Can we get the PVP Feats automatically rewarded?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Prindacerk, Oct 26, 2022.

  1. Prindacerk Committed Player

    PVP is mostly, if not completely dead in DCUO. Very few are active and you are lucky if you get in a queue.

    There's a lot of feats for PVP that's unachieveable due to the number of people playing it. We have had some feats that's obsolete/invalid and gets automatically rewarded. Could we do the same for PVP as well please?

    All my toons would appreciate it.
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  2. King Bakes Well-Known Player

    You’ve opened Pandora’s Box by creating this thread. 140 pages of arguing incoming…
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  3. Blue Active Player

    Pve is also dead, give us the pve feats too then. Pvp queue pops if you form a group.
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  4. Kestral Committed Player

    Honestly I'd be happy at this point with a bonus week that did 10x the map runs for PVP like LPVE does. At least then I could get a trade win set up to complete the 8x8 maps no one ever goes on.

    Still if they could auto grant the feats that can't be done anymore since they've been reported to be bugged for years like KOing a Arkham asylum inmate that would be awesome since the chances of a bug fix being performed are nearly nonexistent.
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  5. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    It amazes me that people shoot for this before "back from the hack" and the superman emblem. At least those were "right place at the right time".

    What you're asking for was serious labour back in the day. I'm not going to play gatekeeper and be like "nooooo you don't deserve it"... but there was a lotta time put into those feats.

    I realize that getting those nowadays is unrealistic, but for those of us who were there smacking it out in Australia for hours on end... should get a mean crocodile emblem. Or a stingray in the name of Steve Irwin.
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  6. Prindacerk Committed Player

    I understand that and I don't mind those who did get it through hard work get a title or emblem or something to represent their achievement. My question is on getting these feats now as it is nearly unachievable. And it's sitting there in the feats list and frustrates me to no end.
  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It can only frustrate you if you let it frustrate you.

    It's not like the game itself brings up the feats tab every time you log into the game and forces you to look at all the feats you don't have.

    Asking for feats to be awarded simply because it bothers you that they remain unfinished in the list isn't exactly the strongest case one could make.
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  8. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    If we can get 500 solos, 500 duos, 500 alerts, and 20k exo gatherings from a skip, I don't think 50 wins on each map is really that unreasonable.

    And those PvE instances are actually grindable. I could probably finish at least 20 solos by the time a queue actually popped.
  9. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    I barely played PVP - I don't like PVP in general - and only have a few feats from it, but even I don't agree that PVP feats should just be handed over. :oops:

    Now if PVP in this game was completely disabled and inaccessible... then maybe, yeah.
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    At the very least, they should look into fixing the queues. Even on Xbox as a villain, the ONLY big issue I've ever had grinding the feats was the queues (especially 4v4, 5v5, and 8v8). I would use my main to form villain group, and my 2nd account to form a hero group... But even with both groups queued at once, it would take sooo long to finally pop. Sometimes had to drop a player or two and queue them solo to try and "force" it. Really looked like if even 1 player was out there queued for these things, it would prevent two fully formed groups from queueing entirely.

    Other than that, getting the feats really wasn't all that bad. Especially since I created the PvP Feats custom channel, in which saw a ton of usage over time.

    All in all, they should not be simply granted. If I was able to do it on a low populated server, I'm willing to bet anyone can. Other than the queues constantly getting "stuck", boosting for all of those feats was actually kind of fun. Especially with everyone chatting and working together in voice chat.

    Good luck out there.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    There are simple and effective ways to get these feats. Just get some like minded people together and 'work' on them.

    Maybe a counter bonus like the PVE runs have would help...sure...but they should not be 'given' away, they are still accessible. Far from 'unachieveable' if you know what you are doing.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

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  13. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    I had all the pvp feats done years ago. Back when pvp was still very popular, if you were in a league the feats weren't that much of a grind imo. Anyway, that being said I do feel like the feats should be given out for free. Hardly anyone plays pvp anymore. If the mods are going to refuse updating pvp then might as well let people get the feats.

    The one feat that should not have been given out was the gathering feat. Now that was the most ridiculous grind that actually took me a full month to finish.
  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Still disagree on granting them (see my post above yours). I still was able to get them even though it's dead AND on a low populated server.
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  15. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    yeah, it's a thumbs down from me, I'm afraid. I get everything you're saying, but it don't feel right, to me. might just as well give me all the Hand of Fate feats, because no one plays that any more. does anyone bother with the Flash Bounties, these days? I never see anyone shouting for them, any more, haven't done in years. might as well hand them out, too. there's whole swathes of this game that are ghost towns, but I don't think the answer's handing out the feats, rather it should be to make the content somehow not dead. just my opinion, of course.

    full disclosure. I don't, &, apart from a wee flirting with it ( & LPVE ) back when I started playing the game, never will do PVP. don't care for it. never have.
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  16. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I'm hoping to get all the PS trophies eventually, but that means getting the Last Laugh PVP ones and some others that are gonna be a real PITA, like the Flash bounties, and I'm dreading them, especially since I have some slight trauma from trying to get the Expert Marksman back style before it was added to Fate vendor, but I don't really see any need to grant these specific ones. The granted feats with CR skips or when seasonals happen and you get granted a bunch of feats from the old, retired versions of the events, but I don't see why it would have to specifically be the PVP stuff or anything in specific, really. Would I love not having to do these feats and get some free progress in my PS trophies? Yeah, but I don't need it and I feel like it would just be another blow and insult to injury to people that do care about PVP even if I don't. They're beat down enough, man. Seriously, there's some very real history there I only recently learned of. But I don't think they really want us talking about all that here. All in all, as much torture as getting these feats and their accompanying PS trophies has become, I think it's really unnecessary to auto-grant PVP feats.
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The Home Turf 1000 count wins is the ONLY PS trophy I have left, so I feel you. But if I wanted them bad enough, I can get them done tomorrow...just need a partner...oh wait...I have like 60 of them.;)

    I did those CC bounties 6x over.(I know...duh) It's not awful, but does take like 56 days doing it EVERY DAY for like 10-15 min. It's a bit easier now if you wanted to reset the mission, which was never possible till last year, but that's a lot of replays just to accelerate about 1 SP worth of rewards. I'd honestly say I'd rather do the CC bounties rather than the Ring War/Diamond Heist 100 or the 250 player bounties.

    Again, I'm not opposed to some sort of count accelerator event, but yeah I'm not down with giving them away. You should need to have to put some effort into these grindy feats.
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  18. Prindacerk Committed Player

    The problem is that there's not enough people queuing for the PVP contents. The bounties and stuff can be achieved individually or through your league friends. But how do you get PVP queues when it needs people in the villain side to queue up?

    Some of the 1v1 queues get people after a long wait. But not the 4v4 or 8v8. I waited for many hours during peak time with a couple of other people from my league before we gave up and decided to focus on raids.
  19. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I’ve said it before I know others don’t agree with me but it’s really the best solution. Feats shouldn’t be tied to skill points. Skill points should be awarded by xp which is gained by time played. The more time you play the more xp you receive. The higher you level up the xp the longer it takes to get a skill point… lots of games do this it’s pretty standard

    Feat achievements can award special items/marks/titles/cosmetics etc

    There will still be complaints but atleast everyone would be on even playing field. Don’t even have to do anything special just the day the switch over happens… whatever sp you’re at… is where your start off.

    However they may wanna add things to past feats (rewards) and anyone who had those feats prior to the change would be grandfathered into those rewards.

    That way if you really want a specific cosmetic or whatever you’d have to attempt this feats. But it wouldn’t be tied to character progression on any way shape of form.

    Feats for sp is a dumb idea and always was
  20. Dene Devoted Player

    I do not think any feats (PVE or PVP) should be made easier or automatically granted unless the instance is removed from game entirely (think Old Valentine's day ones)