Hostages can not belong to anyone. And I would stop it by using the same naming method that Discord used before they wanted to copy Twitter's. If not possible to use such a naming system, I would then use an amalgamation of various suggestion made on this subject to at least make the hoarders not have an easy time. A system that makes deleted/renamed character names only available through the name respec token for some time, name reclaims each semester ( with stricter rules, such as below level 30 characters being renamed if not active on the week of the reclaim), name selling made illegal on the ToS, and the comeback of in-game moderators.
I have a wishlist of names I would like to acquire in the upcoming name reclaim. I hope I get them. If I don't, I hope a seller gets them so that I'll at least have a chance to trade for them. The worst case scenario is for someone to get them who doesn't appreciate their value and lets them rot on the brainiac ship.
The delay ultimately worked out quite nicely for me. I wasn't subscribed back on the 11th of this month, however I will be subscribed this upcoming 1st of the month. Eight additional character slots for me! Hope I get the three names I'm after *prays*