Up-Votes Needed Can't Complete A.R.G.U.S. On Duty Journal Mission

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Gothkid1972, Aug 25, 2021.

  1. OrionPax21 New Player

    So I was stuck on the On Duty mission not completing after finishing a solo, now that mission is completely gone and Steve Trevor no longer has it. Several days of not being able to unlock daily solos on multiple characters now.
  2. Dagyr Doom Level 30

    Easy fix don't open the box at all.
    Or if you already have opened it. Then try logging out with that character* and then exit game completely and relaunch...Do not Switch characters.*
    Not sure what to do if the above fix doesn't work. It worked for 1 of my characters.
    My only advice is if my easy fix doesn't work.
    Maybe get old school and delete game completely and do a fresh clean install.
    Honestly I hope my easy fix works for you though because the other option = P.I.T.A.
    Good luck Bubba! :cool:
  3. Dagyr Doom Level 30

    Yeah sorry about all the edits in the post above this 1.
    It seems I'm having a big fat sausage finger fumble stumble regroup type of night and well...I blame the bourbon!

  4. BatmanFromEarth88 New Player

    The little questline you get as a tutorial from Rip,"Argus on Duty", will not complete although I've done exactly what it asked; it says to use solo quickplay but when I finish it doesn't complete this quest. The Main Story thing has me really confused; I'm a recently returned player and just hit cr 87 on a toon; the game isnt giving me story updates kike it used to; For example, I can go to the area from War of Light I and other places around that cr, but the game isnt giving me any Main Story updates like "go to Gotham Wastelands" or anything right now. Really don't like trying to keep track when the game should direct me to the next available DLC open world and its queued content. What is going on??
  5. BatmanFromEarth88 New Player

    Like isnt Central City supposed to be a area the game lets you know you can do? By time I decided to check for myself i passed the needed cr basically
  6. OrionPax21 New Player

    So its been several days now, and I still can't find anything about requirements for unlocking these Missions. I went through the HOL intro quest line on my 3 lvl 30 characters. On my main, I got to the On Duty Mission from Steve Trevor, completed the Solo run, and was then able to do the Daily Solo/Duo and Weekly Alerts/Raids. On my other 2 lvl 30's, once I got to the On Duty Mission to complete a Solo/Duo, the Mission wouldn't complete after the runs (I tried multiple times on each character, over the course of a few days). Then upon logging in yesterday, the Mission was gone from my Journal on both characters, with no indication it had been completed and it's not available from Steve Trevor any longer, and neither character has the Omnibus Missions unlocked.

    Are there other requirements a character needs to meet before unlocking the Daily/Weeklies? These other 2 characters are much lower CR (both in the 60's as opposed to the 320's on my main), but I can't find any info. I've tried everything I can think of, and at this point it just seems like both characters are either missing some invisible requirement, or are just completely bugged and locked out of the Mission progression. I'm on PS4, if that matters.
  7. BatmanFromEarth88 New Player

    Could really use a reply here from a staff member. Am I not supposed to get any actual story updates like we used to as we rose through CR? If so, how do I reliably track where I am in the story if my Journal isnt telling me to do any content? Only thing I really have is go to Kahndaq which shouldnt stop my log from updating.
  8. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    The daily rewards timer is on a 24 hour timer and does not reset when its suppose to. If I remember correctly this was a bug and was suppose to reset after daily server restarts. Just reminding as this is a big inconvenience for players like myself who work different shifts at work depending on what they need. I'm sure others are inconvenienced as well by this but I understand again it's a bug so here's the bug report.
    • Like x 3
  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We have identified the issue and it should be fixed very soon.
    • Like x 4
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Do we think it will go into affect to catch the 1st reset? Was the reboot/reset time ironed out?
  11. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Update. When I went in today, I got a message on one that said: Metal Part II: Small Treasure Box has expired. Apparently, the loot window never popped up for me and so the instance never was completed? If it were once on one character, I'd figure I'd done something wrong, but on two in a row, and I've been playing for eons?
  12. BatmanFromEarth88 New Player

    Still cant do any story, cr 95 or something atm. Where is the support here?
  13. TRIXTA00001 Well-Known Player

    The new daily rewards aren't granting the nth metal?
  14. Multiverse Creator League

    Also on PC instead of having 2 bonus days... there was only 1 bonus day.

    The week would start with day 0 with no rewards. Then the 5 days.... then 1 Bonus day.

    So we got 20 Fate token short on PC compared to PS.
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  15. OrionPax21 New Player

    So I just unlocked the Daily/Weeklies perfectly fine on a fresh lvl 30 character. My other 2 characters still don't have any of the Missions related to unlocking this. Getting kind of frustrating having 2 characters locked out of Daily missions and rewards because of a bug going on a week now.
  16. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Last update. Okay, so I had my friend put us in to a Duo. We had some odd mixed results. I got the follow up missions to talk to Tempus and then the Arbiter via a kiosk (I also got those before). He did not. This time, Steve had nothing over his head. It was if we never ran the duo. For these two characters, it was their first time doing the assist Argus quest. So it started with that (Listen to Steve, Go into a solo or duo), and when we left the Duo, we both had the new 3 quests for Solo/Duo, Alert, Raid.

    So it seems like the first time through doesn't count for anything. Still confusing since he got rewards the first night we tried this, and I got a reward the first time through using a solo. Seems messed up for a first run with a Duo.
  17. BatmanFromEarth88 New Player

    Where is the support? Cancelling my new sub at this rate.
  18. Gothkid1972 New Player

    This...my current Main had the mission for a few days...no matter what I did it wouldnt complete...now its completely gone from this character and Steve Trevor wont talk/give missions to him.

    Im on PC
  19. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    Until it's fixed, what time is the change happening? It would be easier to figure out when I need to log in if I know when the daily rewards reset.
  20. BatmanFromEarth88 New Player