6+ Gig Update!?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ToySoldier13, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. risingtide New Player

    I think we are saying the same things just in different ways. PS4 downloads faster no mater your DL speeds.
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  2. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    What exactly are you padding updates with? Dummy Data or something more hmmmmm.
  3. arcanesky New Player

  4. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    I never ever ever need that kind of internet connection. I would not be responsible for my actions.

    Day 1: Download the entire internet.
    Day 2: Re-upload it.
    Day 3: Repeat Day 1 and so on.

    :D lol
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  5. danielqpk New Player

    Lmao it works very good especially since I end up splitting it 5 ways... My laptop, my ps3.... Then my gfs phone, her laptop, her iPad, and a plethora of other crap she manages to use for "entertainment" I.e. Instagram lol