Handling Rude Players?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. Magnificent Loyal Player

    A "snitch"? No... NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


    Anything but that!

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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Toxic isn't relative. Saying someone is a bad player is different from saying, "you $#@9!", Which is what you are asserting. The terms of service says both are toxic.

    Also, I mentioned it in the post above, sorry for misunderstanding your assumption of buying the disc. In context to our conversations, it was easy for me to do so.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    In my league, Thunder Cats Only, we have had quiet a few toxic players come through. It is best to just cut them out of your life for your own sanity. Toxic players we meet randomly in instances as I said before, I will attempt to talk to them and most time it boils down to frustration they feeling so they lash out at the one whom they perceive to be the cause of their frustration.

    Other times the toxic person is just a malicious sot who deserve any chastisement they get if the group doesn’t cower down around them. That’s what gives these bullies their power, take that away from them and crush them!
  4. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Toxicity can be a complicated subject in the real world, but it's not in the game. The TOS provides a framework for what is and is not acceptable, they (DI) are the arbiters of what's considered toxic and what isn't.

    I'm a Gen X'er. I'm not "hurt" nor "feel unsafe" by mean words nor taunts. Buuuuut... this isn't my game so I don't get to make the rules so I abide by them for as long as I want to play the game.

    It's not difficult formula.
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  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    If a player posts something in chat that results in a ban, the fault for that ban rests solely with the player who broke the rules. Period.
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  6. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Exactly. The only thing any specific player has any control over in regards to what gets reported and what doesn't is what they themselves decide to report or not. Whether you or I would make that choice, /ignore them, log off, etc is irrelevant.

    What is considered "toxic" is not determined by any of us, only the DI employee(s) tasked with making that decision.
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  7. MrWood Well-Known Player

    No one said anything bad in that screenshot lmao you and Proxy really showing out for the fourms[/quote]

    Its a hero's work to expose the fake and hypocritical. We showing out, but you just keep getting exposed.
  8. MrWood Well-Known Player

    Could not be more wrong lol. Jesus christ you need to see a shrink my man. Toxic players will never make up the vast majority of anything.
  9. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Handle rude players by ignoring them. I mean honestly are you going to worry about making a complete stranger upset while playing a video game? Then worry that they said something bad to you? Let that stuff roll off your back like water off a duck's back. They really ain't worth all the thought you're putting into it. Handle them by not handling them at all.
  10. Harlequin Devoted Player

    The existence of a filter does not change the rule against offensive language. It just means you can choose not to see it when someone breaks the rule.
    The solution to that issue is to behave yourself. Again, if you post something stupid and get banned, it's your own fault.
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  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Ridiculous is blaming others for the consequences of your own actions.
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  12. Magnificent Loyal Player

    I don't disagree but your point is ultimately irrelevant as neither you nor I have the authority to make those decisions for others nor do we get to determine what is considered "minor". They are going to report what they want to report and if the Devs think it's toxic then they will reprimand as they see fit. We either abide by the rules in place or we face the consequences, there's no more to it than that.

    Determining what others might find offensive enough to report is a slippery slope and the best way to avoid a slippery slope is to simply avoid the slippery slope.
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  13. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    Using your specific example of someone saying "you're bad at the game". Someone can report you. People can report anyone for anything at anytime. But wasting supports time with a ticket/complaint off a comment like that, it won't go the way you seem to fear.

    I'm not sure if it's still the case, I haven't read the ToS or any other legal notice for DCUO for a few years, but at one time abusing the report function could eventually result in action against the reporter.

    Essentially, something like "the mean man said I'm poopy". That's what ignore is for. Minor level interpersonal conflict. Something along the lines of "you (curse word) (curse word) (slur), why don't you go harm yourself....". Report that every single time.

    Are there areas in between? Of course. That's where judgement comes in. As a general rule, if in doubt, don't say. If you wouldn't say it to your Grandma, don't say it. Trying to explain something away as roleplaying or "it was just a joke" is not an excuse for breaking the ToS and being abusively toxic. Before you (meaning everyone) press enter on something you type, read it. Understand it. Decide if it's something that needs to be said. And if it's questionable, take another shot at being a little more diplomatic in the message.
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  14. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Stop. Right there. You don't get to make that decision for others, you can make it only for yourself.
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  15. MrWood Well-Known Player

    Cringe and stay mad.[/quote]

    hahha. Why do you even respond if you have nothing to say? Are you that desperate for attention?
  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Who started it is irrelevant. At least when actual adults talk. You decide how to respond to anything. No one made someone spout off racist, offensive or otherwise abusive comments. If both players want to fill chat with a bunch of toxic content that many parents won't allow their teens to see, then both can get reported and face the consequences. If someone pm's you toxic comments, you can simply ignore, report or walk away. The decision is yours to make, but you'll only have problems if you break the rules yourself.

    If you want to have fun being toxic in your own little group with other adults who enjoy it, that's one reason both league chat and group chat exists.
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  17. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    You have no evidence this is the case. If anything, it's possible removing toxic, trolling and bullying players actually improves the game's new player retention, especially considering the age demographic targeted by comic book characters.
  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Why is nobody discussing false reports made to Customer Service? This happens too. The fear of being falsely accused of something in-game keeps one of my league mates in our league hall or his lair when not in a mission. This kind of fear is real too. Reporting someone over every Willy-Nilly thing is not the answer to combatting toxic behavior.
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  19. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    And there it is, people. He's nothing more than a whale trying to convince the general public that "snitching" is bad thing, when in reality, he is just scared to lose all his stuff because he likes to occasionally cross the line and pretend he is above the ToS.
  20. myandria Item Storage

    Well, if the name calling is hurtful, harassing, derogatory, sexist or racist, for example, then expect to be reported and that report supported. So, name calling is not something to take lightly or to consider a "little" thing.
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