Why the Next DLC is the most Important DLC of All Time…

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrSuperman, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    But someone said they don’t like the clamp. We couldn’t have that. :p
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  2. ixiYSOixi New Player

    He played a game that has had stat clamp since the start yet clamping is something he just can’t understand and accept all of a sudden? For someone so desperate to seek understanding, you’re doing a terrible job at it.
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  3. ixiYSOixi New Player

    Imagine saying this and then doing nothing to keep it on topic.
  4. ixiYSOixi New Player

    It’s a video game. It’s always subject to change. To spend money on it expecting it to stay how you like it is simply stupid.
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If i dont like the feature itself, im not going to like a feature on its merits. Im not going to dislike a feature based on my progression when the feature is implemented over its merits of adding it in.
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  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Maybe they liked having one clamped MMO and one unclamped? Maybe they think clamping is a better fit for FF 14 because it’s a different game with different combat? There’s a hundred possible reasons.
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  7. ixiYSOixi New Player

    It’s not a solo game yet here you are crying about how you can’t crush a raid all by yourself and leave newer players in the dust. This comment couldn’t be any more pointless from you.
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    EP 42 will be an important release because of the changes and strife brought on by Ep 41. Every new episode is important just as Ep. 43 will be in the future. Due to the nature of the way things are now as clearly evident in this thread makes EP. 42 all the more important for the success of the game. Hopefully Ep. 42 will bring about a reunification of the player base as we are very divided at the moment.
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  9. ixiYSOixi New Player

    Next time, say my name. You don’t have to be afraid. “New fake account” yet I’ve had it since 2017. Don’t try to speak peace and unity when you’re doing exactly what you’re trying to preach against.
  10. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    Because DCUO has changed considerably over the years? Because it's not identical to the game it was 10 years ago? Because every game on the market changes to suit the market? Because some things work and some don't, and a game that refuses to innovate and change with the times will just die off? Because change is life? I don't know, why IS this so hard for people to understand?
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  11. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    True, but that doesn’t mean that they have to like it.
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  12. ixiYSOixi New Player

    If the game stayed the same like they wanted then they would be crying about it’s dying and it’s stale. Now it’s changed too much and the game is a failure after they introduce change.
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  13. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Throws hands up in the air, waves them like he no longer cares. Cuz I don't. This whole forum needs a ban. Everyone take 2 weeks off, I'm gonna. Hopefully some bugs fixed by then.
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  14. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Imagine coming here to cry about people crying about the game.

    When you start paying other people's bills you get to control how other people play and what they're unhappy about or are forced to accept. Until then, have a seat.

    You sound suspiciously a lot like SW or P... maybe the D. Coincidence?! :rolleyes:
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  15. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Maybe because mmos do change, and I don't think many people on the forums understand that too well either, js:cool:
  16. ixiYSOixi New Player

    Imagine trying to look mature while literally doing what you’re using as an insult. Every reply you make reminds me of Patrick Star from Spongebob. I don’t need to control what you’re forced to accept because like it or not you have to accept the new way the game is or leave. You crying about it doesn’t change your options.
  17. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Word salad.

    You're still upset we got marks back in endgame -- an indicator that things don't have to be accepted as they are. Mepps even replied to someone yesterday telling them to stop telling others to voice their opinions.

    Sit down.
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    What people want is the impossible. Why do I say the impossible? Because they want that feeling we all had when DCUO was brand spanking new. That feeling after the game recovered from bad updates and the hack and they went "free to play" and the game settled into a certain groove. People want that feeling from 2011 to 2014 or so. They want early game PvP. They want brand new powers NOW, and on a regular basis. They want new features and new environments every single Episode...without any delays. They want a brand new game, on a brand new engine.

    I'm not saying wanting those things are "bad" or anything like that. It's just a little much that people are setting Pluto high expectations on the next episode...they are guaranteeing it to be a disappointment. I suspect that people are just giving themselves an advanced justification to drop their subs and stop playing when the next episode drops. They want to do it now, but something is keeping them from pulling the trigger right now. So instead they're setting up planetary high expectations that we all know won't be met so that they can "feel" justified in just walking away. Funny thing is, only a few people will walk away...as usual...and they'll be right here with the usual moaning and groaning.
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    DCUO has been changing the game play every year in its 10 year run. And at EVERY change there has been people grumbling about those changes. Some accepted it and continued on, others didn't an moved on, and then there were the "ghosts" that stopped playing (or paying) but stuck around the forums until some changes occurred to bring them back in. This game has not been the way it used to be LONG before Episode 41. Why is this change so dramatically different???

    The only thing they really took away by adding the clamp is Easy Mode feats (feats gained by overgearing as opposed to cooperative skills). In exchange they have removed CR relevancy and put in full rewards in all of its ten years of content, and included new chase items. They've given reasons to go back to the older content beyond direct feats. I get it...this change is a shock to the system, and it's quite a big one. Thing is, it's not meant to be punitive. They're not maliciously trying to take things away from people. However, they can't just give us everything they have while simultaneously allowing us to trivialize the content. And at the same time, they needed to do something about the player experience where people would just blaze into content and shut other players out of their own experiences. All of these things are tied together. Yeah, these things should have been done much sooner, but what can you do?

    This is a big change...and it's gonna take a while to adjust to it. This is the period for it.
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  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I have read way too many threads on these forums where people constantly compare this game to others and want features that other games have in this one. So seeing this comment is kind of hilarious.
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