2018 Halloween Event

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ReddRosey, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    My Witch character agrees.

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  2. Megzilla Developer

    Ooh I love her outfit!
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  3. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    ehh.. id prefer not. lockboxes are already outdated enough especially after style unlock, and op items are just hand outs now. the only style that stands out as "that rare style everyone wants" is Demon Tail. id have to say, keep it where it belongs, in a lockbox. the 1 thing the lockbox has to offer still, since every other style is tradable or unlockable from the other faction, or just drops in regular gameplay.
  4. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    not opposed to new tails tho. but keep the original rare as it should be. no more handouts
  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    “Handouts” Well aren’t you just a bundle of joy?
  6. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    totally true. get it the way everyone else does. how would it be fair to the ppl that actually grinded multiple characters to get themselves 1, just for them to throw it at the vendor and have ppl buy currency
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  7. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’ve had three drop and I don’t care because mummy taught me to share :)
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  8. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    i have 4, not seeing your point. if they were tradable, im all for that. sure id just give them away to ppl. but dont just add them and make it easy. wheres the fun in that. something similiar, as i mentioned were the original op items. ive gotten several dupes, id totally trade if i could. but how messed up would it be for them to just become handouts on a seasonal vendor that takes no work whatsoever. im all for sharing, trading. just not in that way. just make the tail tradable like mercenary, zealot etc.EDIT: honestly as low textured as it is anyway, they could just do a retexture 2018 like the spectrum/defender sets they gave ppl, id be ok with that for sure. makes the old 1 just a relic to hold on to if youre lucky, but a better retextured 1 could be given to promote how far they have come in textures
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  9. Dazz-252 Committed Player

  10. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    but seriously if we do get something interesting can we not have it behind an rng paywall? something like the druid antlers in the seasonal vendor or a collection with nor ares if y'all don't mind XD.
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  11. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Trigon Inspired halloween 2018/Teen Titans TC styles confirmed!
    Shoulders,Hands, and face!
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  12. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    We need those trigon quadruple eyes.
  13. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    shhh don't tell anybody, but i'm stealing his antlers XD.
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  14. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Fog for the ceiling please :) I'm more concerned about having a great Xmas Seasonal base item wise, but if I have one wish for Halloween its fog for the ceiling. :)
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  15. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    I think we should also at least have an animated version of it I mean how hard would that be? o_O
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  16. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

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  17. Shattered_Past Well-Known Player

    With the upcoming release of Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, it got me thinking. With Klarion, the Witch Boy dressed in the same era fashion, what if the following Halloween Event, we were sent back in time to assist Detective Batman and ran all missions there?

    And the afore mentioned broomstick flight? What about a broomstick/staff, like St. Patrick's Day Event with the shillelagh/staff?
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  18. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    You got me at Gotham by Gaslight. I'm sick and tired of all the Batman stuff, but I'd fall for a DLC set in THAT universe...
  19. Shattered_Past Well-Known Player

    My point was... timeline... Klarion dressed in that timeline... idea! Yeah, there is far more than Batman out there, but in game, he and Gotham are the "dark side" to Metropolis' bright, a stereotype for ol' hallow's eve.
  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Not sure if it's been said yet, and I hope base items haven't been made yet for the Halloween seasonal, but can we get a Halloween speaker?? It's by far my favorite vault seasonal music.
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