13 to 14 second rallies??!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WhiteW0lf, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Sbel Devoted Player

    Hey, it makes more sense in 8vs8. :p
  2. ChuckLess New Player

    Not really.
  3. Dogico Loyal Player

    Why not just make it a flat 5 second wait time for everyone? Who does the wave system of respawns help?
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  4. DaTruthBeTold New Player

    I've had a 15 sec timer that "get this" after I died it staid frozen at 15 for 45 seconds and then it would start it would take for ever to start.

    I'm not joking I guess the devs really have it out for villains in pvp, or just me idk but it's ****** up!
  5. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    I get these every now and then but a few weekends back I was getting them EVERY legends match. By the end of it all I was so frustrated with the whole thing that I haven't been back to pvp since as I needed to take a break from it as a result.