A Satisfied Customer Right Here!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lovora Liaht, Aug 25, 2021.

  1. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    I'm NOT saying everything is perfect, but I can honestly say that TODAY I'm having the MOST FUN I've ever had in this game in a very long time!

    I don't speak for others, but you've made me extremely happy today! I've been smiling from ear to ear since the servers went back up! It's crazy how when the older content is made to be played with mechanics, strategy, and communication in mind...it's WAY better than the most relevant content we have today. There's just something about the older content that feels more exciting than Flash Point. I can't quite put my finger on it. My FIRST FOS2 run since forever was 1,000,000 times more fun than anything in the Flash Point Gotham episode.

    I still have a big stupid grin on my face as I type. I'm having so much fun!

    Time to get back into the queues!!! No loot locks baby!!! LETS GOOO!!

    Oh, and Thank You! Great job DCUO team!! (^_^)
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  2. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

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  3. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Agree with OP. I had a great time running FOS2 today! Happily I was in a group that understood mechanics, and even then it was almost as challenging as I remember when it first launched.
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  4. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    Agreed! It's been great fun to run raids like they were meant to be run instead of like some stupid race. Every queue popped incredibly fast, and I enjoyed what I played. I also noticed a distinct difference in how powerful I felt between my end-game character and my 100CR character - skill points matter even in the clamped content. This is just what this game needed to give it new life.
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  5. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    I actually enjoyed my time playing FOS2 as well the mechanics was definitely a refresher I haven't ran this jewel in years but I remember and teaching lower player's felt like teaching my son how to ride his bike for the first time ha ha ha ha . They sometimes listen to my tips and sometimes try told me to sit my old bumb down I enjoyed it immensely.
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  6. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    It’s hilarious seeing these comments of people calling this decades old content refreshing. It just goes to show the descent of quality in content over the years and quite frankly, that’s laughable. It’s not just reusing a map and adding new characters, it’s the same map. It’s the same game. They completely changed the way the game works right now. It’s not fun at all having to run those instances. I already grinded them hundreds of times and so have most other players. Did you really believe that would work?
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  7. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    The other thing to consider is that a lot of the people enjoying the old content at level are relatively new to the game. Even someone who joined 3 or so years ago probably hasn't grinded FOS2 hundreds of times. So, mileage will vary.
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  8. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    It's like being re-gifted something while the giver tries to gaslight you into believing it's a shiny new present.
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  9. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    It's not about the old content, they refreshed many core aspects of the game and gave it a new life. That's what this update is about

    Of course this Episode won't meet the expectation of many players, as it's pretty much a event to transition to a new way to play the game: Free, inclusive, with multiple fresh events and new rewards every month. And you don't have to play all old content, it's 3 pieces with new rewards/feats and you can just spam a old solos for source marks.

    Could they have done more? Probably, I missed special feats and new bosses for the save the universe content and a rebalanced old open world. At the same time, they did a lot: Allies, rebalancing content, no loot locks, daily rewards, new UIs... And the next episode is like 3 months away, they aren't going on a hiatus, so if you don't enjoy Save the Universe, Perpetua is waiting for you.
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  10. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

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  11. Shalayah Committed Player

    The update is not about the old content. It’s about the new features. Y’all making it out to seem as if the only thing this update did was make old content relevant. If you don’t like old content being relevant then do what you normally do and sit in the WT or run FP. I’ve ran all of these raids/alerts countless times as well and I can sit here and say I actually like collaborating with my team to beat content again.
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  12. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Great, enjoy your scraps.
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  13. Shalayah Committed Player

    One man’s trash is another man’s treasure :)
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  14. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Yes, that's very clear with Ep 41.
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  15. Shalayah Committed Player

    And nothing wrong with it. Episode 40 was in my opinion garbage as well because everything was too easy so it is what it is right?

    I don’t think changing things up is a bad thing but not everybody will like change. Maybe you’ll grow to like it. Maybe you won’t, but DI has made the direction they plan to take clear with this update and I’m all for it.
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  16. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Simply put, anyone who was not a high CR player with elite gear and maxed artifacts loves the new update. Because the playing field was leveled, everyone is equal and you can get your participation trophies over and over again. Meanwhile I feel like I grinded for absolutely nothing to be the best i could be. I don't take this kind of backstabbing lightly. My auto renew has been turned off.
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  17. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I am a high CR player, 200 arts for both roles and over 600 SP....and am enyoying the update as well as several others that play within the circle I play with.

    Speak for yourself.
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  18. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

  19. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    Running Kahndaq today felt like an ACTION MOVIE compared to the current endgame content.

    It felt so amazing!! So many enemies everywhere! So much to do! So many enemies to attack!! My head was constantly on a swivel, and it felt GREAT!!! It was so fun!

    All of the mechanics and the multiple objectives. Everything was happening so fast! An amazing experience I've forgotten for so long!!

    I was constantly queuing instances one after the other!! I only stopped to go to the Watchtower to pick up a few things from a Titans vendor.

    Again, great job DCUO team!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I can't wait to do it all over again!! (^_^)
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  20. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    I'm happy that allies got sorted before launch. That had me seriously concerned.

    Early Endgame wise, meh. Not really harder, just longer. Though my villain FoS random queue was nightmarish. Haven't had much time to really dig into things. Too busy trying to cram 4 alts worth of weekly play into 6-7 hours of play. Didn't get it all done but I did alright.

    I'm sure tomorrow will give a clearer picture of what the game will look like going forward from a daily play perspective. Still unsure how many alts I'll really play, or to what extent I'll play them.

    This is just another in a long line of paradigm shifts.I don't know. Consistency has not been a strong point for DCUO over the years. I hope this is the final time such drastic sweeping changes need to happen.

    Will make another comment in this thread (or another) as I shape a true view of how this will play out. I'm not against what was done. I know why it was done, it had to be done. But it's way too early to say one way or another how this update will alter my views on the game.

    Glad there are people enjoying it. We'll see if I'm one of them in a week or two.
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