I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    The "break insatnces" is such a joke of an excuse.

    They were really far and few between... the main one (and only one I can remember) was Arkham Asylum... where if you burned Scarecrow too fast.. the instance couldn't be won.

    But... Here's the thing... You learned not to burn him too fast.

    Slow burning him became the mechanic. It became the game.

    You learn from it... and then you

    This has been... A Closer Look.
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  2. Entrust Committed Player

    There were far more than the Arkham alert. Basically any boss with phases was at risk. With Arkham it was particularly bad bc that was one of the OG alerts that took a while even pre-clamp. Then to have someone, and it only took one, glitch out the final boss... it was BS.

    This also ignores the power creep issue. Players would continue to get more over powered with each new episode, exasperating the issue.

    It was becoming apparent, long before the clamp happened, that something was going to be changed. That's just the way life is.
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  3. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Okay... Even if true:

    Once again, the game "mechanic" became to make sure that didn't happen.

    Apply that to any phasing boss, as well.

    You know what else took a while.... Leveling my character.
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  4. Entrust Committed Player

    It's not a mechanic if it renders the instance unfinishable.

    Failed mechanics result in a KO or wipe. Not a requirement to vote to disband the instance.

    So you played the game & leveled up. Good for you.
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  5. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    It's not unfinishable if you know how to finish it.

    Or should I say "If you 'git gud'" o_O
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  6. Grim931 Committed Player

    End Game players do not receive a full bonus depending on how they queue up from what I've read.

    If you custom queue, you lose the bonus.

    If you queue Omni at random, you gain some kind of bonus.

    That's the issue I have too, as this entire thing is a game of smoke and mirrors. We don't know what stats we're getting from what equipment, we don't know how effective the piercing stats are from the extra equipment, we have no idea what even benefits us past a certain threshold. Do they diminish past a certain time? Is there a point to even getting max status on these? Is it worth the effort? Is it the same benefit as skill points, where it only matters after a certain point? Where is that point of so?

    You might be happy with not knowing, but I'm not. And in this case, I'd rather just be placed at the top after end game. I'm not too enthusiastic about how much we don't know, and even less enthusiastic about how much you pretend to know.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No offense, but as that was a walk in, and if you saw it breaking a whole lot...it was likely you breaking it. If it was not, why were you still queuing after the first run? I mean it only 'took 2 seconds' to run the whole thing....that's what we keep hearing on repeat....repeat...repeat...oh wait, I was a broken record just like that BS line you all love so much. Queueing would potentially take longer than the 2 seconds it would take to run, so why queue and risk the issue?

    This is why I've always advocated for walk-ins (or more to the point a way to queue in directly...no matchmaking) so A) I don't break your run or spoil your good time....and B) you don't break mine...or biff my feat.
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  8. Entrust Committed Player


    Once the boss is glitches that's it. No corrections, no adjustment, no wiping or warping to rally. Everyone's screwed because one player, fully geared, popped a couple powers.

    That's. Not. A. Mechanic.
  9. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Then don't glitch the boss.

    That's. Not. An. Impossibility.
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  10. Entrust Committed Player

    Nah, I'm not offended that you completely missed the point, made incorrect assumptions, and ran off on an unrelated tangent.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's actually right on point. The whole 'you could burn things in 2 seconds' was being done by the people complaining about burning things in 2 seconds. Breaking bosses was done by the same players who can't check their burn. These were also the same people 'teaching' that mechanics mean nothing....same as is done in every EG reg run every day. That's why I say if YOU saw a lot of glitched bosses...I'd guess you were doing the glitching. It's ok...self control is hard.

    Personally I never finished any run in 2 seconds or 1 shot very few bosses. Of course I wasn't trying that hard as cause you know...it was 'easy' stuff...I didn't have to try that hard to get it done. There is a time to go full out...and a time not to. Some of us knew that.

    The people who wanted the clamp...needed the clamp. Those of us who didn't really want it, probably didn't need it all that much. Y'all probably need a governor on your car so you can't go 'too fast' and get a ticket driving in school zones too.
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  12. Entrust Committed Player

    Yep, bc that's the point we wanted to get to?

    "Okay everyone, remember this is one of those bosses. So everyone but the healer stand by the door. Now healer, take off your weapon & 1 punch only! Then wait. Punch once again. Wait, then one last time. Got it? Cool."

    "OH, God damn it! Who was that?"

    "A vote has started to disband the instance"

    You're right, that's such a better state for the game.
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  13. Entrust Committed Player

    Was it on point for the thread, sure I guess. Was in on point with regards to my specific reply? No, it wasn't.

    My reply was specific to the statement made that there was only one instance that glitched due to over powered players. There were always far more than that.

    If your intent was to take that point, and expand on it, there was a better way to do it.
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  14. Great Architect Loyal Player

    "Acknowledge" would imply that it's all true. When somebody says the "real" reason for the clamp is blah blah *insert pet peeve with the game here THIS ONE THING*, they tend to lose my attention.

    There is no "real" reason for the clamp, because it's only *part* of a wider solution to a number of circumstances that needed addressing in the game. You could say that the "real" reason for the clamp is to be part of a blanket strategy to open up EEG, but even that's only part of it - the "real" reason to do that is, again, complex. There is no one-to-one problem--->solution relationship here, and looking for one is an exercise in futility. If you're going to tell me that you've found one, and it's "(hypothetical) Falling Replay Badge Sales :eek: " ------> "Clamp :mad:", you'll forgive me if I don't "acknowledge" that.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    When one singular rifle grenade could glitch him out, keep lying to yourself bro.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    or Reinheld you could just play with the group to beat your group content or get your group feat like a normal person who plays group based video games.

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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ok. I'll give you that. I guess my point was that as many glitchy possibilities as there were, Arkham was a good example (and I don't know about 'far' more vs 'a few' more), it seems the people seeing them a lot are the same people pushing the 'everything could be 1 shot in 2 seconds' or 'it's still easy if you do this', then list a litany of ways to make the runs faster and easier. So they are still trying to get to a point where the runs will break again, with loading old OP gear, 'meta' builds and rotations, every cheese move possible and yeah...I'd guess arti swapping.

    I'd wager that if you put the 8 (4 for alerts) biggest defenders of the clamp in a single run, maybe they could still glitch the known glitchy runs out. All I know is that the first clamped instance that gets re-glitched and then gets shouts of 'we need a BIGGER CLAMP' will likely have a clamp defender at the top of the scoreboard. Just saying.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Weill I did say when I realized the boss was glitchable and randoms would then glitch it...I used the walk in. So in that instance...I was playing things correctly. Hence why I almost never saw Scarecrow glitch...it was not a thing for me.

    But for non walk ins....If the rest of the group are idiots?

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  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You do realize you have the ability to test this extremely easily. Respec your sp, take off your gear, take off your augs, take off arts. Go to an instance and out on gear. See how much you get. Repeat with the others. It’s not rocket science. Smoke and mirrors would be if you couldn’t see your stats or you could only see generalized stats and the devs/game was saying “you do get something. Trust me.” Without any way of seeing for yourself.

    I have done this myself multiple times and I have even added SP bit by bit just to see how it was working.
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  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Now you’re trying to straw man it into saying people claim they were beating instances in 2 seconds? Who ever said that?

    And no. It wasn’t just an issue with players not “checking their burn”. Tanks were killing things as if they were dps. Tanks accidentally killings thing that shouldn’t be due to feats. If players have to take off gear in order to run things than there is something fundamentally wrong with the system.
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