A new league to roll into...

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by FreedomRollerMan, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. FreedomRollerMan Well-Known Player

    Well I have been playing the DC Universe Online game for about three and a half years! I always wanted to create my own league since that time but didn't , perhaps now is the time to create my league in DCUO and get a league hall. In my hope to do so this month I have made a list of specific things that I would like to know about your character in the game. If you have a superhero character on the USPC then you can play this game with me. I only have one character in the game. If you have a villain character on USPC, I can not play with you but I may one day knock you out in the game, if you have a hero or villain character on any other server than USPC, I can not play the game with you. I am only on USPC version as FreedomRollerMan. (If you do not have a superhero on USPC, stop, do not fill this out) Let's roll to this league info stuff:

    (You can copy and paste this and then put your answers. Note if you have more than one character, you can combine these questions and put them all together with each character, just as long as it makes sense as what goes to what or refill this out for each character)
    1.What is your superhero character name in DC Universe Online(DCUO) on USPC?
    2.How many superhero characters in DCUO do you have that you would like to be in the league?
    3. What level membership you have: free, premium,or legendary?
    4. What is your combat rating say for PVE and PVP?
    5. If you are only a free or premium member in DCUO, do you have any of the DLC stuff?
    6. Any specific feats you would like help with?
    7. What roles is your character, damage, controller, healer, tank?
    8. Do you play DCUO once a day, once a week, once a month, etc., etc.?
    9. Do you have a regular schedule for when you play DCUO?
    10. What is your location or what timezone (central, pacific, etc., etc.) would you prefer to be known of anything in the league?
    11. Is one of your characters or character roles have a higher combat rating?
    12. Do you use the in game voice chat and the text chat in the game?
    13. When you get in a group, do you just have your character just stand there?
    14. Would you pass up villains while in a group?
    15. You just entered a duo, alert, raid, operation using the on duty tab, will you just fly/run past all the villains to
    get to the boss or the farthest location you can make it to?

    These are optional:
    16. Did you ever play anything with FreedomRollerMan?
    17. How many leagues in DCUO have you been in?
    18. Ever been on DCUO FNL(Friday Night Legends) show?
    19. Do you have children?
    20. Do you have a name you would like to call the league?
    21. When did you start playing the game DCUO?
    22. How many skill points you have?
    23. Do you record your gameplay and put it up on youtube or somewhere else?
    24. Do you have a youtube accout that you'd like me to follow or add?
    25. Any skills or talents outside of the game that you'd like me to know of?
    26. Would you like me to know your age, birthday, or simply a child, teenager, or adult?
    27. Are you really a male or really a female?
    28. Are you single or married?
    29. Do you attend school or work somewhere?
    30. Do you have an email or some other way you would like me to contact you?
    31. Would you like your character or charcters in the DCUO game to be drawn by me or someone else in the league?
    32. Anything else you'd like me to know about you or your character or characters in DCUO?

    I have a few league names I have considered calling my league, one day I saw one hero with the word hardcore in their league name and I joked that I might call my league Hardcore Rollers but then maybe I won't. I thought of calling my league FreedomRollers for the longest time but finally think that would not be a good idea anymore and calling the league Roller Squad doesn't work for me because the word squad makes me think of a villain group in DC Comics. The name of the league will make sense for a superhero league. If you want to roll with FreedomRollerMan in a league , fill out the questions above if you haven't already , then send it to FreedomRollerMan on the official DCUO forums :
    or email it to : freedomrollerman@gmail.com , depending on where I have posted this you might be able just to reply to it , or send a private response or public response back to me. Hope to roll with your hero character or characters in my league in DCUO soon.

    Check out my latest DCUO video:
  2. FreedomRollerMan Well-Known Player

    Well I have finally started up my league and calling it Justice Rollers! The name inspired by the best league in DC Comics, the Justice League, and in the game seeing leagues in the game like the Justice Girls. If you a hero on USPC and want to represent freedom, truth, and justice, then let me know and I will add you to the league. It might help to fill out the questions above. I might fill out the questions myself but a quick sum up of me, 107 combat rating in controller role with 170 skill points, and what I looking for is others that can do any of the newest stuff that is available which I think currently is 100 combat rating to get in, this doesn't exclude you from being added if your combat rating is lower, it will just make it harder to play the game together when I want to do the new stuff and you can only do low level stuff, and defeats the point of me making the league in the first place. The point is to play the game together.

    I need to do the new raids yet every time I go in there there is one dude that does nothing, (I now add you to my ignore list) , another that leaves while we in combat (maybe disconnected, but one every time, really?) , that not cool. I don't play the game to screw others over. If you want to screw me over, or others, do not ask to join my league. Yesterday had some dudes in the t6 4 group operation actually skip past the part where we were to return the stolen gold on oolong island back to metropolis. (I guess they don't like to be a hero or were trying to prevent being removed from the operation after few minutes after beating final bosses of Bruno and the egg dude yet still got removed. The way to avoid that is to not do the last boss until you did your collection searching or looking for that Hunter Android bot, need to knockout 20 of them for a feat, those bots are hiding in there.) I don't like to skip stuff. Why screw yourself out of getting anything from the stuff you skip(possibly thousands in game cash), possibilities of a promethium lockbox, and filling your supercharge if have one? If you like to skip stuff, I don't want to play with you and my league, the Justice Rollers is not for you.

    Again if you a hero on the USPC and play the game like a hero, we would probably get along great and I would love to add you to my league, JUSTICE ROLLERS!

  3. Omega Beastshifter New Player

    Hi there! :) i'm kinda new to DCUO and i would like to join your League, i have started 3 days ago and i'm level 16. What console are you using?
  4. Kroye Loyal Player

    He's USPC, so he's on a PC not a Playstation.

    A friend of mine just applied on their website. Looks like a fun group to be a part of - I've known "FRM" for some time, and he always makes me smile when I run into him in game.