Episode Spotlight - Ep 29: Riddled With Crime!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MiguelDaybreak, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. Captain Shadowhawk Level 30

    Another wasted week.

    I have seen ppl post that we won't get 2x art xp any more due to the wolf tokens, but I think this is were Daybreak's logic is a little off. Let's say I have a single max level art, I drop the $100 and buy a token. I hand out the copy arts to all my alts that had that same art but not up to max yet. Now I have, let's say, a lv 140 art just sitting there. If they would give us the 2x xp then I could use it as food for another art and likely pop it up to max. Which in turn would give me a reason to drop another $100 to get another token and repeat the process.

    Being Alt friendly is good for an MMO's health.
    • Like x 7
  2. GGreenie New Player

    No thank you
  3. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    need ppl for 333:D
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  4. D3aths XB Psn New Player

    when is the update for Xbox series X and PS5 drop...also is there any future merge with all servers?? why leave PSN/PC on one and have xbox and switch on one ....lmk tanks
  5. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    Make more alts 2 characters is 2x art xp. You can then take that art experience and put in on any characters you want. More alts means more artifact experience to share with your main. When they took nth metal cashes off the broker they increased the artifact experience gains for playing the game without the need to use nth metal Detectors. More alts means more nth metal experience gain. 3 alts 3x the gains 4 alts 4x 5 alts 5x
  6. Rorrigam Active Player

    I had no idea that was a thing. Can you share where this was mentioned?
  7. rimvader Well-Known Player

    No matter if you use 1 or 32 characters, the drop rate is the same, one hour of playtime on one alt or four gives the same nth metal. Multiple alts works for Episode currency (you know, you know) but not nth metal. Time is the most important factor. Double art. exp saves time/money, ie ranking up Eye of Gemini before nerf to get half exp feels crappy know how much more is need to max new artifact. Double gives 1 for 1 exp for old artifacts.
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  8. PLF New Player

  9. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    People need to think outside the clown box. Older content like this gives you double Source Marks. The same Source Marks you can use to buy older...

    ...elite gear you just unlocked playing the Anniversary Event.
    --style items you didn't buy when the Episode had its own currency.

    For many this is a win/win.
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  10. NotPad Active Player

  11. Draze New Player

    my dude, wtf are you talking about.. its faster to run USR 99% of the time. just call it what it is.. they are cheap and don't want to release double xp because they want you to spend money.. why not add purple nth metal drops to the game then if they "care" about "win/win" scenarios.
  12. Draze New Player

    most under rated comment on this thread. 200 arts need an insane amount of nth metal.. at the very least just add purple nth metal drops to the normal drop pool. simple change and still won't even do THAT. at this point i suggest people just unsub and play the game for free like its meant to be played.
  13. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    What is even the point of these bonus weeks anymore? Absolute waste of everyones time. Didn't you introduce those Save The Universe events as a way of making this old content somewhat relevant again? What happened to those? You given up on them? Too much effort were they? They would at least make this content at least somewhat worth going back to, but going back to it for double source marks? When you can literally get source marks for doing ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN THE GAME?

  14. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    You do know it's OK to criticize them once in a while, right?

    If you keep thanking them for feeding you sh*t, they're just going to keep feeding you sh*t.
  15. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    If you guys are not doing the double artifact XP week anymore, please tell us.
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  16. Oltron New Player

  17. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    I asked for double currency Kahndaq and we got this one..a well I logout again :(
  18. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    You are absolutely right, at this point in the game it really does not help. They are going to do what they are going to do no matter what anyone says.
  19. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    well, if you've already moved on to other stuff, we're not gonna miss you, are we? I hope the thing you find brings you as much pleasure as DCUO used to. have fun out there.
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  20. Kid Quark Level 30

    Adding something like a new base item that drops from instances or is added to the episode vendor would at least make the old content palatable. A Statue of Victory: Riddler or Man-Bat item, for instance.

    Otherwise, JLD Cursed is about to start month five. The seaonals are tired out. At this point I'm logging on just to run the stabilizer daily event, and I'm not spending money on Time Capsules because all signs point to this game going belly up before the end of 2024.

    Not sure if Daybreak fully understands the damage that 'DCUO is in maintenance mode' announcement had on the community. Coupled with a communications black out on new content, failure to deliver next gen console clients, etc. and dwindling online populations as a result, there's not much reason for me to play.