Allow inspect into SP

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GrooveThief, Jun 28, 2014.

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  1. Mei Ritsuko Well-Known Player

    Your idea is only gonna split the community even more, so my answer is a Big NO!
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  2. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Exactly on point. Its funny how those who had 40-60 SP back in their days of not taking sp seriously or starting out forgot how it felt to be excluded.

    Now you have over 130 sp and feel its ok to exclude others because they don't have as much sp as you. Don't think so.

    I have seen too many 150+ sp (supposed) Villains fail at Alerts and Raids.I had one ignorant Controller back in FOS1 tell me my sp was low (which it wasn't) all because he/she had 5pts more of Ticks from his POT. 5 pts XD. The way that fellow Controller was talking like he had a tick 20pts over me lol. So sad.
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  3. VariableFire Loyal Player

    You know why they allowed SP to fade into non-importance for a long time (at least compared to gear)? Because the exclusion that you (the supporters of this) say won't happen was happening. It happens now to a lesser degree but gear mitigates it. Now you want to bring those stupid days back. They weren't as golden as you think they were.
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  4. FameYack Committed Player

    You are not asking fot a buton to know the SP of other people when you are the one forming a group but that everyone had it visibile the whole time,

    they dont lie to u, u are at fault for asking, and whatever answer they ll give is The Correct Answer since u didnt have the right to know,

    I would agree the buton I mentoned at the beginig should exist as long as we had the option to add all those who used it to the ignore list, since that would be a win/win,
    You werent lied but u were told the truth and the truth is that is none of ur business,
    they just were polite,
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  5. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    By all means!
    Let's show CR and SP to everyone...
    But first, to be fair to those who were too young to start playing 3 years ago
    and those who just bought their systems
    We'll delete everything everyone has and put everyone back on Brainiac's ship!

    Then it's fair!

    Of course, we'll need to do this on the 1st of every month ending in "R" or "Y" to keep it fair forever!

    Otherwise, No.
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  6. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Well shoot. The devs could make a killing. People who want to inspect sp can but they've gotta pay a $50 fee every time. I know Spytle is around the corner going "huehuehue moniez" xD everytime you inspect cough up some Cha ching. Then we can get new items and stuff cause dcuo will have more money :eek: . Totally kidding.
    This time around im not going to write another essay.
    No lookie, no abusy. Nuff said
  7. Tule New Player

    With weapon mastery and survival mode this really is needed for pugs. But whatever. Seems like this is a lot of people's first MMO and don't understand how you have to be accountable for yourself in group content.
  8. VariableFire Loyal Player

    *snort* Get over yourself. This isn't about accountability, this is about arrogant elitism and misinformation. You've got the bloody scoreboard, oh, and you know, actual performance to judge a player by. You do this, where does it stop? You may have the SP but you have no idea where the SP is spent. So you'll want to know how the SP is spent. Then you'll want to know if the person went for Weapon Mastery. All with the goal of reducing players to whatever configuration you think is the right one.

    You think every power seems similar now that Weapon Mastery is out? Wait till this crap happens and we'll literally be whittled down to one setup per power, maybe another for the support role.
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  9. Tule New Player

    Get over yourself. This is about accountability, this is not about arrogant elitism and misinformation. The bloody scoreboard doesn't help until you're already knee deep in content, same thing with player skill. You don't do this, where does it stop? Can't see a players gear? A players power? A players animation? You just see a giant block near the enemies? You may have the skill, but have no stats to back it up.

    People still test damage on dummies and scoreboard, the cookie cutters are out, this will not effect that AT ALL. Think before you come up with wild scenarios.
  10. Buckley Loyal Player

    You could ask them to show you there SM style before you group with them :rolleyes:
  11. VariableFire Loyal Player

    It's not wild scenarios. You and your ilk don't pay attention to the community at all. People already have enough tools to determine accountability, no matter how much you whine differently. You just want yet another way to boot people from "your" game, another way to discriminate against anyone who doesn't "play your way." Get a league if you can't handle even a smidgen of uncertainty.
  12. Minx New Player

    Oh no no no. My 10+SP reputation would be pointless. :/
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  13. Ramonater New Player

    i hve not read the previous 18 pages but NO NO NO. The only time i think it should be possible to see other's SP is after you enter SM just because of its diffictuly but even then i still think its a bad idea as ppl will abuse it. So, NO
  14. Tule New Player

    Then what is one more? Play your way doesn't mean what you think it does.

    I have a league. I don't run with randoms. I'm don't just think about myself though, unlike you.
  15. Kihura New Player

    i not agree but i say that you are not "wrong" on inspect SP because you have, like player, this right. But i dont know WHY you create a thread only to say this to the players and make trouble.
  16. Biester New Player

    I'll never understand the point of these threads. Honestly, skill points do matter more than they did before weapon mastery but not enough to being a deciding factor in finishing a raid or not. Tbh, anyone that has over 100 sp is good to go. Having 170+ sp will increase stats by a decent margin but not enough to outdamage everyone else by a huge margin or give out a lot more power, healing, etc.
  17. Drmedic New Player

    I don't appreciate being put down for not having 100 CR for 70 CR content. Now you want me to have more problems for not having 180 sp...... Give it a rest please
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  18. VariableFire Loyal Player

    What is this, the I am rubber and you are glue defense? This discrimination is already happening on an unofficial level and now you want to make it easier and official, just because it won't affect you? This is the style of thinking that led to OC and the decimation of the player population.
  19. Skidmarc Committed Player

    I think we should use the unicorn "trinket" to inspect for us. Let him/her give random inspection stats like a magic 8 ball. 106 cr right out of the brainic ship.....sold!
  20. Tule New Player

    Decimation of the player population? What is this? The make up things defense?

    You can already see gear, you can already see powers. There are already cookie cutters. Seeing SP won't change anything, other than calling out liars. As people already shout/request SP. Before it didn't matter, now it actually might matter. How dare they allow people to play with people they want to play with. You called me weak for needing people with proper CR/SP? Well if you are so strong, and if people who have no sp are so strong, then why do they want to play with people with high CR/SP? You don't need us. Play with your own SP leveled people, since SP doesn't matter.

    And before you say that is the divide/discrimination, you started it. I have no problem playing with low SP people. I have a problem playing with liars.
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