Test Discussion Ally: Poison Ivy

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Cardboard, Apr 27, 2023.

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  1. RTX Well-Known Player

    Nature as a powerset is dot based, you don´t play dot based powers anymore. That would require a rebalance of nature itself. You play it with Iconic bursts, as other powers have to aswell, even if they´re not based on that. Same as people don´t play precision based on the powerset.

    Obviously i would like to see more powerset specific effects aswell, but the game is not in a state to do that. It requires rebalance of all powersets/iconic/movement abilitys. If you only use nature powerset abilitys, then obviously your damage will be worse, same goes for alot other powersets.
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  2. OGMyDpsIsBetter Active Player

    Because your compromising your optimal rotation in doing so..
  3. OGMyDpsIsBetter Active Player

    Y’all got it I tap out on this one.
  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Didn’t you know you don’t play the power sets to use the powers on them anymore you play the power sets to use iconics now … geeze… check this guy out over here wanting to use the abilities of his powerset lmfao
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  5. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    You're right, the optimal rotation can't be used unless you drop RSK, which isn't an option since its even more dmg loss.
    However, zip-tie doesnt make up for the ivy buff. Here are some examples.

    Your optimal rotation/loadout (i assume):

    Optimal rotation/loadout with Ivy:

    Granted, the 190k/sec are outliers, but so is the 179k/sec in the current Meta loadout parse.

    Its consistently higher damage, which is even higher in actual content due to other players boosting your passive ivy-buff proc-chance insanely. (cutting down a few seconds until max stacks are reached)

    On top of that you get much more supercharge back, which will be necessary with the upcoming EoG nerf.
  6. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Sorry, I just gotta ask...

    "Shields on you have a 25% chance to inflict attackers with Toxic Touch, reducing their defenses for 12 seconds."

    Does Toxic Touch activate if the attacker uses a ranged attack? (Boss is across the room and suddenly looks at you funny.)
    Does it activate if your attacker drops an AOE under you? (AOE dropped, shield activated, attacker gets inflicted?)
  7. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    That should definitely proc it but i havent tested it.
  8. Jcal Dedicated Player

    How's Ivy's damage looking btw, in comparison to other AoE allies?

    With the changes to passive #2, I have to say I'm much less interested in Ivy for my tanks. Still, having her as an active ally would be fun as she's a fan favorite, so I'm hoping her damage is decent. Somewhere along the Cyborg or Future Lex Luthor range; obviously the higher the better, lol. Since Ivy doesn't have an additional combat benefit (shielding, heals, etc), I don't think it's too much of an ask to put her in the upper-middle end of the AoE damage rankings.
  9. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Shazam did ~1M and Poison Ivy did ~580k on 5 targets.
    HoL bot did ~600k dmg and Poison Ivy ~580k on one Sparring target.
    So either way not good for both ST and AoE.

    In regards to how her combat ability works, i would rather have her heal enemies, to ensure nobody ever uses her combat ability and interrupts tank pulls. :D:oops:
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  10. OGMyDpsIsBetter Active Player

    Her doing a heal as a Nature based Ally would def increase her value and make her a good option for healers as mentioned before they really don't have many options.
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  11. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Is her pull even working? Penryn highlighted how actual enemies aren't really affected on Page 1.

    Idk if it's too late to alter things, but it'd be great if she didn't pull (which she might not be doing anyway, lol) and she instead just put damage ticks on enemies (followed by that Savage Growth burst AoE). She is doing Vine Lash after all. Whatever the case, please BUFF THAT IVY!
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  12. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    She pulls sparring targets but doesn't taunt bosses.
  13. OGMyDpsIsBetter Active Player

    I completely skimped over this. :eek:
  14. Eve YouTuber

    So Ivy will be released on Market Place\Cyborg's Allies Vendor right? and I hope soon... :(
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  15. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    How is the 30 second cooldown for Toxic Touch supposed to work if there are multiple players using the ability? From what I'm seeing in testing, the following can happen:
    1. Enemy NPC is attacking Player A. Player A has Toxic Touch equipped and is using a shielding power. Enemy NPC is debuffed.
    2. 12 seconds elapse and the debuff clears.
    3. Enemy NPC switches targets and starts attacking Player B. Player B has Toxic Touch equipped and is using a shielding power. Enemy NPC is debuffed.
    As is, you can keep an enemy debuffed in a group setting if multiple players are using Toxic Touch. This would prove useful in scenarios where a boss has multiple AoE attacks.

    Here is a demonstration video. Note that "Duel Villain" is debuffed multiple times:
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  16. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    Does Toxic Touch work with supercharge shields?
  17. RTX Well-Known Player

    Yes it does, if the other person/group members use Poison Ivy´s passive aswell. "Shields on you..."

    That means pretty much anything which has [Shield] in the Ability Description.

    It does not work with Celestial´s "Death Mark into Blessing Corrupted" combo (That shield is spamable)
    It also does not work with Absorption Adapter (Weapon Socket Mod)
    Also not with Personal Dampening Field (Consumable)
    With Munitions it does not work with "Mounted Turret", that however been a reduction and not a shield (labeled wrong)
    Munitions also has another 3 Ability and 2 Supercharge shields which do work.

    Bug: Does not work with Electricity "Group Transducer" Supercharge, not on you or group member.
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  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Since no update on ivy has come I’d like to make another statement/suggestions on this.

    These are the changes I’d like to happen as well as why.

    1) change harvest/thorn burst to apply the void poison effect. (Poison PI without the dot)
    2) make ivy also trigger when applying the void poison PI through a power
    3) lower the cooldown to reapply the enhanced poisons to 12 seconds
    4) lower the amount of stack and a lower amount of buff from these stack.

    Here are the reasons why.

    First off, the lowering of the stack and the strength of these buffs. I do not believe any ally should give such a large stat buff that it becomes mandatory for said power set. This will lead to issues that happened during AMs. “If you don’t use this then you’re doing terrible”. On top of that, nature was one of the first (if not the first) power to get its AM. This seems to be the first in a line of power set specific dps allies. And if that’s the case it may lead to power creep causing nature to have the worst ally similarly to how it had the worst AM. On top of that, if the stats are so large it may also lead to nature receiving nerf because of an ally similar to getting nerfed because of EoG. The buffs should be lowered just to complement its play style without being mandatory.

    Changing harvest and thorn burst to apply the void PI and allowing ally to trigger off of void poisons. And lowering the cooldown to reapply the Buff. As it stands this ally is very clunky to use. For hallways it’s a rather bad ally since the add with the PI may die fast and you would not be able to reapply it for a long time. Lowering the cooldown will allow players to actually use it in hallways. Natures biggest drawback is that it requires multiple builds to be able to stay competitive. No reason to make that worse by now making a situational ally on top of eve try thing else they need to be doing. Similarly for ST, a good nature boss loadout would require 3 poisons to be in a secondary loadout and the full rotation in a primary loadout. A good nature loadout is already loadout spot demanding. Allowing harvest/thorn to apply the PI would mean that a nature dps would’ve have to sacrifice yet another slot just to carry a poison to reactivate the poisons. Look at it like this.

    Primary loadout:
    1, 2, 3
    Damaging sc or RSK
    Harvest/thorn to spread/maintain poisons
    Second form (sc or return to normal)

    This means that nature only has 3 slots to do a competent loadout/rotation. Yes nature can loose the damage SC/rsk but that’s just giving up one beneficial slot for a mandatory slot.

    This ally feels like it’s fighting against what nature wants to do in its play style.
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  19. NeoSelkie Active Player

    As a nature player this is my biggest problem with the ally currently.
    The reason I like nature is the HoT/DoT part of its power, and this ally feels like its trying to fight against that.
    At this point I am for literally any suggestion that provides a way for nature to maintain its DoT identity with this ally.
    I really don't want it to be shoehorned into the apply a single dot/pi and spam iconics loadout.
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  20. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    its almost like there holding them till they have one for each of the healer powersets at this point
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