Livestream Anniversary Event and New Time Capsule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 3, 2017.

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  1. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    haha its Sunday over here as well.

    Best I can do


  2. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    As I said, I never denied the luck involved, but it's what happened. Update: I had to finally YOLO it and buy the last collection I needed for the Void Material and felt dirty afterwards. lol
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  3. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Don't have a million dollars, but maybe we can find one of these instead. What happened with all the "I did it and now you have to do it my way also" complaints. If they (read they not me) made the money off the broker, then maybe you should be talking to them instead of just taking from them.
  4. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Congrats on the completion bud :)
  5. Skifcha New Player

    I used to play on PS3 forever ago but lost interest and recently decided to try the game again on X1. So I've only been playing since early December and admittedly poured a good bit of money into the game over the holidays. I was very fortunate to pull a feather from boxes and completed 2 of the 3 collections for the Amazon Capsules, now only a month later there is a new Capsule and from what I'm seeing a total of 5 new collections, The Blue Lanturn and Anniversary Collection I have yet to see a single piece of. Judging from the overall tones of people in this thread is it safe to assume that this type of thing is a regular occurance? I haven't played long enough to really meet that many people so if this is going to turn into a cash grab I'd rather know before I invest too much time and money into it.
  6. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    If I were you, I'd run and never look back at DCUO.
  7. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    We always hear from you how easy the game is to play. You think it's too easy. You think it's unbelievable people fail because it's so easy.

    Welcome to the shoe on the other foot. Doesn't feel good, does it? I've had to scrape and claw for everything I've got in your so called easy content; time for you to "enjoy" the experience.

    As for me? I'm having no trouble at all in the broker game; and if you want my help, you can get bent.
  8. PleaseSendTell New Player

    Why does everyone hate these new time capsules?
    DC is actually helping you by giving more feats.
    What i've seen so far is people complaining about not being able to obtain all the styles ( Future Crusader, Shin'tar, Phoenix Material and etc)
    How is this DC's fault?
    It's the players fault for setting these items so high on the broker, Yes the drops from the Time Capsuels are terrible but if they were great then how would DC make money. You're forgetting that DC or Daybreak are trying to give to the people something ( Dlcs ) while trying to get something back ( money ). Daybreak is a company not a friend, or a charity. They want to make money but instead of putting these items in the marketplace they are giving us content with these new item capsules WITH FEATS. You guys are literally complaining about Daybreak giving you the ability to get feats, do you see how dumb you sound?
    DC didn't set the price for the Flaming Phoenix Feather at 100m minimum while the Phoenix Mat is at 120m minimum. Also they didn't set the price for the shim'tar helm and bulwark at 6m or more.
    Also, there are other ways to make money aside from selling exobits, exobytes, PSNS (although it's against TOS), and buying stabilizers.
    I would tell you how but that's my secret.
    So, people complaining about these new time capsules please stop, they are a good thing. Start complaining about the players selling the items so high and stop complaining about DC giving us content and feats.
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  9. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Read the latte's in green lol.
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  10. PleaseSendTell New Player

    Green line 1: That's why they give us a daily mission to get stabilizer fragments, no one is forcing you to buy hundreds of dollars worth of stabilizers and it's a chance to get it because it's rare drop NOT common.

    Green line 2: Everything is available on the broker, but the prices are high due to PLAYERS.

    Green line 3: How is it DC's fault for the player's addiction?

    Green line 4: I agree with you on that, why complain when you didn't get a collection or gear style you wanted? Like I said before everything is on the broker.

    I don't know what you are saying for the last three.
  11. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Just my input.
  12. recoil Committed Player

    honestly high broker prices don't make the devs any richer. just the few lucky players who got two of the rare collection pieces. i find the collections for the new auras quite easy actually. up until those last three you need that only come from time capsules and are notoriously rare drops even by that method. i'm not even working on blue or orange auras and those are the one's i've seen drop from anniversary events. now i still need the last 3 for relics of black death and total they cost an exorbitant 1.1 billion in cash on broker. now like y'all i imagine this is a hard cash cap to hit when you have a job to work 5/7 days a week and house work to do after the work and the time capsules only being in game for a month maybe 2 at best. here's a solution: a capsule JUST for the rare collections. it's a win win situation. just make the rare collection capsules drop at 1/10th the rate of normal capsules. considering that you can always get the same collection any number of times this is not a bad idea.
  13. Gamer_Liko Well-Known Player

    Don't see why we still posting here. We know the Dev's wont reply cause they have no defense for this stuff..
  14. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Technically speaking the pricing is allowed because of the "extra glitched" money that was created, which you can argue the developers did not correct the first time (I'm not going to argue how they could have done a better job or how they could do so now because thats a whole issue for another thread).

    Also, if they create more feats, that the majority people are never going to be able to get, how is this a "good thing" at all. If you create feats, and in your case are arguing those against them are stupid, and want to say "hey it's just going to make you stronger" than you would need to make them "easily" accessible, which they aren't due to the current drop rates on them.

    I'm all for hard to get feats for those who want a "challenge" or for the grinders (and in the grinding case anyone can do it if they put in the time) although in some of the cases of the "challenges" I think it's better to make it so you just get a title and not actual feat points (which they have done with some things) or at least don't make enough of them to make a true difference, especially since skill points are going to make a vast difference in how you can play soon.
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