Administration: Can we please have this in DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Silverberd19, Nov 7, 2022.

  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player


    I have read & re-read this exchange. You certainly did start out with helpful information, very concise, very informative as well, and all very true. It is very good advice. I guess I can see how the latter part of your replies could be interpreted as mocking; questioning the employment status of anyone does little to further your very good advice given above, which has led to the impression of the former taking offense by perceiving you to mock him.

    I believe no offense was meant on behalf of Jack T. Chance’s part, he is merely making points and an observation of a potential state of circumstance (unemployment) with a resolution of said circumstance (gaining employment).

    I know mocking when I see it, it has been done to me numerous times on here by certain individuals, and trust me it does hurt. In this case, I don’t think mocking was the intent, only offering helpful points.
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  2. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    IKR?! He was just taking into account that a stranger on the internet might not have a steady course of income at their disposal for what was being discussed and recommending working on that if it is the case. No assumptions, just "I don't know your situation, so if it's this then my advice is....."

    Pretty reasonable and considerate IMHO. That's the sort of thing that doesn't always occur to the person giving advice, so if anything, it's quite nice he did think of it. And the winky faces come off more as just friendly playfulness and good nature than mocking or snarkiness to me. Though tone can be difficult to discern sometimes through text, tbf. I know that very well (which is why I'm so fond of emotes and stuff like /s to help better indicate tone). Maybe that's the source of confusion?
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  3. Engendro Nefasto Well-Known Player

    Great idea, man bun with and without a beard!
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  4. Silverberd19 New Player

    Sock puppet what? I can't remember my old password to my previous DCUO Fourm account