Elite Plus Change Idea

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FluffyCloud99, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. Some rando Active Player

    I agree with this statement. I never tried to do E+, so i automatically never cared or given thought to the feats.
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  2. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Well, I do not. Because this isn't life, it's a video game. No feat should even grant SP in the first place ;), specially the ones in CritPlusSevere.
  3. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    14,75 SP Amount of SP granted exclusively through Elite+/Servere/Critical including feats for rare drops.
    169,9 SP Amount of SP granted in total from all episodes that have Elite+/SevereCritical difficulty.

    Besides the argument of not being able to satisfy your OCD of having a fully green feat list, I don't see any reason why anything should change regarding feats when it comes to E+.

    Just to show the best possible scenario for what these SP would do:

    Endgame Might Dps setup:
    355 stat points in Might: Total Might of 276315
    370 stat points in Might: Total Might of 279776

    For comparison: 370 stat points in Might with same setup as before except my face is now a blue item level 350 Face instead of a Elite Face with item level of 357. Total Might: 275031.

    This is the highest possible buff you can get for your role too since secondary stats have barely any impact for most roles and on top of that is the fact that stats scale exponentially based on points spent, so if you just finished your main stat the first couple of SP in the next stat have basically zero value besides the % buffs which also have diminishing returns due to other various % sources in the game.

    So, in conclusion its a bit of a stretch calling SP's in E+ or similar modes progression.
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  4. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Then you also have to take into account your Artifact %, Ally buffs, artifact damage scaling (if prec. Clarion/fang etc), additional stats in episodes via augments. Increasing your base might impacts the % buffs you get from other sources, increasing your might even more. Eventually, further down the line as more SP is introduced to the current cap of single stat allocation, that difference is going to increase drastically, making the % buffs increase the more sp you have in the stats
  5. Sollace Well-Known Player

    The elite content has only made people more arrogant and toxic, in addition to making the game ultra-selective on the choice of powers and mode of movement, Mepps was full that people did not buy powers, but the fault lies in that, because now, you have to play such and such power for such a role, otherwise you are judged as bad, well, some of your choices are judged as bad ...

    After that, I think elite content can be tolerated, but elite+ content, that's absurd, I think elite+ content can be easily erased from the game and feats and other elements (drops) from elite+ can be integrated into elite content.
  6. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    No, it's not. The hypothetical scenario proposed by Stichcode, where those few SP from E+ make a difference to your Might is a very rare situation. There are over 850 SP available in the game - 835, or so without E+ feats - you can easily max out your Might without EVER stepping foot in Elite Plus, because there are A LOT more feats in regular and Elite content, than in Elite Plus - and there ALWAYS will be, because every new episode adds tons of easy feats and only a few E+ ones.

    So instead of moaning about those few SP you can't get, just farm some regular content until you reach Might cap - then maybe you can try Elite Plus and see if you're good enough to get those feats, with that 1% extra Might, or whatever. And if you want to argue about the difference 15 SP will make when specced into secondary stats - just lol...

    I like the fact, that I'm still missing a whole bunch of E+ feats - gives me something to work towards in the future. If there were no feats in E+ content - I doubt I'd even run most of it more than once. I don't understand why you want to take away this motivation from better players, for whom most of this game is ridiculously easy and pretty boring. Why? Because you can't stand the possibility, that someone might have a few more SP than you on league roster? lol...
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  7. Illumin411 Loyal Player

  8. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Exactly. If someone is sitting at <415sp (where you'd have to be to not have might filled) and they're looking at E+ feats, they need to REEEAAAALLLY reassess their feat hunting strategy. There are over 400sp worth of much lower hanging fruit.

    We can all debate the degree to which E+ feats with feat points are a positive. But If they're motivating some players to log in more and for longer (which they absolutely are), then there is absolutely some degree of a positive effect. And so far in five pages, nobody has brought up any legitimate negative to them existing other than bothering OCD completionists.

    I'm not one of those "the game is dead" people, not by a long shot. But at the same time, the population isn't so healthy that we should be advocating for changes that decrease player engagement unless those changes come with significantly offsetting positives, which this change certainly would not.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Again, don't think they're really necessary, but also don't disagree with them adding some level of engagement, however, that should be tempered by the fact it's not really all that engaging to have the same feat repeated over every difficulty level, in fact, personally that has the opposite effect on me and just turns me off rather than causing engagement, but to each their own as you say.
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  10. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I don't really understand the whole "not necessary" argument people keep making. So then, what, every non-E+ feat in the game IS necessary??? Does that mean that without each and every non-E+ feat the game would decay, crumble, wither and die???

    Of course it goes without saying that if the feat is identical then the feats from lower difficulties should pop like the Simultaneous Shutdown feat in Flashtastic Voyage and many others in the game. I wish the devs were more consistent with that. But it's for sure better when the feats are unique to additional mechanics added for that difficulty level.

    Although I know many players who have little to no interest in running anything other than E+ content and see having to run normal elite and reg for feats as a boring chore. I would venture to guess they would prefer the feats be identical and proc the lower level feats as well so they didn't have to bother with them. I personally have no problem nabbing some low hanging fruit for SP but as I've said before in this thread, I'm not just debating from my own personal POV. Lots of players I know would rather not be bothered with reg and normal elite, especially with how easy normal elite has been tuned the last several DLC's. I see no reason why their feat hunting experience should be any less enjoyable, fulfilling or engaging than everybody else's.

    Even in those cases of the yelling, screaming and vomiting toxicity in to their mic over these feats, on some F'd up level, it means they care and are engaged by the task at hand.
  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Because you're probably confusing my point with others in here that have used the same term. I am not saying the feats or subsequent SP earned are necessary for character development, they're de minimis in value, what I am saying the feats in E+ are not necessary to motivate people to run E+.

    I think players would run E+ regardless simply for the challenge and that chance at a random restricted drop, you could even just give them a title and they'd run it. so from that perspective, the feats are not necessary.

    You don't have to agree with me, but that is my view. I also tend to find that feats in general can feed player toxicity because of how obsessed the community is over them and I wish the game had a better system in general, but that's a different matter.

    Also given the overall minuscule portion of the community engaging with E+ content in the first place I find its entire development to be a grotesque waste of time and development resources, but also another matter.
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  12. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I think if a lot more players thought logically about feats or even in a broader sense, what it is they actually enjoy about the game, then you would be right about E+ content engagement without feats. But that's not the world we live in. You said it yourself...the community is obsessed over them.

    I myself will be shaking my head or rolling my eyes when, for example, a buddy/leaguemate of mine asks me if I'm free for a particular hard feat for the 15th time in the last three weeks. I'll sometimes even say things to them like "you sure you don't have any other feats to be getting???" or "wow, you sure want that 1/4 of an sp reeeaaally bad huh?" or "they ain't gonna drop bruh, just buy em off the broker". I've said it before in this thread and I'll say it again, it makes little to no sense when you break down the ROI (return on investment). But that doesn't seem to change the fact that people do indeed, like you said, obsess over them. That means more logins, longer playing times, longer league rosters when sorted by "online", etc, etc. It's not logical. It's not sensible. It just is.

    I'm all for better, healthier, more productive and more rewarding ways to engage players. But until those come along, feat chasing is what we've got.
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  13. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I didn't "target" anything. I just believe they are not necessary. My perspective has no pull on the devs decision(s). You have proven time and time again that the only reason for this back and forth is simply we have different views. I can say the same exact thing to you about things in life you can't get when I say they should be removed going forward. You have also proven that you don't like cosmetics, even though it has been proven that MANY more do than don't in this game. Especially with Survival Mode and time capsule materials.

    I don't know how my opinion equates to "getting my panties in a bunch over it", although it seems you are the one upset by my opinion and perspective more than I am of yours.

    So, for the upteenth time, to each their own.

    Edit: I've never liked it, and always felt it didn't need to be a thing, as the game was never like that prior. Obviously I've come to terms with it, as I don't even play the game anymore, and that gatekeeping is one reason. Boo hoo, ah well. Please copy and paste where you saw me actually complaining and not simply stating my opinion/explaining my perspective.