Skill Points: a real issue.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pale Rage, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. Swamarian Committed Player

    I'm sitting at 233 skill points, with a 338-340 CR on my main. So, yeah, some effort, but not a huge amount. Most of it's from early DLC. (I've got almost all of the feats from Lightning Strikes and the Earth DLC, a whole lot less from the rest.) Mostly, I've skipped DLCs by not playing for months to years, at a time. I did some of the Legion stuff, and then took a break until the Halloween event.
    The thing about the game, as it's currently set up, it's really easy to increase your CR. Not only do you have the yearly free CR skip, but most of the open world mission rewards increase your CR. It's really easy to increase your CR 1-2 points/day until you hit the level 280 cap on random gear. Then when we had the mega-time capsule event, I opened something like 5 of them, and that was another hefty boost to my CR (that didn't give me any feats). (I didn't spend cash on the stabilizers. I generally don't use them, and have something like 30 left over.) I got some feats from all this, but not a huge amount. Certainly not in relation to the CR I gained.
    If I was a dedicated player, I'd work out what feats I could get relatively easy, and put the time into knocking them out. However, I'm a filthy casual who barely managed to log in 21 times this month. (Hello free 50 point feat.) I typically log in, do some quick missions, and that's it. I will say that the Omnibus is great for people like me, because it's put me in content that I didn't know existed, and I got some sp just from running stuff I'd never run before.
    So, I think that for the majority of players who aren't dedicated, SP's always going to lag well behind the other methods of progression (CR, artifacts, and allies), with CR being way out in front.
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  2. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Yeah this is a great idea, but yeah, it was to be a single source mark, or maybe it can be coupled with a gear or style box
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not bagging on casuals, but around the time you get worried about 300, 400 or 600 are pretty much not casual anymore is all I'm saying. And yeah, the CR climb is crazy easy....but so are some of the SP. I know people who've played for years and still don't have the races done. I know some are tough, but the novice or introductory? Yeah, those aren't that tough, honestly only the 'pro' ones that require platinum with no movement mode are. There are a lot of low hanging fruit SP that can be picked up along the way without killing you know from having those 233 along your climb. Some people just want to throw their hands up and say 'impossible....let me buy/give me them'!

    And as I was saying before, IF they did make any buyable/given, I'd like to see them just hit the 'top' ones once you reach a certain point vs just giving 'all' from a DLC or feat family like PvP...or give the bottom 'easy' ones leaving the 'top' ones for the grinders to get....but honestly I'd rather none be sold (more than they are today) or given. But I get the argument against that.
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  4. Swamarian Committed Player

    You can be a casual at any time. I've got the rogues kills. I legitimately got the Toyman feat (never again). Thing is, when I got those, I was a lot more into the game. And there's still content that I've never done. I got a skill point from doing the Titans raid over the weekend. It's something that I didn't know existed, and it just came up as an Omniverse raid. I'm sure there are others. I'm just not sure what they are.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but there would be exploits. There are plenty of 50 point feats that require almost no effort. Things like 'Low Battery' in Coast City would be a farming haven, assuming it paid off for just 1 person getting the feat in the group... Just need to bring an army of alts in with 3 fixed toons. 'Quick to Recover' in Necro? 7 people get +50 for hauling a single alt through a 5 min run? Yeah...I'd still pass on Omega and Omega if that kind of pay was out there for a 5 min Necro run.

    I'll do you one better. How about someone can put a bounty on a feat? If I need 'low battery' I can offer up 20-30 source as bounty and if I get the feat it auto pays the rest of the group? This gives those people who want to 'buy' an option to do so, and those that need an incentive without making it exploitable.
  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There needs to be “Feat Helper” feats. It’d be a count feat similar to StU but you get credit towards the next feat tier every time a feat you already have pops for others in your group.

    I know others have said similar or even the exact same thing before and after I ever said it so I’m not claiming credit for the idea. It just needs to happen like yesterday.
  7. Shalayah Committed Player

    I agree. I’ve put crazy smounts of hours into this game and getting some of it’s skill points, and I’ll sit here and say that if I were new. I would most likely quit once I figured out how much SP it truly took to contribute at a decent level in end game content.
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  8. stärnbock Devoted Player

    right. what i meant were the feats coming out since the first TC, while TC feats would have almost half the value of the feats you can earn from the DLC since. granted: they added a ton of feats in FF that gave a better proportion. not sure if accurate, it is just a ballpark estimate of mine. sure: there are ways to get that stuff. playing the broker minigame is sure important and then some quarks are needed too...

    i follow the tactic to leave all collection styles out and wait for the styles to get added to the second chance vendor.

    i mean: if you get 15 pieces for three collections each time, you would at least need to open 45 TC´s, and thats if you would get each time a piece you havent collected allready. when including the two armor styles wich have 16 parts combined, thats a total of 61 and then the two versions of each emblem... thats a lot of TC´s you would need to open. just saying...

    well: i leave out the collections, except there is a rare one to pick and sell the rares on broker. im fine with that solution.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It would be 36, but yeah, if there are 1.5 SP in those 3 collections, it's a chase not really worth having. I don't open a lot of TC, but when I do, I check prices...if I score one of the 'big' collections, I'll save it and see what else I get. Even if you get the top one, selling it can cover the rest of the entire TC sometimes, including 1 of the other collections sometimes. Better to go after the 2 gear sets, emblems and stock the rest for eventual sale to get something else.

    I've gotten almost all my TC stuff (high end) from the broker, personally.
  10. DAnomalous Level 30

    Yes people play the game for the skillpoint system not because of the DC licence :confused:

    And despite that and despite high interest in 2011 and 2012 as you can observe from google trends, that interest has fallen off while other MMOs have improved theirs greatly in that time.

    Success is relative, the launch years most certainly were. After that...

    ESO? I havent played it to be honest.

    Wheres the part about the skillpoints being unlocked by stalling out a boss fight for feats?
    Looks like the most standard RPG stat points system
  11. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Ironic, I have been playing for a decade, and have plenty of sp: my son (16) just started playing a couple weeks ago. He's got the basics of the game down: power rotation for dps, how to tank (not too bad I must say), allies -augments -artifacts (how to level), and how to increase cr. I got on the subject of skill points with him, and he's determined to get some, but he read through most of the feats and asked me, "how am I ever gonna get some of these things?" I couldn't help but giggle a bit, and told him, "you're in for a serious grind if you want to get as high as me, and I'm not even the highest in sp."
  12. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Fair, and really fairly reasonable.
  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Good for you teaching him the basics before worrying about chewing up some Elite runs and 'topping the boards'. I think learning the basics, especially in roles, is how we get good, long term players. Chasing the DPS board gets old (IMHO) unless you like spending money. Tell your son not to worry about those daunting high counts or 'impossible' feats and knock out the ones that just need a bit of co-ordination and a good knowledge of how the feat works. He'll be showing you how it's done in a few months.;) Even some of the grind ones can be chomped off if you make them part of your daily doings...I try not to obsess about where I am exactly if working on those...(on alt accounts, main has most done already).

    Example, when Flashpoint came out there were a ton of groups doing the 'bomb' counts, the 500 'peacemaking' count and knocking ot the generals...all day1. Granted, it's nice to have those things done and out of the way, but if you are going to be down there every day, or a few days a week...why? Does that 1 or 2 SP a month earlier make enough difference that you'll spend the time 'grinding' out the 50 DD count or later, the 50 dox demons? For some maybe...for me, I just knock a few out a week. Just finished the 50 dox demons the other night having never done more than 2 or 3 a visit when I was doing weeklies. I'd rather take that hour or 3 of 'spam' and put it in a different location...getting some marks or working on something else...when it happens.
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  14. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Yes people play the game for the DC licence not because of the skillpoint system :confused: Reversing the positives does not mean they're a negative. That's subjective. Despite high interest in 2011 and 2012 as you can observe from DCUO still active after 10 years, that interest is still strong. What MMO doesn't have a similar grindy system? To get top rewards, you have to beat content on elite modes or you don't get it. DCUO offers more options to get top rewards from solo whole DLC rep grind to one day replay elite raids.

    Eso is a long grind for Champion Points. Skill points come from some cyrstal collections and leveling, similar to level 30 default SPs then the reputation grind which is mandatory for certain abilities. Champion Points augment your character like the extra SPs you get.
  15. JailhouseBat Active Player

    Question: If a brand new player started ESO today what is a good amout of Champion points and how long would it take to get?
  16. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    The new Halo gamepass has the same issues. Specifying an exp beyond the play the game to win has it's limits to general gamplay. That being said, use LFG to setup a group attempting to get the specified Feat in this game is far more doable in DCUO (lesser used platforms and time of day variables aside, that would limit the potential of using LFG for a Feat, older feats obtained by more users lessens the potential of willing participants to an already achieved feat.... join a league of helpful players. good luck with that.).

    Lots of feats are achievable through general gameplay. Some require special completion conditions. Others are from Time Capsules.... I left the game when feats from time capsules happened. F that.

    Came back, got lots of the general gamplay feats in the past year from returning after a 5 year break. I'm still not bothering with Elite content/passing on gaining on new renown factions and the gear SPs from those Feats.... I've got 417 SPs. one character. Villain, USPC. Alts, is not a thought at this point in this game. Alts are extra bank slots. plus i have no time to grind exp for artifacts for alts.

    Seek out the easy feats and you'll be able to handle current content. as long as your a user that can comprehend there are gameplay mechanics that are NOT tank and spank being used in the game. :oops:
  17. metal1ix Well-Known Player

    Far as SP goes.
    -Certain style sets are still locked to roles.
    -some style sets are locked behind a huge paywall of source marks, on top of needing artifacts and allies to boot.
    -PVP related feats are another story altogether. :confused: When you got a double whammy of competitive vibes, going for these feats is just going to bring out one of the most atrocious toxicity spills to date.
  18. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Oh, I'm not hurting for SP, I was voicing that for new players, there's got to be something that help 'motivate' them to get feats or something (somehow).
  19. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I remember doing bounties in a daily rotation, and the paradox demons (I think that's what they were called, you had to kill umteen-million lol). I told him the best way to try to get feats in a group, is look specifically at what feat/s you want, lfg, and que it up.

    I set him up with access to my base to practice dps rotation, and showed him a few places to practice his survival skills at tanking: he's actually got the jist of rage tanking pretty well. Mechanics is something he already looks for (from watching me play in the past). I think he'll stick around. At least he's got a leg up, from me telling him what artifacts to use, how to setup base generator, mods and more. I told him a goal should be, at least 1sp a day.
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  20. DAnomalous Level 30

    Nobody said that there shouldnt be power gained from harder content.

    Most of the time feats arent just from doing harder content (elite mode for example). They're from doing extra things to make fights last longer, or opening a bunch of capsules which will usually come down to being bought with real money.

    There are the occasional feats where you have to avoid a certain attack or something. I think thats fun especially if its solo content, or personal - so if others in your group are hit it doesnt ruin it etc. However even those I think we can have a much better UI and tracking system than opening up feats, looking for the episode, looking through all the scrolling text from the 90s and early 2000s, finding a feat and then closing it and getting on with the fight. Usually people arent waiting for you to do that in qued content anyway.

    So even for the feats that can actually bring some new gameplay that someone might find fun, there can be vast improvements for what someone playing a computer game in 2021 might expect.

    People would do all the feats for fun if they were fun, not just a forced way to get higher stats. So the proud feat hunters would actually lose nothing. You guys could carry on.

    It just wouldnt be alienating the majority of players who still try the game in the current year
