How much do you care about stat points in this era of dcuo?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by gemii, Feb 27, 2020.

  1. AV Loyal Player

    The attitude that Regular is easy?

    Edit: No one cares about Regular-mode SP. Most people are there for quick & easy marks either after they've capped renown or because they don't care about or aren't pursuing renown. It is, very much, like you can just walk into any raid's Regular mode and do fine as long as at least a few people in the group are remotely competent.
  2. kingxkhaos Well-Known Player

    • Warning: The DCUO forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.
    I've played since day 1, I test and make loadouts, you've probably used mine over the years. I just came back from a break, getting my toons back up, but yes, I run elite. Not troll, I was looking at your guides, you're not maxing damage and the loadouts are sub par at best, especially the Hardlight loadouts. No, more SP above maxing might and power will not make you preform better in elite content as a DPS player, any thoughts otherwise are simply wrong. Even if you max might and power, then max health, you'd only be gaining 10k health, plus 10%. On a DPS, that's not going to make the difference as in most cases the DPS will die to a 1 shot. Is 10k health on a DPS going to make it not a 1 shot? No. The OP isn't wrong, the OP is right, and the smug uneducated response is what made me quote you.
  3. AV Loyal Player

    • Warning: The DCUO forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.
    Except... that's not the topic of this thread so, yes, epic, next-level, completely off-topic troll. Take it to the guide thread if you've got beef. And no, I've never used any of your loadouts, jfc XD You may wanna actually get used to the many changes the game's gone through before letting your epeen do the talking for you. Testing/making loadouts back in the day is not helpful to the current meta and things that performed well before don't necessarily perform as well now. Neither your nor my "day 1" experience is of any use now.

    Except it's 20-30k Health and no, you don't "die in one shot," you laugh off anything that isn't a mechanical one-shot. Kindly **** until you get back up to speed, thank you.
  4. hoaxone Committed Player

    Since I started playing again, I seriously havent thought of this. That's actually a great idea.
  5. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    There's 2 types of people. The type that knows SP will always matter to an extent. The people who always deny it. I quit PVE 4 years ago when ice was "king". Yet I always beat them with sorcery and fire. There was always a reason I was an OP troll, tank, heal . Now maybe artifacts closes that gap now adays, but if you both have equal artifacts. The SP will indeed make a difference.

    As for me. I still PVP no matter how broken it is. And i can tell you SP matter in arenas still. So they still matter to me.

    That's also not to say SP brackets shouldn't be updated. I see the biggest argument is, well after you max the tree you want. It goes in to something you don't need like health, and that's true. So it should be updated eventually so you can put more in precision, might, resto, etc
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    SP only become more largely negligble for DPS role than support, there is plenty to be gained in getting your SP up when playing support and honestly if you're complaining about SP not mattering and all you're ever doing is playing DPS then I'd probably recommend you stop just playing half the game and start playing support too.

    With that being said artifacts are of course equally so if not statistically more important in DCUOs current environment than SP, whether or not you see that as a problem probably is a matter of personal opinion.

    A serious player however likely strives to have everything as high as possible.

    Do i think there could be improvements to SPs however, of course.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Actually the main thing people do is outgear the content then come back for the SP
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  8. BSEison Well-Known Player

    I'm not a hard core gamer and "try" to play any game for fun. There comes a point where a lot of the feats aren't fun they are work, and I usually just skip stuff like that and try to focus on whatever I enjoy doing in the game.
  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Pretty much don't care at all. Have solo healed end game elite with barely over 200sp. Haven't even maxed out my restoration tree. If I was a tank, then yeah they're a lot more helpful. But since my arts are all over 180, guess I don't really need them as a healer.
    And everyone needs to stop the argument that you cant buy skill point. Yes, you can. Very easily. TC's, source marks to get styles, hell I even got 8sp for my main from using replay badges to buy some that came with the cr skip. And really, sp don't imply skill. They mostly imply that you ran the same event over and over and over, turned a cog 760 times, or picked up 14 dead starfish. Wow, such skill lol.
    Make it so there's like a max of 50sp that actually take skill to get like no death elite feats or beat an alert with no downs 1st try and I'll chase them. Otherwise whatever happens naturally is enough for me
  10. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I don't care about them at all.

    See.. I'm firmly in the idea that I want to progress and I want it to be fun. SP in DCUO on the other hand has feats that are absolutely atrocious that I dislike doing.

    • All of LPVE. Play X Character X amount of times. Etc.
    • Toyman Missions.
    • Styles that aren't easily accessible... I'm looking at you Tech-Ninja, Snake, and Etc.
    • All Time Capsules and their feats. I've explained how these are impossible to complete before they pop another 2-3 time capsules, won't go into detail about that again.
    • Exobyte Gathering Feats.
    The list goes on. Now, I'm sure there'll be somebody who'll say "Oh but you have these feats" Yes, but I only got a lot of these because the CR skip granted them.
    Otherwise they wouldn't be underneath my belt at all.
    This is what I did. A lot of feats I got during the AM era because I didn't care to wait it out to do "Solo missions 500 times" through overtime as It's intended, I just destroyed a tier 1 instance at a high combat rating and farmed it. And for some of the older feats like the FOS 3 ones "Medic!" was also more beneficial for me to do and come back to destroy it.
    Honestly, there's no reason to debate how somebody got their SP in my book. As long as you have it, you have it.
    If your one of those guys who did all that LPVE farming then by all means, it's yours; doesn't mean I'll torture myself to do the same since LPVE is very tedious.
  11. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Jumping around the beautiful city late at night after running through some ish talkers in PvP was always a fun past time for me. It was therapeutic for me: memorizing a route, doing laps and seeing how many nodes I could grab efficiently while listening to music.

    In my mind I wasnt chasing feats, I was having fun just playing the game and grabbing some nodes in between queues.

    But then yea.....the Eye of Gemini came and SP arent as important lolol.
  12. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I no longer play the game but thought my input could still add something to the discussion as I did have one of the highest SP counts on EU. I never cared for how SP improved my stats or performance. Yes, it was a nice bonus and I enjoyed having maximum stats, but I chased down feats for their enjoyment. If SP wasn't even a thing but feats were then I would have still been going for every single one of them.
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  13. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    this is my general outlook on sp. yeah, they help a bit, but that's not the main reason I go after them. I go after them because I enjoy going after them. same reason I do the collections / briefings / investigations. I don't care about the rewards. I just like doing them. & I seem to do ok.