Name Reclaim: Update & Delay

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 11, 2023.

  1. LisyxDoll New Player

    I'm a bit confused on the reclaiming names bit. Is it going to be targeting accounts that are no longer active and havent been for some time? I still play and have an active sub so I have no reason to worry about my character names suddenly becoming available, right?
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  2. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    Hang On.

    Vacation Days and Sick days are 2 different things. The “wonderful” people judging others about vacation days being spent on a video games is tired and bored. Figure out another way to troll. I earned my vacation days. And I use them when I want too. That’s none of your concern. Daybreak made a statement, had me think I could use a vacation day to participate in the Name Reclaim is my business.

    So you guys writing in all caps, or defending Daybreak go ahead and fool yourself. But I do not appreciate Daybreak digging in my vacation days. I’m not entitled, I don’t want compensation. You can keep your replay badges, special styles whatever. I just want Daybreak to follow through. (Which they haven’t)

    So now Daybreak will set a new date for the Name Reclaim. And I will miss out on any names that I might have gotten (even if it was a slim chance) Is life over? Nope. Am I still pissed off? Yep.

    Either way, you guys puffing your chest out and trying to discredit the players that “In good faith to Daybreak” took a day off to enjoy the chase of getting a great name can eat one.

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  3. Napoleon Well-Known Player

    Since the reclaim has been postponed, I think it would be a good idea for the developers to look into circumventing the name selling business.

    My idea would be, which probably isn't very feasible, to begin with, but sure would help from the inevitable happening;
    If someone deletes their character, the name attached to it cannot be recreated by another account. However, you can recover the character and the name attached to it from the account it was deleted from. You get 6 deleted toons banked and beyond that, the earliest deleted toon gets its name thrown into the pool where it can be recreated by someone else after a certain period of time. Also, deleted toons from the bank should have a timeframe where those characters get automatically removed from the account and released even if you haven't reached the bank limit.
  4. Elocin Level 30

    Sweet! Thanks!
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If you take a day off to go golfing because it was suppose to be sunny and clear, but it rains anyway, while of course you are entitled to be disappointed, do you write a nasty message to the weather channel or wherever you got the forecast from?

    Sucks....sure. Unfortunate...sure. Worth complaining about? Well...if's a lot lower complaint that you'd see if a bunch of people who logged in yesterday ALSO lost their names.
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  6. Stag Active Player

    Devs I hope you see this, try to prevent people from using bots to insta take names. Mainly pc players look into that
  7. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    Lol, I always liked your name! But you still on :p
  8. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Yeah, but this wasn't a weather event. This was a failure to prepare.

    The was probably a staff meeting on Monday where Mepps turned to the guy in charge of making sure everything was in order and asked, "Everything good to go for the name reclaim?" And he probably gave the ole thumbs up and said, "Sure thing, boss." But of course now we know it wasn't.

    This wasn't "unforeseen" and we know this because someone else forsaw it going sideways at the last minute.
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  9. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    Predicting the weather? How does anyone have any control over that? Exactly. I’m not stupid.

    Wanna know who has control of what they design/produce/promote!? Yep you guessed it Daybreak. So defend them. I’m not really concerned about it. Everyone losing their names unfairly? I don’t want that either. But it doesn’t change the fact that Daybreak continues to disappoint. But in this case, I lose 8 hours of paid time at work. That isn’t fair either.

    Look I get it, I’m just a random. And nobody cares anyway. But I do have an opinion. And sometimes “thank you for your patience” doesn’t work for me.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    But unfortunately, sometimes that's all you'll get. Again, if the choice is rolling out the code as is and maybe active users lose their name, and stopping the process....stopping the process is the better choice.

    Hey. Maybe the guy who messed the code up before rollout will be fired. Won't that make you feel better? He'll be out LOTS of days worth of pay.
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  11. TabulaRasa Level 30

    I'm going to weigh in in favor of daybreak devs here. As someone who rolls out code regularly in a work environment, based on what I've read it would have been far more disastrous for them to proceed then to stop the roll out and save face. The details presented why they stopped were ANY NAME ON AN ACCOUNT THAT HADNT BEEN LOGGED INTO IN A PERIOD REGARDLESS IF YOU HAD LOGGED INTO THE ACCOUNT PREVIOUSLY was being renamed, this is contrary to what they explained and they caught it. You can test for ages and not know what really going to happen in your PROD. ENV. till you try. Can you imagine the real uproar if your account was renamed and you followed the rules. Good going daybreak. recoup and try again. Devs don't get the praise they deserve just the condemnation when players don't get what they want
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  12. Dark Warrior Active Player

    I understand why you're upset and I don't begrudge that. There are a lot of people out there who schedule their vacation days around certain events. Years ago I scheduled a two week vacation when God of War II was coming out, so I get it. However, you're above quote is not Daybreak's fault, that's all you. Yeah, you scheduled it on the day they set, but you're the one who took the chance to use that vacation day. They didn't conspire to waste a vacation day for you. Look at all the people who scheduled vacation days/weeks around CyberPunk and it kept getting delayed. It's a risk that most times is gonna pay off, but sometimes things happen.
  13. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Two different questions going on here. First, should they have planned better to follow through on what they promised? Absolutely! Second, once it was discovered they failed on the first question should they have pushed paused to avoid a catastrophe? Again, yes, absolutley.

    I'm reluctant to give kudos to those who made an obvious choice after laying the major deuce that required that obvious choice in the first place.

    This was something that was done before. This was supposed to be easy.
  14. Limey Committed Player

    It's truly amazing how often people forget video games are software, software is coded by humans, and humans are not infallible. But anger caused by or exacerbated by ignorance is a common occurrence, and with many gamers not particularly knowledgeable about software functionality or development, it's easy to understand such outrage.

    Likewise, people easily forget the hardware limitations related to read/write speeds associated with software in general, and underestimate the time required to alter data in such quantities as the characters contained on accounts inactive for over a year. Perhaps when the name reclaim is successfully completed, if you have the data handy, perhaps you could post the total number of accounts inactive and number of toons renamed, to give the general public a better idea of the scope of this particular transaction.

    Oh, and thanks for confirming my educated hypothesis, Mepps.
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  15. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    "How did they spell it?"
    "They got the two f's."
    "But how did they get them in Hamilton?" - To The Manor Born
  16. Isif Committed Player

    It would be awesome if they rolled out the Reclaim while no one was looking. Some of the panic made me chuckle a bit. Thanks for the laughs.:rolleyes:
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Although I appreciate your disappointment, you chose to take the vacation day, Daybreak didn't tell you to do that either explicitly or implicitly.

    There is always a chance these things will go wrong, it went wrong, if you take vacation days for any update there's always a chance it could go wrong and that risk is on you that you might not fully benefit from the vacation day.

    If you want to be available for the next one, take another vacation day I guess.
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  18. DarkMugetsu New Player

    Hope the reschedule is like May 25th, give ample time for some of us to request a vacation day off work.

    And to those pissed that you took a day off like I did and are whining and ********? Big woop if you don't have the freedom with vac days or a company point system. Well sorry but life happens and names in a game are not as important as work.

    I took a point at work for today cause I don't have many points and there is a 60 day fall off system. Yea I'm agrivated but it's not the end of the world **** happens get over it!.
  19. Starburst Active Player

    A lot of gaslighting others for being upset about the delay (which is completely valid to be upset about), going on here. Shouldn’t be told to suck it up or be grateful, it’s invalidating and dismissive. Who wants to be disappointed and then judged for being disappointed. At least moving the date up would bring a lot of goodwill or some type of compromise.
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  20. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    If they have a Relational Database Manager like Oracle or Alpha Software they could do a simple query such as:

    [ACCOUNTLASTLOGIN] < {11/05/2023}

    Pull those records, and then perform a global update on the [NAME] field.
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