An Otherworldly Guide to Celestial

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Remander, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    Welcome back!
  2. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Hey buddy! I see you're on PC once again.
    Can't blame ya. I'm not playing anymore, just ghosting around.
  3. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    I know, it's like what happened with cBlight after the big update a year ago. It was double ticking.
  4. motionsick Well-Known Player

    Don't want to be a naysayer or doubter but, that Earth player must have been terrible. (I have an Earth toon as well as Celestial). Were they using 1H/Flipslash?

    Crystal will fire off 2-3 big shots as soon as the first power is cast. On mobs, with the Flipslash damage and pet, Earth will have already destroyed the most of the adds before you can fire off your AM boosted (2nd) combo . On Boss fights, as long as the pet has power and the player keeps Flipslashing, Earth will keep pounding NPCs.

    BUT, I am really hoping I'm wrong and you've found an amazing loadout.
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  5. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Yup. The only problem is that the glyphs are misplaced which is why you see two burst heals. You also are supposed to get the same with DL but it seems the DL glyphs have not retained their supply drop like healing function. You're supposed to be able to pass through the glyphs and get a burst heal.

    I'd just say leave it be cause that's literally only 1 of two loadouts doing well for Celestial in PvP Healing. The resto/power spec should support you well enough to not be a burden on controllers.
    Keep PcDL AcB and Consume Soul up and the other powers are just for extra burst. Make sure you get RcC too. The knockout hot is important
  6. bagofboom Committed Player

    Loadout isn't special or unique in any way. And he probably WAS a sub par Earth player or having an off day maybe. I also have Earth toons (2, one hero one villain) so I know how good it can be.
    I think it was just a confluence of events, the perfect storm if you will.
    But the point was, (I think, it's been a bit since I posted that, lol) that I saw someone doubting Celestial, or upset that it wasn't as OP as others, and I had just had an awesome experience with topping a leader board (a rarity) so I wanted to share.
    I love Celestial!! It's my favorite power in the game. I hate the fact that it's dps side gets so much hate (or so little playing time) in LFG. I just wanted to show that it CAN be a very strong power if the stars align and shouldn't be dumped on.
    And hopefully....when #StatsMatter hits it will be HIGHLY competitive. With Celestials flexibility and range of options it should really shine.

    Ps. Haven't been on my Celestial toon in a while (been leveling alts lately) but when I do I'll throw my LO and stats on here so we can see what I was running with. (Sorry, I'm TERRIBLE with tray power names)
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  7. CassUV Well-Known Player

    Hi, guys. I receive help other day about loudout melee and mid-range/range and now im very better than before, but i have another doubt... Im my utility belt when im playing as DPS im running with Orbital, Back up, trinket 156 and im very confusing to what are better between Central city Trinket (390+ precision could rebuff 2 times), supply drops ( increase damage and restore power and health, but i dont know how much increase, and what increase... critical attack or stats damage?) and Eerie Jack seasonal event trinket (239 precision, quick reset)?

    So... im running now with: Orbital, Back up, CC Trinket, Trinket 156.
    Can i run better with Celestial DPS using Supply drop or Eerie Jack in slot of CC trinket in my utility belt?.
    Thx for help and sry about my bad english lol...

    Ps:. When finish the time of CC Trinket if im doing combos im interrupted, is it normal?.
  8. Tilz Loyal Player

    Hey CassUV (can't quote you, because of shi'**y pc :p )

    I use: Orbital, Trinket, Backup, Supply.

    Supply gives a 8 (on last stage) second buff on damage. But not 100% sure how much.
    Also the supply is great in runs to support troll and heal. That's the main reason I use it in raids acutally. (also i don't really dps anymore on a competitive level with bot-clipping and stuff.. mainly heal).

    It also depends on situations. In fights with stompa (for example) pet's are bad. So i wouldn't run backup/sidecick/jack.
    The Back-Up spot is my open spot. I sub backup with different trinkets from time to time.
    And yes it's normal that the CC trinket itnerrupts the combos. But because of the 4s window, you'll be in the AM after the trinket.
    So i would replace CC-Trinket with a supply drop and you can replace Back-up with jack (or even CC-Trinket).
    Just play around and take what'S better for you. I guess the differences are not too big tbh :)
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  9. CassUV Well-Known Player

    Thx for help, Tilz!.
  10. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    The supply drop provides a 50% increase in damage.
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  11. bagofboom Committed Player

    I like to run with;
    Supply Drop, Orbital, Trinket and Sidekick. And depending on the instance (and sometimes the Utility Belt) I like the Chronometric Emitters. In fact I have those on every toon I have and they have saved my life and the life of my teammates countless times. Switch out either your Sidekick or your Trinket with the Emitters as you play and when helpful and you'll thank me.....eventually. :D
  12. CassUV Well-Known Player

    Thx for help me guys.
  13. Tilz Loyal Player

    Staying on celestial for the new DLCs and not gonna DPS anymore :)

    Love PcDL in healer role!!!

    TBT: Do you remember where WcR/RcW/PcDL were in your rotation and it was completly beast?? And all those multiple glyphs that were hitting all adds in content like throne/HoH. Loved it!
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  14. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Just floating around.

    I'm curious to know who besides DulcesS PvP's with cel
  15. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I PvP with it every now and then but only as DPS. The heal makes me cry.
  16. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I do to. Dps only, heal is a death sentence.
  17. Tilz Loyal Player

    I don't PvP at all anymore :D

    A friend went from sorc to celest heal in arenas (mainly 1s and 2s).
    He is really really happy about celest in that smaller arenas, but he'S also saying it consumes way too much power
  18. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I agree it consumes too much power. It's ridiculous to have to spec into power to heal with it.
  19. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Does the CS heal overwrite itself? You can't really throw it back-to-back because of the animation, but if you clip that animation, the cooldown is virtually nonexistent. Between the hitcount and the bonus, when used with the B>MA WM, the power cost of CS/Renew is not too heavy at all.
  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You can't stack a CS HoT with another CS HoT if that's what you're asking, but you do still get the first initial heal which is slightly bigger then the following healing ticks.