I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Roocck Committed Player

    I am absolutely furious about how the Omni Weekly Duo CR 153 turned out to be such a disaster. It took me nearly 15 minutes just to defeat the first boss, which is ridiculous. I had to finally give up and close down the game because I couldn't bear wasting any more time on this nonsense.

    It's incredibly frustrating to see my CR 420 character, with almost 500 SP, struggle so much in this duo. The stat clamp that DCUO has implemented is just ridiculous and completely ruins the gameplay experience. It's infuriating to think that after years of hard work and spending thousands of dollars on this game, I still end up feeling like a weakling getting crushed by lower level content.

    I love playing DCUO, but this kind of nonsense is exactly why so many players are losing interest and quitting the game. Some may come back occasionally just to kill time, but others will never even consider returning. It's a shame that DCUO is driving away its loyal player base with these frustrating decisions.
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  2. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

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  3. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    The great thing about DCUO, is that there's more than one game going on at one time.

    Instead of queuing for and then playing content, have you tried any of the new emotes?

    Some people enjoy the broker game. That's where you buy cheap things off the broker and then relist them at a higher price. Perhaps this could be your new way to play.

    If that's not your cup of tea, you could focus on the style game. That's mostly where you try to make your character look exactly like Batman. Some people try looking like something else, but its mostly Batman. This could be your new way to play.

    And let's not forget the name game. That's where you shout that you want to sell the silliest name you can think of in Trade chat to see if anyone bites. Apparently, from what I can gather, this one is a lot more fun that what it seems.
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  4. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Wanna buy my name? Its char is called: "Bruh" Totally original, makes you look cool in the HoL and makes you seem cool but in reality it just shows your lack of creativity
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  5. Roocck Committed Player

    Wow, what a genius suggestion! Who needs actual gameplay when you can just sit around and do pointless activities like emotes, broker games, style games, and name games? Thanks for showing me the true potential of DCUO, I'll make sure to prioritize these exciting and thrilling endeavors over actual gameplay from now on.
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  6. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    Stat Clamping is part of the reason I had to take a long break from this game. I get where people said OP players ruined content for new lower level plays. That is a real thing, some players wanted to learn the game and not have paradox ruined for them in 2min. Yeah the feats were a bonus but at what cost. What I can't understand is why not have Omni as the option for those who want stat clamped content. It seems to me the clamping has just added another layer to the already toxic players out there.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I understand your frustration. I have been in some EEG raids where I have just had to walk away from. Is it called "rage quitting" if it involves throwing your controller? Just wondering. I have only played a few EEG duos with my sister, the ones she picked out for us. What duo were you in if I may ask? Was it elite? Wait you said CR 153, I don't think elite was introduced yet at that CR level.

    A CR 420 character should never, ever have to struggle in EEG content. The experience in EEG content for a CR 420 character should be the same difficulty as the 3rd oldest DLC. This is why I hope the developers would take the time to test and re-evaluate the effect of the clamp on the different tiers of EEG content. I do not believe Tier 1 EEG content to be a problem, it can still be looked at but I don't think anything will be found wrong with it. The other tiers should be examined by developers NOT volunteer uncompensated player enthusiasts.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So. On the subject of clamped runs and mechanics. For the first time in a long time, I accepted HoH in Omni on a toon. Generally I'd skip that one, but I was killing time till reset. Popped in, as I expected, going towards the Forge Master fight with the run at the 33 min mark and a full roster sheet. I figured they were biffing the Forge master, but found them in the plaza room fighting adds...they didn't even get there yet, 33 min in. We rolled up on a Punisher and I figured 'ah, this must be it'. As I saw the green bubble and skull come up, I rolled back to a safe distance and blocked. As the healer, I fully expected the other 6 players to all go down with me blocking....nope. Apparently they nerfed the Punisher's blast?

    We then got to the Forge master room, and immediately they all dove in and got the spirit agitated summoning the Neophytes. While we were burning them decent enough, they didn't seem to be using their stun beam attack nearly as much as they should, and while I WAS healing, no one was really being roasted. When the 3 smiths came up, I never saw the spinning hammers attack...so either it was removed or through incredible luck...we just didn't get them.

    After the 'fight' was over, I made my way to Cerberus and the other guys went and moved the rock...for like 5 min...till I shouted for them to find their way to the end. Fight went fine, but slow. We finished up at 45 min.

    So maybe I'm changing my opinion of the 'fixing' of mechanics. As boring as running clamped and omni is...to remove anything interesting mechanic wise makes it that much more slow and boring. These guys had knocked out 1 boss and a few hallways in 33 min and hadn't even reached the 'tough' boss fight or difficult mechanics (like blocking or rolling away from a Punisher) with a full roster page of people dropping and joining already. And this was in a NERFED version of the run already.

    Apparently (as I've always believed) some people cannot or do not want to...learn. Saddling the rest of us with carrying/coaching them through every run, or having to remove any interesting mechanics to make them so every mouth breather can get through, is not attractive in the least. All it leaves us with is a slow...boring...run it takes 5 or 6 to finish...vs a fast...boring...run 1 guy can do on his own.

    Oh yeah...and marks of course. We get marks.
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  9. Ichiro Loyal Player

    It's funny. Last time I posted, the hot thread was to clamp the game. Now the hot thread is to remove the clamp. Just proof no matter what is done, no one is happy. I really like the clamp for the most part. However with that said, the clamp could use some adjustments. I think the all or nothing clamp was not the right approach. IMO the clamp should have been applied as follows.

    No clamp content - Open world, solo, duo, and alerts
    Clamped content - raids, events
  10. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    Also.... Kinda gave up on the whole "nice" thing, didja?
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  11. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    It was a topic for years it would pop up once every so many months
  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Definitely not as consistent or in-depth as the opposing side then. THIS I've seen nothing but endless complaints about, especially in-game and on social media. Even many people that were excited and returned to the game, ended up complaining and leaving again. It's way more noticable.
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  13. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    The level of sacrilege against our lord is seriously alarming.

    My theory is that it's because most people don't even like this game. They're just obsessed and addicted. Chasing the dragon so aggressively, yet every new feat and mark never quite hits as good as the last. So they're already frustrated and... BAM! God shows up and creates the law of physics... and they're like... the heck is this crap? The drugs aren't working anymore AND I can't fly? That is craaaaaazy.

    So they started a crusade against god, law, and integrity. Every day... a little bit more of their souls gets tainted. What a shame.
  14. Grim931 Committed Player

    I was over at a friend's house and this game came up as a topic. He said he played it before and was looking to get back into it. I told him I'd be willing to help him catch up if that's what he's looking to do.

    One of the first things he noticed was the clamp when he tried playing again. I didn't even get the chance to really help out before he noticed it... he just logged in, saw what a cluster **** it could be, and logged right back off.

    When we did finally get the chance to play together, we were fortunate enough to get grouped up with two other people who weren't contributing at all. Go figure.

    Group comprised of me as a tank (Rage, high arts, 3 omnipotent gear pieces, end game level player), him as a DPS (Atomic, low/mixed old arts, low SP, knows how to play his power though), and two randoms.

    We queued into the alert in Oan Sciencells with the Green Lantern Batman. Didn't even make it to the first boss before the other two (Healer and DPS) gave up. The healer went down quick (multiple times), the other random high level DPS had absolutely no clue what to do and would not avoid the green signals on the floor, he dropped quite a few times. I went down once trying to do pick ups, and my friend was trying his best... ultimately it was just me and him.

    We get passed the initial part where you stop the metal lanterns from going into the portals... and that was it. I go down to something, and he also drops.

    Looked at the scorecard and I was top DPS... as a Tank. The other guy was about 100,000 damage higher than my friend, both of them were low in terms of damage, but the random had gear similar to mine... I also beat the healer in healing, thanks to Clarion, by 800,000. The healer had about 500 healing out. I don't know how anyone can be so low as a healer, the guy must have been using just weapon attacks or something.

    We quit the alert, queue up again, and land in an older alert. This one goes a little bit smoothly (at least we complete this one), but it was still me carrying a team pretty much.


    His complaints were in line with what you were saying. He came back and wasn't too thrilled to play with this in place. I actually agree with Proxy, I feel the clamp could be loosened quite a bit as well to help mitigate the problem. And it is a problem.
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  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I truly hope your friend’s experience didn’t leave a bad impression on him. I want as many people to come and play this truly wonderful game. I hope your friend is able to find enjoyment.

    I still believe there is some strange math going on when clamping high CR players versus upscaling low CR players that gives the low CR players an advantage.

    I still feel this blanket one size fits all clamp is not the optimal solution. Programming wise I am sure it was the quickest path to achieving a desired goal. Looking at individual Tiers or even individual instances is a lengthy, time consuming endeavor that needs more than a few programmers. I suspect the dev team has neither at the moment.
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  16. Grim931 Committed Player

    I hope not, too, but he wasn't real enthusiastic about playing after that.

    The only thing I know of for sure, unless they changed it, was that it does calculate differently for those who queue up random compared to those who queue up for instances manually. This is stupid, yet again, because they revert back to using the "stick" to get players into random content. If you queue up manually, you are at a disadvantage to those who don't because you have less of a buff (no idea if this only applies to undergeared characters). How much of a difference does it make? It's anyone's guess... Is it fair? Absolutely not.

    And I agree. There are way too many problems with it to just let it go unchecked. I felt weaker in that alert I mentioned than I did in current End Game content... not sure if it's true or not, but it sure as hell felt that way. With as old as that content is... there's no way it should have been that rough of an experience.
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  17. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    Ok I am probably going to get crucified for putting forth a suggestion in this thread, but here we go....

    I am a 10-year EEG player that also that wasn't happy about losing some of my progression CR in the clamp. However, I do understand why the handicap, because it happens in almost every type of competitive game or sport. I also believe that the clamp is mostly likely not going away and to me arguing to completely get rid of the clamp is pointless. I also don't believe the decision makers will create an option button for clamp and unclamp.

    So, to be fair to both sides of the argument (at least to me) I think they should only clamp 50% of the DLCs. This also, I believe, is easily doable for the decision makers and Devs. The clamp in the lower half should probably be more stringent though (give and take). This I believe will allow new players more time to be more ready to work with EEG players and allow EEG players in the upper half to have more of the game with their full progression. No body is fully happy in this compromise, but at least (again to me) it is a fair compromise. If someone has already come up with this suggestion, I apologize now before being slammed about it.

    I also want to address mechanics. I am an expect shot with firearms, play on a league basketball and bowling team. The mechanics for these three things are very easy to me, but I know it is not for everyone and even difficult for some. Am I as good as a professional in any of these things? No. Could I be? I guess if I had the time and trainer/mentor that could help me get there. I also know a kid who is a professional gamer and MAN, to him DCUO Elite Plus is too easy for him. I was jealous, but he was not mean about it in the way he said it to me. I am always amazed watching him play any game...talk about and hand/eye coordination...sheeesssh.

    I have no doubt that the decision makers at EG7, DB, and DI have a lot of discussion about this game. I wouldn't be surprised if half of them want to end DCUO and the other half are trying to save it. I always want to give ammunition to the side that wants to save this game. A united community is much stronger and helps win people over. Us criticizing people's style of play, like competitive, roleplaying, base crafters, auction merchants, cosplayers, etc... Along with too much toxic behavior, only shows us as a really divided community. A divided community gives ammunition to anyone at EG7, DB, and DI that thinks this game has run its course and should end. I think we can all give our criticisms and suggestions without alienating or belittling others in our community. However, at least to me, friendly/funny jabs at anyone are not toxic.

    To anyone that works at EG7, DB, and DI, that reads the threads in the Forum, I believe we all love this game in some way or another. To the people at those companies doing this job, well I understand this may be just a job to you. I understand that and taking care of yourself, and your family is more important that a game you work on. Coming into work and people trashing your job is something no one wants. I hope you will always take our positive and negative criticism/suggestions to heart and know that I believe everyone applauds your hard work to keep this game around that we love. We just want the game to get better.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  18. Mr.W Committed Player

    Avatar was cool growing up but its intro remix has been so overused it’s becoming cheesy now sadly.

    Everyone knows that nobody but the devs choose any changes lol. The purpose of the forum (if you were unaware friend) is to discuss changes we’d like to see & why, then they make changes based our feedback lol.

    Also, why change a letter when you don’t even know what it stands for lol? By that logic I take it your L meant lordship & nobility lol. Don’t worry I’m modest & won’t accept your title friend lol. Do have a goodnight though lol
  19. Joybird Committed Player

    I still like the clamp. It makes older content intereting to play.
  20. Mr.W Committed Player

    If I’m not mistaken they have glasses for color blind ppl now . Maybe the vibrant world can soften your heart?