Prices on the Broker totally out of control!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ambassador of Krypton, Jan 8, 2022.

  1. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    I already said it; capping the Broker. Not a 1B tho, more like 100MLN.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Now please continue to regale us with tales of your personal impoverishment while I play Poor Unfortunate Souls.
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  3. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    You've just said diretct trading has a cap too. They should just reduce both of them to 100MLN and you guys would see orices becoming way more fair. I mean, guys, it's the devs we're talking about. They're God when it comes to the game, they could do anything they want. Where there's a will, there's a way.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    So are you prepared to make multiple $100 mil trades for one item? Because that's going to get you scammed.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If players decide to trade instead? Also you are removing the games biggest cash sink in terms of posting tax to remove a small amount of money from they system.
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  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It wouldn't do anything. Even if you cap direct trades to 100 million per trade people would still be able to sell something for a billion by doing 10 trades of 100 million each. There is no cap that could do what you want done. As people have said, it's all about supply and demand and the amount of money floating around in the economy. The only way to reset prices would be to wipe everyone's in game money, and that's not going to be done. We constantly have new money entering the economy that isn't being drained by in game purchases/repairs, so prices will always continue to go up. If we get something like $5,000 from completing a mission that might not sound like much, but if hundreds/thousands of people are completing that mission every day then it adds up pretty quickly and money is being pumped into player's pockets faster than it can be drained.
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  8. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    Just phase out cash trading through the trade window. Only items, no cash. Just as simple as that.
  9. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    But keep cash trading in the broker? Ok then it will be people saying they want 10 items worth 100 million each in exchange for an item with a worth of 1 billion.

    I'm really not trying to be obtuse here or anything, I'm just trying to illustrate that there is no simple solution. Some things are rarer than others and thus end up being worth more.
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Or you could just learn how to grow money in-game.
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  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Shhh, don't tell them about the money tree.
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    This is what happens when we have 5-6 money glitches in the game. The prices are in line with that.
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  13. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The market. Duh.

    The market. Supply and demand. Welcome to capitalism 101.
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  14. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Well when the game has been online for now 11 years and money glitches happen and the Devs tried to tax it but it barely hit a dent. Broker prices will be outrageous for sure. PS/PC will never have a healthy economy unless a money wipe is done and they dare not do that at all. So its best to just imagine that 1 Cash = 1 Million Cash in game. Thats the best ratio to live by if you decide to venture into the Broker. Its also my theory on why the Xbox and Switch wont ever Crossplay wit hus (also cause of Sony). Those two would get eaten up and the economy will be worst for ware
  15. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Greed is a disease that is all.
  16. ItsSeven Level 30

    The reason the prices are like that is because throughout the history of the game, we’ve had multiple money glitches. What the NA USPS/PC server has is an inflation problem because of them, there’s so much cash in circulation that it’s worth less than what it used to be. At this point you just kinda have to deal with it. There have been threads in the past about both a soft and a hard economy reset, but that will cause issues and leave a ton of players unhappy.
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  17. JeanGrey Active Player

    That’s quite upsetting to know. As a newish player I’m finding it absolutely difficult to make any money in this game. I have no idea what anything is truly worth and if I go and try selling something around the same prices they’re going for someone just puts an even lower price. I wish I didn’t have to rely on the broker to make money. There needs to be a more consistent stable way of earning cash.
  18. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Switch to the EU server lol
  19. Dwild Well-Known Player

    In almost every DLC in the last years there has been at least one collection of 12 items, with eleven dropping from every other click to maybe once in 20 or so...and one collection item which falls 1 time in 500 or 1000. Once it becomes obvious which collection item is the uber rare drop, the prices skyrocket. Some lucky few get one and use it and then somehow get a second. They go to the market, type in the name and there it is... "Jor-El's Kryptonian Cigar Lighter" or something, only 10 available and the lowest price to purchase one is 800+ million bucks. Some don't even use it...they see the price on the market and they sell it instantly. That one collection in the DLC is almost always the one that gives a 3 star feat for completion. Been that way for years. Look up Flaming Phoenix Feather from the Born of Fire collection...and that was obtained out of the Amazon Time Capsule, Amazon Fury Part III on November 17th, 2016....the second Time Capsule ever offered. That collection isn't even found on the market because nobody is opening Amazon time capsules any more! Completing the collection offered Phoenix Material.
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Might i say Ursula has some top notch voice acting, even by todays standards