Test Discussion Ally: John Stewart

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Cardboard, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. Slado Active Player

    Is there any chance of a Sinestro Corps/Yellow Lantern version for villians?

    As a villian main the fact that the majority of content has us doing heroic things or helping heroes is barely tolerable, but the thought of having my yellow lantern bathed in the green glow of willpower makes my skin crawl.
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  2. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    and by 'Nubia' you actually mean 'Queen Diana'
  3. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    Not sure why powers are based off of might. Not really sure how much might actually effects powers. Because a stronger power will out perform a weaker power no matter what the cr difference is. Even the person with more sp with a weaker power goes against someone with less sps and a lower cr but has a stronger power will out perform the weaker power.

    Using allies trying to put a band aid on the problem is not a solution and also a flaw. Just like artifacts. If two players uses the same artifacts and allies, one has a weaker power and the other has a stronger power, the weaker power will not be equal to the stronger power.
  4. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    This is why the current combo approach doesnt work on this ally, while a powerset-specific ally like Poison Ivy works.
  5. Odin EU Level 30

    I'm starting to think they should have just made an Ivy copy paste similarity for just light, and overhauled hard light's PI. Currently light uses the most popular one, dazed which multiple powers can apply. Granted making a new PI may not been feasable but it would allow a specific buff like how only nature can apply poison. It would also put allies 'might' wise in a better spot perhaps, as then you have Zatanna for every PI, thereafter Ivy and JS for specific powers. Personally, I would like to think that the approach of making use of unique PI, which nature did, benefits most powers. Especially for a future quantum ally, celestial ally etc that would not be considered meta atm.
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  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I think that would be too much work overall when they can "simply" lock the effect for [Light powerset] just like some passives require [Healer Role].
  7. Odin EU Level 30

    If that possibility exist, definitely.
  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Also if we take the dev at his word that they are using Allie’s to bandaid broken powers …. Then these Allie’s should be rare and not legendary … little ridiculous for us ti has to level up a legendary ally which is not quick in game or push free money wise depending on the route you take because a power set they created is under performing there borderline extortion
  9. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Yes and No.
    I absolutely see your point and its valid of course.
    However, there is no powerset in the game that performs so poorly its impossible to complete all content with it.

    Even Nature was able to do all content pre Ivy, but Ivy simply enhanced its capabilities, making it competetive with other powersets.

    I wouldnt mind having power-specific allies stay legendary, but if they could be used to infuse into other power-balance allies at a 50% loss of ally favor would help to justify the cost.

    Edit: Maybe a way of farming Ally favor similar to Quarks could also justify the cost of a feature thats usually given for free.
  10. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Who said anything shout not being able to complete content ?

    This is about fixing underperforming powersets .. which is a problem they the devs created not the player base … and they are openly admitting these ally’s will be used as a temporary fix for that …

    It’s a little crappy to expect people to level up a legendary ally to fix a problem that created … that’s why it should be the cheapest option to fix the issue.

    That’s why I said it’s borderline extortion… they create the powers then the powers are under performing so instead of fixing the power since the task is too great apparently .. they give us a bandaid with Ally’s and the caveat is you have to either wait out the time for a free way of leveling it up which could take months or a year or pay us 300 dollars so you can fix the part of your power set that is under performing ..

    You’d still have to level the blue option (rare) instead they decide to use the hardest one possible .. I’m not gonna pretend it’s not my cause they hope you here say oh forget it here’s my 300 dollars
  11. WarlockSB New Player

    I went on to test John Stewart's combo passive using my usual non-stop light rotation. John Stewart was max level. I was just wearing armor. No Artifacts, and no other Allies. Single target. 30 second parsers.

    Light Blast>Mingun>Snap Trap>Light Blast etc. With the JOhn Stewart Ally, I did on average 5-6% more damage than without the Ally.

    I then changed my power to sorcery (no Ally), and did a simple 3 power rotation. Transmutation>Soul Barrage>Soul Storm, repeat. Note, all 3 powers in both rotations are 200 cost. I consistently did 10% more damage with Sorcery (no Ally). than light with John Stewart.

    I backed out the crit damage, to better equate the non-crit damage.

    As others have stated, damage and/or duration needs to be increased significantly, just to have it be competitive with another power running no allies.

    I hope this helps.
  12. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    If the alternative is no change for powersets, I'm more than glad to take the offer the devs currently provide.
    Like you said, it will be possible to get the ally for free eventually and many already saved up enough Ally Favor to get this Ally to max rank for free as soon as it launches. Source marks are also readily available for the Alliances.
    I get that this won't be the case if we keep getting such allies in quick succession but this will also mean you have to be unlucky enough to have characters with those powersets and want to play all of them at endgame level to make this an actual problem.

    Also, the comment about being able to complete any content wasnt meant as direct reply but to show what we're talking about. Its not that an ally will make a powerset turn from unusable to good/OP but will simply make it better as it currently is to be able to compete in the endgame.
  13. Mr.W Committed Player

    Just out of curiosity does this mean Zantanna’s arcane battery passive can be buffed a little since it’s based on both charging & stacks & is only temporary?
  14. Mr.W Committed Player

    I agree here & if it will be easier to keep other powers sets from over performing it could easily be converted into a hard light specific ally to justify the large buff.
  15. Mr.W Committed Player

    This is also why I keep telling ppl that nerfing culture in general is bad & if ppl say one thing sucks the job is NOT to make everything around it suck too. Just bring the bad thing UP to the good stuff.
  16. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    I had a simple idea a few years back, posted it here too.

    Each month, take the 2 worst performing powers and buff them a little. Do the same each consecutive months (Or weeks) until all are goo enough in their own right to not warrant buffs.
    There is no point nerfing a power if it is good, just make other powers more viable like this one and there will be a more diverse meta. Screw all the allys and stuff, they should be empowering a certain playstyle, not just giving a free might buff because you play the power as designed.
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  17. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    Maybe this ally just needs an increase in duration. I mean it’s not like 6% is bad it’s just that you are not noticing the increase because it’s too short. Buffing the duration seems like the most balance way to go about it.
  18. Mr.W Committed Player

    They had actually started doing that back in the AM days & then (I guess because the company changed hands) they spun into a completely different direction.

    Sadly it looks like the devs are repeating the mistake here too. While I agree fixing the powerset themselves is a way better option they did (start) powerset specific allies and again deviating from this band aid back to broad overlapping buffs which never actually works for the powerset it was actually intended for.
  19. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    Fair point. I was trying to stick with comparing apples to apples so the card that buffs might vs John's might buff. But that's short sighted - there is definitely more than one card on BWL that's beneficial. I can see how that might sway folks to BWL. And I can definitely see folks who already have BWL leveled not seeing a good enough reason to level a legendary ally.
  20. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    Two reasons. I'm sure #2 will make people mad, but oh well:
    1. You can call it lore, I would call it the spirit of the ally. It talks about using combo abilities. When I read "ability" in this game, I think of a power/one of the 6 moves in your loadout. The old "ability amplifier" consumable gave you might - hinting at tray-based powers. Tumbling Master doesn't fall into that bucket, in my opinion.
    2. Balancing. If you allow this to proc off of Tumbling Master, you immediately make this available to every power set in the game with no changes - no need to edit your loadout, you've just got to do a tumble once every 30 seconds. That could toe a dangerous line for non-combo powers. If a non-combo powerset is able to run Shazam and John Stewart or BWL and John Stewart, they're getting two passive buff allies while the combo powers are still likely needing to run Cyborg or Oracle-bot. So you've made it easier for them to tack on yet another boost when they didn't need any extra help to begin with.