakoTheGhoul Active Player

    I thought it was a Daily? i did it Two Days in A row now the mission missing.
  13. Korvyne Committed Player

    Reset day is Thursday, allowing you to do it the day it dropped(wed), it reset for this week, you did it again(Thurs)
  14. Apollyonx Active Player

    Played this game since Xbox launch. Always tried pretty hard to get all the skill points, one of the highest in Xbox at just above 250. I will not participate in this new time capsule madness. Sucks that feats are coming out that I will not be able to obtain unless I drop a lot of extra cash to get them. This is the definition of pay 2 win and they are no longer disguising it. I'll come check out stats matter when it comes out but this focus of time capsules and lame events over some really solid end game just had kind of turned this into a child's game. No challenge. Most challenging thing is survival and there is now more reward tied to paying for stabilizers than there is for the hardest content they put out. Should be skill points coming out of survival and just styles coming out of stabilizers but they don't think they will make enough money that way. Until they start losing subs. They keep you interested in the skill points by telling you for the past year that the skill points will matter eventually. Its kinda hilarious now that I have opened my eyes. I never dog this game but this last time capsules release has pushed me too far.
  15. shadyxxxshady New Player

    As a somewhat casual player I have noticed over the past year the greed in this game has become absurd. Players asked for months even years for the black lantern aura. Well when we finally get it the put in behind the rng system of the time capsule. Not even the booster bundle. A booster bundle just dropped like 2 weeks ago and what was the exclusive from that bundle? That's right the killer frost shoulders. Its obvious they had the capabilities to put the black lantern aura in that bundle but let us players spend money on a rushed booster bundle just to rush another time capsule 2 weeks later. People in my league have been quitting daily. I was surprised at the things they had said were happening to the game. So I decided to check the forums out myself and wow ive been here all day reading about this failed attempt at a revamp. . This new revamp cant really be the direction the game is going, is it? I watched an electric video about 10 minutes ago and I have to admit its the most boring thing I have ever seen. Maybe its just time to say enough is enough.
  16. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Going to only respond to this one out of the slew of posts of mine you've decided to interject on because this is the one I find insulting. At the start, I did not deny that I was lucky with some of the TCs I opened. I in fact was. What I stated about my progress was NOT a lie and I'd appreciate it if you would stop slinging that insult at me and keep this conversation civil.

    I get NOTHING and have never received ANYTHING on this game for free unless it was given to me by another player so let's put a stop to those accusations as well.
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    What you said was that you opened 26 capsules and only spent 26million in game to get both the citrine mist aura and corrupted aura.

    You're acting like that's basically a given and you seem to not want to acknowledge there is a massive degree of variance involved and that it is also not possible to buy the required final rare collections on the broker for less than 26million, the scar's collection is not that cheap.

    Your statement is very exceptionally misleading, so much so that's it simply can only be considered an outright lie.

    You can like the time capsules, all good, but please let's not pretend that the mathematics favour the player in any way and let's not pretend that you're getting a corrupted aura for 26million dollars in game it's simply not true on any level.

    Like I said you're either errantly misleading people or purosefully, if you're that upset about it, maybe you're doing it errantly, but you're still misleading people.

    As of this moment the cheapest Scar's collection is 65million.

    Edit; I also wasn't implying the developers gave you anything for free, I was talking about other players.
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  18. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Clearly, you can't continue a conversation with somebody who has a different opinion than you without resulting to insults and false accusations. I've explained things well enough to support the FACT that what I was able to do what I said. If you can't come to a place where you can understand that without having to result to these base, emotional replies towards me then I have no desire to continue this conversation with you.

    You clearly are incapable of carrying on a civilized conversation with someone if they don't agree with you or interpreting a clear explanation because of your emotionally clouded and closed mind.
  19. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Facts. Who ever agree with the devs methods always spend the minimal amount and get everything they need.
    I used 5 store Stabilizers and bought 5, and no exaggeration, i got 7 boxes that give materials and exobytes. The game population will drop even more soon if this keep up
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    No you're not listening, you're acting like "most people" could just buy a 20 pack of stabilizers, load up the broker with 26million and come out with a corrupted aura and citrine mist aura.

    That simply, isn't true Superpatriot, it simply isn't.

    I'm not upset here or even remotely emotional I've simply corrected, with actual screenshots and facts, what I quite frankly found to be a very misleading post by you, putting forth the suggestion, that what you did was a common occurence.

    If anyone is emotional here it's not me. I simply posted the screenshots and I posted the facts. What you're not doing is countering my argument with fact of your own.

    Because the reality is the mathematical variance of what you're proposing shows the true position to be completely opposite of what you propose.

    You acted too like the "free route" was a reasonable route, it "mathematically" is not a reasonable route.

    This isn't about having a closed mind either... I think its obvious you have just as much closed mind in terms of your opinion as you say I do.

    Ironically you're also accusing me of insults yet balatntly calling me "uncivilized"... go figure.
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